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51 minutes ago, Vapor said:


Emi, you are so storming cool I might explode.

Vapor if you explode, who will be the best person here? :(

Edited by Ookla the Dragon
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Next is @Ookla the Scandalous. Can you believe you were my fourth Shardbuddy? You're so talented and it was awesome to meet you, I hope we can do it again sometime soon! Cloud thinks you're amazing, too. She wants to come and meet you as soon as possible. I love chatting with you even if when I first met you I was annoyed at your attitude. :)

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I've decided that I'm doing two each day instead because I'm bored!

Next is @Ookla the Sly. Wow, it's been a while since we first met! Let me just say that you are awesome and I love your RP character, Fox! She's like the opposite of you(in personality) and I love the contrast. It's a shame that we haven't been spending time around each other as much, but I'm glad we're Shardbuddies!

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21 hours ago, Ookla the Grammatical said:

I've decided that I'm doing two each day instead because I'm bored!

Next is @Ookla the Sly. Wow, it's been a while since we first met! Let me just say that you are awesome and I love your RP character, Fox! She's like the opposite of you(in personality) and I love the contrast. It's a shame that we haven't been spending time around each other as much, but I'm glad we're Shardbuddies!

Thanks! Interesting story about the creation of Fox, actually. So, when I created Fox (or the fox, at the time), I wanted to make an embodiment of me, which is why I joined the fellowship. I was going to introduce her into the Alleyverse actually, but I ended up with the Shadow, who is definitely not the embodiment of me at all. So I joined the fellowship instead with Fox. It turns out that who I thought I was at that time really wasn't accurate, and so the Fox has become really the embodiment of all my darkest thoughts, fears, and depressions. I don't think I was ever as dark as she was, but it sure felt like it at the time. The reason I really like Fox, and the reason that it will be awhile before I give her up, is because she is sort of a symbol for me of a mind demon defeated. Someone I used to be, a place that I came out of.

@Ookla the Scandalous Wow, where do I start? It feels like just yesterday I happened upon this, what to the cool kids call it, this forum. When I knew nobody and everyone was so scary and knowledgable about Sanderson. Meeting you and realizing how much we had in common made me feel comfortable and relaxed, and I feel like it's just gotten better from there. You are one of my best friends, I have loved getting to know you. 

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On 12/15/2020 at 10:03 AM, Ookla the Grammatical said:

Next is @Ookla the Scandalous. Can you believe you were my fourth Shardbuddy? You're so talented and it was awesome to meet you, I hope we can do it again sometime soon! Cloud thinks you're amazing, too. She wants to come and meet you as soon as possible. I love chatting with you even if when I first met you I was annoyed at your attitude. :)

ahhh thank you!!! you were my first shardbuddy, and you're so fun to talk to :) 

I want to meet cloud too! (as long as your parents are ok with it of course)

5 hours ago, Ookla the Hemalurgic Pinto said:

@Ookla the Scandalous you’re the ultimate bro, bro!

so you finally admit it












4 hours ago, Ookla the Sly said:

@Ookla the Scandalous Wow, where do I start? It feels like just yesterday I happened upon this, what to the cool kids call it, this forum. When I knew nobody and everyone was so scary and knowledgable about Sanderson. Meeting you and realizing how much we had in common made me feel comfortable and relaxed, and I feel like it's just gotten better from there. You are one of my best friends, I have loved getting to know you. 

ahhhhh tysm!!! you've been a great friend to me and it's so fun to talk to you. Thank you for letting me vent to you :P

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@Ookla the Mistiosa, my amazing, responsible, and also slightly salty sister. You're so cool, I look up to you! And I'm so glad you got me to join the Shard, I have never once regretted it. Happy holidays!

@Nathrangking, your RPing is amazing. I love your walls of text, they're always gloriously written and give me much joy! You're also awesome to chat with and have crazy conversations with, I can't wait to get to know you even better!

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11 minutes ago, Ookla the Grammatical said:

@Nathrangking, your RPing is amazing. I love your walls of text, they're always gloriously written and give me much joy! You're also awesome to chat with and have crazy conversations with, I can't wait to get to know you even better!

*Flourishing bow.* I do merely what I can which is often far from enough. Your skills should be the subject of legends. I too look forward to continuing to learn both from and of you.

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12 hours ago, Ookla the Scandalous said:

ahhh thank you!!! you were my first shardbuddy, and you're so fun to talk to :) 

I want to meet cloud too! (as long as your parents are ok with it of course)

It just so happens that she asked to meet sharders in person or online for Christmas, and I'm her Secret Sibling. *looks around mischievously*

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13 hours ago, Ookla the Scandalous said:

ahhh thank you!!! you were my first shardbuddy, and you're so fun to talk to :) 

*totally didn't miss this* Thank you!

12 hours ago, Nathrangking said:

*Flourishing bow.* I do merely what I can which is often far from enough. Your skills should be the subject of legends. I too look forward to continuing to learn both from and of you.

And Nath, you go far past enough.

Today I'm going to split them up: one in the morning, one in the evening.

Hey, @Ookla's Dice is next! Mat, you're so awesome. I'm glad I can do both SE and RP with you, and I'm so glad you're one of my first Shardbuddies! You have been an amazing friend to have on 17th Shard, and I'm so glad you're sticking around! :P

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15 minutes ago, Ookla the Grammatical said:

Hey, @Ookla's Dice is next! Mat, you're so awesome. I'm glad I can do both SE and RP with you, and I'm so glad you're one of my first Shardbuddies! You have been an amazing friend to have on 17th Shard, and I'm so glad you're sticking around! :P

Hey thanks!!! I'm definitely sticking around for as long as I can. This community is amazing! This thread shows that. 

Guess while I'm here... @Hentient, you're really fun to talk to, and don't post on the Shard enough! Thanks for being awesome!

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And today's evening candidate is @Ookla of Truthshapers!

Truth, I know we don't see each other as much as we used to, but I still consider you a great friend of mine! You're totally cool and I think it's amazing how you deal with being on while most everyone else is off. Good job! :)

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While I'm technically not 'new here' I haven't been active on the shard since I made my account, so I don't have any close friends here yet. Still, I would like to compliment @Ookla the Channelknight and @Chasmgoat on their comedic prowess. I will also compliment sharders in general for being so wholesome, intelligent, and interesting. We can be putting our heads together on one thread, theorizing about surgebinding or what the title of the next Stormlight book will be, then jump over to another thread about silly character ships. I am so proud of this community.

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@Ookla the Editor! I'm still in awe of you, it's odd to me that we're Shardbuddies! You're an awesome mod, but that doesn't define you. You're also so many other things, like an awesome RPer, really friendly, and stern when you have to be! If I were you, I wouldn't change a thing.

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1 hour ago, Ookla the Channelknight said:

@Ookla the Channelknight, I'm afraid I have nothing to compliment about you.


Your perspective is obviously skewed.

@Ookla the Eternal, you're next! I haven't hung around much with you, but I can tell that you're an amazing Sharder! I love your memes, they always make me laugh!

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