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The Fellowship of the Thing - I'm bored. Let's mess around! (Retired)

Channelknight Fadran

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34 minutes ago, Condensation said:

Herate quickly follows, matching Fadran's pace. "So, I've been thinking about what we should do once we get there. Obviously we need to scout it out, but I think it's best if eventually I go out alone. He won't be expecting you to be with me, so keeping the Fellowship hidden is probably best until we need to fight. That is, if we do need to fight."

"I can scout from a distance, maybe clear a path for you to get in," Martin offers.  That doesn't seem like it'll start triggering anything.  "I... ah, don't misunderstand me, but do we have a scram plan for if it goes wrong?"  If it comes down to that, he'll... do what he has to.  Out of all of them, he's likely the best to go that route.  And better they know what he's capable of now then think he's a... nice person.  

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1 hour ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Off we go." Fadran started off towards the castle.

34 minutes ago, Condensation said:

Herate quickly follows, matching Fadran's pace. "So, I've been thinking about what we should do once we get there. Obviously we need to scout it out, but I think it's best if eventually I go out alone. He won't be expecting you to be with me, so keeping the Fellowship hidden is probably best until we need to fight. That is, if we do need to fight."

I exit the tent a glow appearing in my eyes. I walk behind Herate and Fadran slowly bending light around us. While we will still be visible now the task of seeing us will be much harder. From within the distortion will be barely noticeable. I ignore the thing within which longs to hunt again. By my will the winds begin to slowly cover over any tracks that we may make.


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8 hours ago, Condensation said:

Herate quickly follows, matching Fadran's pace. "So, I've been thinking about what we should do once we get there. Obviously we need to scout it out, but I think it's best if eventually I go out alone. He won't be expecting you to be with me, so keeping the Fellowship hidden is probably best until we need to fight. That is, if we do need to fight."

"I agree."

7 hours ago, Spren of Kindness said:

"I can scout from a distance, maybe clear a path for you to get in," Martin offers.  That doesn't seem like it'll start triggering anything.  "I... ah, don't misunderstand me, but do we have a scram plan for if it goes wrong?"  If it comes down to that, he'll... do what he has to.  Out of all of them, he's likely the best to go that route.  And better they know what he's capable of now then think he's a... nice person.  

"You just said the scram plan: scram."

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13 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

But Fox is quite literally an uncultured swine



Simply because one is uncultured does not mean that their vocabulary is non-existent. Especially in this case, for it is in Fox's nature to subconsciously imitate the way that people around her speak. Because Nath is more formal, she is more formal. Remember Korin? You underestimate her abilities to perceive culture, she just doesn't choose to participate in it unless it benefits her.

Besides, I am practically an uncultured swine as well, and I use words such as mustn't.

9 hours ago, Nathrangking said:

I exit the tent a glow appearing in my eyes. I walk behind Herate and Fadran slowly bending light around us. While we will still be visible now the task of seeing us will be much harder. From within the distortion will be barely noticeable. I ignore the thing within which longs to hunt again. By my will the winds begin to slowly cover over any tracks that we may make.

Fox followed closely behind Nath, going into stealth mode.

Edited by Scarletfox
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4 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Fadran sighs. "Should we even bother with the whole 'we're not leaving you behind' thing?"

"Nope, because that's the plan now."


Someone want to help us get there? I don't know really what to do here. Oh, and we'll need xino.


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As they approached the edge of the forest, Herate grew more nervous until she couldn't hold it back. "Hold on, guys. I need to do something." She quickly stamped herself with a stamp she'd been keeping on hand and quickly climbed a tree. It offered a better view, but she couldn't see anyone outside the castle. Hareon climbed back down and sighed. "They're not outside of the castle. They're probably going to try to make me go inside."

Edited by Condensation
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Wind blinked, how long had he lost focus this time? A couple of years a millennium? He searched for the group he had been with before and found them close by, good it hadn’t been more than a couple of days. He shifted his presence and appeared beside the group, “What did I miss? What’s happening?”

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1 minute ago, Condensation said:

"I think Herate needs to go up to that castle. You should probably all stay here just in case she needs help," whispered Hareon.

"Are you sure she shouldn't take one of us with her?"


I'm still on


Edited by Channelknight Fadran
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