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The Fellowship of the Thing - I'm bored. Let's mess around! (Retired)

Channelknight Fadran

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1 minute ago, HoidWasTaken said:

"I mean," Taken the Lightspren said, "I'm no cryptic or anything, but you did ask if you could bring another person, as in one other person..."

"Yes, but you're not a person. You're an idea. No offense."

Edited by Condensation
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16 minutes ago, Condensation said:

Herate jogged down the hill to the others. "I need someone to come with me. He's proposing we continue inside, and he says Daolan will be there while we discuss."

@Channelknight Fadran @Spren of Kindness @Wind @HoidWasTaken (anyone else?)


What happened to me?

"I will come as well. This king respects trickery. I have more than a few tricks to offer."

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2 hours ago, Condensation said:

Herate jogged down the hill to the others. "I need someone to come with me. He's proposing we continue inside, and he says Daolan will be there while we discuss."

@Channelknight Fadran @Spren of Kindness @Wind @HoidWasTaken (anyone else?)

"I'll go," Martin says slowly.  "This stinks of a trap, and I'd rather be in it and know how to get out of it then be outside and not have the information on it.

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57 minutes ago, Condensation said:

"You can't all come. I told him I'd bring one person. I can't show up with half of the Fellowship."


I had made a post about warping the light around our group, but no worries.


I turn to Fox quirk an eyebrow and then wordlessly turn back. "We won't all go decide who you will take and we will do our part to get you out if necessary."

Circestran is stony faced and silent.

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35 minutes ago, Condensation said:

"I believe Martin is the logical choice because Wyrn likely won't know of him. He'll just assume that Martin is a new recruit. That is, if you're all right with that."

@Spren of Kindness

"That's fine with me," Martin says.  "Anything I should know about Wyrn?"

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3 minutes ago, Spren of Kindness said:

"I see.  I guess I should have clarified that.  What is he likely to try, if anything?  What should I be looking for?"

"He's a pretty big fan of poison, be careful what you eat. Don't say anything with a loophole. I can't think of anything more."

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1 minute ago, Condensation said:

"He's a pretty big fan of poison, be careful what you eat. Don't say anything with a loophole. I can't think of anything more."

"Lovely.  Well, that won't be hard.  Are we going in now?"  He unties the spare shirt around his shoulders and stuffs it into his bag.

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