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The Fellowship of the Thing - I'm bored. Let's mess around! (Retired)

Channelknight Fadran

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13 minutes ago, DramaQueen said:

Do you know who the certain someone is?


Likely not, but RPing with Fadran and yourself=Epic!

13 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

"My name is Marethyu and it is a name and a title. It means death." As Wizard stands up his aura flashes briefly into view, midnight black. Wizard briefly appears to be a piercing blue-eyed young man with blond hair with a hook in place of his left hand.

I nod. "I sensed odd power about you. Now it makes sense." He slips into the ancient language that spawns death deities. "The darkness and cold it is not always so. Many misunderstand to their detriment."

11 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Generally, if you forget a name, it's up to whoever to give it a new one." Fadran took off his hat to scratch his head. "For example, nobody told me what this hat's name was. When I asked, they looked at me like I was an idiot. So I named it Lox." He gestured to the staff. "So, if you ever wanted a more descriptive title, then go ahead and name it."

"Wizard is a binary term. Either one is or one isn't." Fadran finger-gunned him. "And you, sir, are is. Thou art a wizard. Let it be set in stone."

"Does that mean that you cause death, you are death, or you are dead?" Fadran scratched his chin. "I'd rather you be none of those things, in fact. There's been way too much of it in my time."

 He sighs.

9 minutes ago, Zephrun's Imperium said:

Tamika rolled her eyes at the shows of power. She was content to sit by, thank you very much. 

He notices the powerful one who rolls her eyes, but says nothing.

Edited by Nathrangking
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1 minute ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

"I was on the road before I was even born being led by myself onto the path and I have saved many lives by doing what I have done." Replies Wizard in the language of Danu Talis.

"It is the hardest thing following a path that seems inevitable. Few can accept it and fewer still have the hindsight to make it meaningful. How many millenia it has been since the person with whom I converse in this tongue was not a god out for my blood."

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16 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Generally, if you forget a name, it's up to whoever to give it a new one." Fadran took off his hat to scratch his head. "For example, nobody told me what this hat's name was. When I asked, they looked at me like I was an idiot. So I named it Lox." He gestured to the staff. "So, if you ever wanted a more descriptive title, then go ahead and name it."

22 minutes ago, Nathrangking said:

"Oh. If so, then... I guess that the Staff of Life is a good name. There aren't many staffs with that name, right?" He hesitates. "I can also call it Hovlim, if 'the Staff of Life' is already caught."

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Can I play Tom? Is that legal? *looks around* I see no objections.

Tamika started zoning out. Her gaze drifted to her arms, and she began picking at herself, reopening scabs from earlier picking. The moment Tom realized what she was doing, he gently took her delicate hand with his rough carpenter fingers. 


She looked up into his deep brown eyes, his voice snapping her out of her reverie. His bushy brows expressed such concern that she had to look away, ashamed of herself. She laid her head on his great chest, and he held her, rubbing her back, surveying the group suspiciously.

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Bryson raised his eyebrows. Now that was interesting! He'd have to talk to Wizard later. Preferably not in whatever dead language he was speaking in now.


Pun intended


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1 hour ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

"I was on the road before I was even born being led by myself onto the path and I have saved many lives by doing what I have done." Replies Wizard in the language of Danu Talis.

Fadran didn't quite catch all the semantics of that, but he got the gist. "Fair enough."

57 minutes ago, Trutharchivist said:

"Oh. If so, then... I guess that the Staff of Life is a good name. There aren't many staffs with that name, right?" He hesitates. "I can also call it Hovlim, if 'the Staff of Life' is already caught."

"...I was going to suggest something like 'Kirsten," but that works too."

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13 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Reincarnation loops, soft realmatics, metaphor..." He shrugged. "About ninety percent, I should think."

He sighs. " Careful kid your youth is showing."

11 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

"So not too much, alright anyone that wants to come I can lead us to the nearest shadowrealm and from there we will cross from realm to realm until we reach our target realm." Replied Wizard.

"Journeying through the shadows and the dark is always an adventure. Show us the way." He draws his light into himself. A sinuous longsword of light appears in Nath's hand, vanishes, appears in his other hand and jumps back. Raw power flows off him and he does little to hide the nature of his power. The air warps around him. His gaze peers into the spaces between realms. In the distance a pure songs flows and grows ever closer.

Edited by Nathrangking
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14 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

"My name is Marethyu and it is a name and a title. It means death." As Wizard stands up his aura flashes briefly into view, midnight black. Wizard briefly appears to be a piercing blue-eyed young man with blond hair with a hook in place of his left hand.


Seriously, wizard? the secrets of the immortal nicholas flammel?

 The Quarkbeast Quarked, signifying it was the Quartkbeast, the only one of its Quarky kind.




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I would like to join this. Sorry if I'm coming in too late. Let me know if there's anything that I need to do to join more officially.

Another inter-dimensional magic user appeared. He was a young man in a blue tunic and deep blue cloak. He wore blue spectacles and held a wooden staff with a silvery dragon ornament curled around a spherical gemstone at the top.

"I would like to join this group," he said. " I know this is a little sudden, but... interesting things are going to happen here, and I want to witness them."

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27 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Another inter-dimensional magic user appeared. He was a young man in a blue tunic and deep blue cloak. He wore blue spectacles and held a wooden staff with a silvery dragon ornament curled around a spherical gemstone at the top.

"I would like to join this group," he said. " I know this is a little sudden, but... interesting things are going to happen here, and I want to witness them."

Trutharchivist gestured at the newcomer. "See? Lots of people have staffs." He turned toward him. "Hello and welcome. I am Trutharchivist, keeper of the Staff of Life. And you are?"

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6 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

"We are glad to welcome you into our group as we will need all the help we can get in freeing the humans from the elders." 


Wait. Are we going to the world of the Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel? Huh.


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