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The Fellowship of the Thing - I'm bored. Let's mess around! (Retired)

Channelknight Fadran

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Nath begins to hum an old song. Nay to call it old is to tell the most reprehensible of lies. Its ancient melody was old when primordial beings were birthed. It shakes the mountains to their hearts and holds the seas firm. The depths remember the vaguest of melodies. It is beautiful and vibrant yet stately and cold. Each refrain rises to the heights and never falls.


I am doing my best to live up to the hype around my posts. How am I doing?


Edited by Nathrangking
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15 minutes ago, Nathrangking said:

Nath begins to hum an old song. Nay to call it old is to tell the most reprehensible of lies. It's ancient melody was old when primordial beings were birthed. It shakes the mountains to their hearts and holds the seas firm. The depths remember the vaguest of melodies. It is beautiful and vibrant yet stately and cold. Each refrain rises to the heights and never falls.


Trutharchivist nearly found himself trying to hum with this... Warrior god person, but found that he couldn't. He watched with awe as the etchings on his staff moved in match to the rhythm of it, many patterns moving through it.


I, personally, think it's great, though I didn't read back all your previous posts. Though (don't read this if criticism might ruin things for you)


The lack of punctuation in some points just stands out too me. A bit too much so, perhaps. It's just that I'm so used to correctly punctuate my messages that I expect other people to do the same, so it's probably just me.



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31 minutes ago, Nathrangking said:

Nath begins to hum an old song. Nay to call it old is to tell the most reprehensible of lies. It's ancient melody was old when primordial beings were birthed. It shakes the mountains to their hearts and holds the seas firm. The depths remember the vaguest of melodies. It is beautiful and vibrant yet stately and cold. Each refrain rises to the heights and never falls.


The Quarkbeast quarked in surprise that someone knew the ancient song, which lived within his core. It eyed Nath with a sudden wariness, then shrugged it off with its customary cheerfulness. It watched the soundwaves, wondering if it could eat them.

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7 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

"Mostly Quarkbeast, as the range of death goes to about 20-0% depending on the experience of the person awakening and the purity of the aura."

"As Nathrangking said we need to get moving to a safer location if I were to even attempt to awaken you."

Echo Four hesitated. "I don't think I have an aura- I'm not alive. Really, I just need to know what to look for."

1 hour ago, Nathrangking said:

Nath begins to hum an old song. Nay to call it old is to tell the most reprehensible of lies. Its ancient melody was old when primordial beings were birthed. It shakes the mountains to their hearts and holds the seas firm. The depths remember the vaguest of melodies. It is beautiful and vibrant yet stately and cold. Each refrain rises to the heights and never falls.


Echo Six began to harmonize. His tune swung back and forth between joy and sorrow, anticipation and reflection, repeating in quick succession but never exactly the same twice.

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1 hour ago, Zephrun's Imperium said:

"I tried that," Tamika said sourly. "After an existence like mine, settling down is not enough. And that's another thing I don't advise; marrying immortals. They tend to be as restless as they are prideful; stubborn as an ass and bitter as lemon."

"Are you capable of dying?"

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3 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Baum baum baum baum baum




A breeze carries the haunting power of the melody around us. The soft caressing breeze fused with the sound that rose from a place beyond mortal comprehension. Nath floats his eyes closed and the song grew within him spilling out. Magic filled the music now infusing the world with a feeling not felt for an eon of eons. Power wove its way into the very soul of creation. Everything in him went into the most sublime piece ever conceived by the language of creation. Peace, war, life, death, destiny, and freedom were all there at one time. The power reached for something unseen and unimaginable.

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6 minutes ago, Nathrangking said:

A breeze carries the haunting power of the melody around us. The soft caressing breeze fused with the sound that rose from a place beyond mortal comprehension. Nath floats his eyes closed and the song grew within him spilling out. Magic filled the music now infusing the world with a feeling not felt for an eon of eons. Power wove its way into the very soul of creation. Everything in him went into the most sublime piece ever conceived by the language of creation. Peace, war, life, death, destiny, and freedom were all there at one time. The power reached for something unseen and unimaginable.

Echo six stopped singing abruptly.

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10 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Fadran took off his hat and twirled it down into a deep bow. "Sir Channelknight Fadran--Silverblade, Highmaster, Paladin, Scholar, and Professional Nuisance--at your service. But you can just call me Fadran."

No wonder he seems like the leader; he's the weirdest out of them all.

"Nice to meet you." Journey nodded curtly.

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6 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Fadran took off his hat and twirled it down into a deep bow. "Sir Channelknight Fadran--Silverblade, Highmaster, Paladin, Scholar, and Professional Nuisance--at your service. But you can just call me Fadran."

Trutharchivist happened to hear that, and realized he actually never heard this man introduce himself. He found himself... Somewhat envious. It resembled the way he'd have liked to introduce himself.

He cleaned his mind quickly, though. The Staff of Life was already acting erratically - it sometimes had, in the presence of music, but never that much - and every thought, every feeling he had affected it. Letting the balance die was... Somewhat dangerous. He looked at his hand. The fur that seemed to have grown on it seemed to backtrack... For now.

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2 hours ago, Nathrangking said:

Nath begins to hum an old song. Nay to call it old is to tell the most reprehensible of lies. Its ancient melody was old when primordial beings were birthed. It shakes the mountains to their hearts and holds the seas firm. The depths remember the vaguest of melodies. It is beautiful and vibrant yet stately and cold. Each refrain rises to the heights and never falls.


Wizard hums along to the tune. It had been, what a few centuries? No it had been a couple millennia since he had heard such a song.

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Oh no. No. No, no no. If it depends on me in any way (which it doesn't) I refuse to let TLT invade here (feel free to, though. I have no ownership over this thread).

I mean, random chaos can be nice when organized relatively well, but TLT... Well, I think it played a part in why I've run from the Insanity Clinic RP. If a crossover becomes real - and this isn't a threat, I'm just plainly saying it - I'll leave the game.

I'm sorry for derailing here, I just... Don't really want to redo what I've done in Insanity Clinic.


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