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The Fellowship of the Thing - I'm bored. Let's mess around! (Retired)

Channelknight Fadran

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25 minutes ago, Condensation said:

Herate bit her lip. "Okay. A truce. We can work together, but we will learn the intricacies of each other's forces and weaknesses. Don't try to keep secrets from me and I will do the same for you."

Wyrn raised an eyebrow. "You agree that easily? After years of fighting?"

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1 minute ago, xinoehp512 said:

Wyrn raised an eyebrow. "You agree that easily? After years of fighting?"

"If this is as dire as you say, then we have to work together. I'm also planning to demand some things. First, that you'll release all of our troops to us. That includes Daolan. Second, that you'll promise not to request or steal any information that you don't need right at that moment. Third, you can't demand anything from us. You came to us, and while I'm thankful for the warning, I still don't trust you."

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30 minutes ago, Condensation said:

"If this is as dire as you say, then we have to work together. I'm also planning to demand some things. First, that you'll release all of our troops to us. That includes Daolan. Second, that you'll promise not to request or steal any information that you don't need right at that moment. Third, you can't demand anything from us. You came to us, and while I'm thankful for the warning, I still don't trust you."

"Daughter, I do not think you understand." The Wyrn steepled his fingers. "You have resisted my attempts to unify the world for years, hindering and frustrating me at every stroke. It is who have championed unity and pushed this empire to the corners of the globe, preparing us for this day. Now why, when even you can see the folly of rebellion, do you think you have any right to make demands of me? 

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18 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

"Daughter, I do not think you understand." The Wyrn steepled his fingers. "You have resisted my attempts to unify the world for years, hindering and frustrating me at every stroke. It is who have championed unity and pushed this empire to the corners of the globe, preparing us for this day. Now why, when even you can see the folly of rebellion, do you think you have any right to make demands of me? 

"This rebellion is not folly. People have the right to choose as they will, and you're forcing them to choose your way for personal gain. My demands stand, no matter how much you falsely claim to champion unity."

17 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Most of us are back at the camp. And her name is Queen; I'm not actually sure if she's a monarch over anything."

"Oh, that would make a little more sense. The camp? Where's that?"

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23 minutes ago, Condensation said:

"This rebellion is not folly. People have the right to choose as they will, and you're forcing them to choose your way for personal gain. My demands stand, no matter how much you falsely claim to champion unity."

The Wyrn snorted. "You said, 'We have to work together,' did you not? You understand how foolish it would be to continue your vendetta against me now, correct?"

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4 minutes ago, Condensation said:

"I'm perfectly willing to and capable of fighting on my own. If we need to we can hide. I won't attack you while there are still these nightmares to be dealt with, but I don't need your help."

"Hide?" said the Wyrn. "You can't hide forever, daughter."

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13 minutes ago, Condensation said:

"Neither can you. I've made steps toward stepping out, have you?"

"Why would I need to?" asked the Wyrn. "I'm not the one who's hiding. Nor am I the one proposing doing so in the future. You saw what happened to the people who hid."

Above, the silver flames still burned.

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12 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

"Why would I need to?" asked the Wyrn. "I'm not the one who's hiding. Nor am I the one proposing doing so in the future. You saw what happened to the people who hid."

Above, the silver flames still burned.

"All I'm saying is that I - and my army - don't need you. You're the one who wants to work together."

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"You don't need me to - what? Fight?" The Wyrn snorted. "Not everyone is as talented as you are, daughter. Your soldiers will die if they try and fight these creatures. Would you condemn them to that for the sake of pride?" 

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12 minutes ago, Condensation said:

"You said that this one is one of the weakest. That implies variety, which means that not all will have the same... talents as this one. With the proper preparation, I can figure out how to defeat or capture each one."

Wyrn chuckled slightly. "Your abilities- extensive though they may be- are only of this world. These creatures will not play by your rules. You would be lucky to survive an encounter with even one of these creatures, let alone defeat every single one."

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On 11/20/2020 at 3:23 PM, Vapor said:

Vapor reaches out again, trying to enforce her barrier, and senses something. A feeling that seems to make the water fall. She gently pushes against the void, trying to push it out of the way. Her power seems to fill the emptiness, so she continues to cram the force with her power.

The waters rush ever onward. An unknowable force rapidly begins to pull on the power pulling it in at an unnatural speed. It consumes with a ravenous hunger that seem insatiable.

23 hours ago, Condensation said:

Andante looked around, curious. "I thought there would be more of you. And apparently a queen of some kind."

I step forward after having quietly observed the scene playing out before me. "How many of us were you expecting? Why would you expect us at all." 

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4 minutes ago, Nathrangking said:

I step forward after having quietly observed the scene playing out before me. "How many of us were you expecting? Why would you expect us at all." 

"Ayia told me you could help us. Well, Ashley at least. Then I was curious. I don't know how many I was expecting, but certainly enough to make basically an army."

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