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Call to adventure: stormlight edition


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I believe this is not a thread yet and this is in the right place

what is everyone’s thoughts on the stormlight archive call to adventure? I know its a bit early since it was very recently made and received by people that preordered. 

I thought it was a great game by itself as well as having nice references to the book. I was very glad that the game box looked like a book, as well as being the rough thickness of a Brandon Sanderson book. I liked the art done for sure. It really gave the looks of Roshar and it’s magics.  I also liked the small detail of having different broams and marks in each of the playing mats. It did have some big spoilers for the books, unlike the name of the wind edition, which was slightly problematic for those of my family who didn’t read WoR or OB yet. 

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4 hours ago, earthexile said:

It looks really cool, but I'm talking myself out of buying it because it really seems too complex for my typical gaming group. If there's a solitaire way to play it though...

Haven't tried it out yet, but the booklet does say you can play solo

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5 hours ago, earthexile said:

It looks really cool, but I'm talking myself out of buying it because it really seems too complex for my typical gaming group. If there's a solitaire way to play it though...

It is fairly simple to play once the info is taken in, and it comes in competitive, co-op, and solo. Now it can take up to 2 hours if you play a full four person group with slower players, but it’s very enjoyable.

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4 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

It is fairly simple to play once the info is taken in, and it comes in competitive, co-op, and solo. Now it can take up to 2 hours if you play a full four person group with slower players, but it’s very enjoyable.

Solo? Do you play against the game itself or just go through the motions until you've met the objectives?

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22 minutes ago, Watchcry said:

Solo? Do you play against the game itself or just go through the motions until you've met the objectives?

You fight against the game; there’s a co-op mode, and I believe solo is just that but alone, which some tweaks. You try to defeat odium in co-op or solo play.

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I got my game the other day and I have to say I’ve played 4 times so far and only after the games did I realize we messed up the rules each time. It’s pretty complex, but fun. The art is amazing though. 

Edited by Sirscott13
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I'm waiting for now. I don't have the money and I'm assuming the deluxe edition is sold out anyway.

A few months from now though, in the second print I may be able to get it. I have the original and though I have only been able to play a few games, it's my favorite board game.

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I'm curious to see where this game goes with expansions. Will there be an expansion for each of the new books? Or will there be one for books four and five? Honestly it's be happy with the game even if there were no expansions, but given the extra room in the box it seems like they are planning on them and that makes me excited as well.

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I just got my copy last night, and after doing a few solid read throughs of the rules, I have a two questions.

In co-op mode, with the adversary quest "Contest of Champions" there is the option for players to choose to side with Odium. What happens if every single player decides to join Odium?

Also, I could not find anywhere in the rules that anyone who has the "Odium's Champion" destiny card, MUST side with Odium if given the chance. 

Does this mean that theoretically, you could play a game where three knights radiant choose to side with Odium, and Odium's own champion is the only one who has to try to fight him at the end? Cause if that could happen, that is just plain hilarious.

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On 18/7/2020 at 6:45 PM, Nellac said:

I'm curious to see where this game goes with expansions. Will there be an expansion for each of the new books? Or will there be one for books four and five? Honestly it's be happy with the game even if there were no expansions, but given the extra room in the box it seems like they are planning on them and that makes me excited as well.

Would be great, but I wouldn't count on it. This game was supposed to be an expansion for one thing. Also, I think the extra space is so the cards fit if you use the sleeves. Hope I'm wrong though, I would love to see even more Stormlight cards.

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On 7/23/2020 at 5:03 PM, Eluvianii said:

Would be great, but I wouldn't count on it. This game was supposed to be an expansion for one thing. Also, I think the extra space is so the cards fit if you use the sleeves. Hope I'm wrong though, I would love to see even more Stormlight cards.

Actually, this is not an expansion like the name of the wind call to adventure. It works just fine by itself. I honestly hope there is more expansions though. You could also house rule that odiums champion has to side with odium.

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The art is absolutely beautiful. However, I have to say the rules aren't that well written. I spent a good amount of time reading and rereading them and it is just very confusing. As soon as I started playing the actual game itself it started to come together and the game doesn't seem wildly complex. Just a confusing rulebook.

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7 minutes ago, GudThymes said:

The art is absolutely beautiful. However, I have to say the rules aren't that well written. I spent a good amount of time reading and rereading them and it is just very confusing. As soon as I started playing the actual game itself it started to come together and the game doesn't seem wildly complex. Just a confusing rulebook.

Oh yeah. It is definitely convoluted. And I’m fairly sure this is actually shorter than the origins call to adventure rulebook.

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3 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

Actually, this is not an expansion like the name of the wind call to adventure. It works just fine by itself. I honestly hope there is more expansions though. You could also house rule that odiums champion has to side with odium.

Oh I know, but it was planned as an expansion at first, so most likely there weren't any more cards planned. Again, they may take this opportunity to make expansions for the Stormlight edition (which would be a lot of extra work considering they already plan to release several more for the original), but I still think it's too soon to get our hopes up.

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10 hours ago, Eluvianii said:

Oh I know, but it was planned as an expansion at first, so most likely there weren't any more cards planned. Again, they may take this opportunity to make expansions for the Stormlight edition (which would be a lot of extra work considering they already plan to release several more for the original), but I still think it's too soon to get our hopes up.

Ah. I didn’t know this! This is a good wisdom.

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