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On 1/15/2022 at 11:09 PM, #1 Taln Fan said:

If you were a boat, what kind of boat would you be?

Prolly a sailboat just cuz I really like the vibe and they're just so quaint and cute and idk. Like they aren't really all that cool, but you see one and you're like "oh my gosh it's a sailboat that's so cool"

On 1/17/2022 at 10:42 AM, Szeth_Pancakes said:

How many legs do you have, and why?

However many I need because it'd be inconvenient to have more

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13 hours ago, Experience said:

Thoughts on les mis?

I'm actually going to be in Les Mis this August, so thoughts are pretty darn positive on that show!! It's one of the more popular ones outside of the theatre community (aka a "gateway" musical, since it can let people through the gate of theatre), which is great, but also why is it so popular?


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2 hours ago, DramaQueen said:


I'm actually going to be in Les Mis this August, so thoughts are pretty darn positive on that show!! It's one of the more popular ones outside of the theatre community (aka a "gateway" musical, since it can let people through the gate of theatre), which is great, but also why is it so popular?


probably because very well done

book is also really good

who are you going to be?

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7 minutes ago, Experience said:

probably because very well done

book is also really good

who are you going to be?

It is very well-done, but so are a bunch of musicals that aren't half as popular as Les Mis, Wicked, or Hamilton.

I haven't read the book...

I'm Worker Girl 3 :))

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2 minutes ago, DramaQueen said:

It is very well-done, but so are a bunch of musicals that aren't half as popular as Les Mis, Wicked, or Hamilton.

I haven't read the book...

I'm Worker Girl 3 :))

Who knows then

you should, but it is a long read

Is that around when fantine stuff happens?

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Book: uhhhhh that's a hard one. I don't think I have a single favorite book. I really liked Elantris.... Also Once Upon a Marigold is really really cute.

Food: Zuppa Toscana

Snack: probably Pringles? Ooh or those cheese dipper things. Or cheese and crackers. Or string cheese. Or fruit. Or fruit snacks. Honestly, I just really like snack foods in general.

Color: blue! The color of my hat :)

Movie: uhhhhhhh maybe Wall-E? Or Up. Or Castle in the Sky. Something cute, for sure.

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After finishing a bowl of cereal, do you: a. Add more cereal without adding milk, b. Add cereal AND milk, c. Add milk and then add cereal, d. Drink the milk, or e. Other?

Given the choice between living in a fantasy worlds of your choosing or living in this world, which world will you choose? (If a fantasy world, please answer which.)

Do you often find yourself humming or singing songs from musical you're currently rehearsing? 

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Man I don't eat cereal often enough for these questions. Ummm. I think I add more cereal without adding milk if I add anything. Or if I'm done, I just take it to the sink.

If Fadran could live near me in the fantasy world, then that. And prolly the fantasy world we're creating together :ph34r:. If I'm going alone, I'd rather stay here with the people I love.

Yes. All the time. Hello Dolly songs are CONSTANTLY stuck in my head currently.

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See an SU that imma post soonish. Well, either that or Donkey in Shrek or Chip in Beauty and the Beast.

Ummm...... Imma be kinda vague. Either nature or love or like...a desire for adventure.

Chocolate chip cookie dough cuz I like cookie dough.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Cat breeds: Russian blue, calico, chartreux those orange cats, and also black cats are really pretty.

Dog breeds: Australian Shepherd, shih tzu, uhh idk I like biggish dogs cuz you can use them as a pillow but not too big cuz then they just don't fit anywhere and they have to be kind of energetic but not crazy (golden retrievers can be too much lol) and they have to be good with kids.....

(I don't know many specific breeds, if you can't tell.)

I love your cats they look very sweet :))

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