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Ask Fadran Anything

Channelknight Fadran

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*Looks up some examples 'cause there ain't one off the top of my head*

I'm not a huge fan of prophecies. They're usually all "either the Chosen One or the Dark Lord will be destroyed at the end" which is like... yeah. Duh. If someone's predicting the future then I like it to be a lot more set and nonnegotiable. Like the Ancient Greek oracles, or all the stuff that happened in Ted Chiang's writings. Honestly, something that did this well was actually Ninjago (which is not something I ever though I'd be saying). The prophecy said that the Green Ninja was destined to destroy Garmadon, and when Garmadon's tryna bond with Lloyd he kind of accepts that there is no winning here.

Also the Secret Heir trope, which is a term I've only just learned. It's basically how the protagonist--a rando in the middle of nowhere, dragged into the story for no reason whatsoever--is somehow the chosen one or the son of an ancient king. I'm fine if you have reasoning behind it; like, for example, Luke Skywalker. Obi-Wan Kenobi had been waiting nearby for years for Luke to be ready to become a Jedi. Rey, on the other hand, was an absolute nobody who became a jedi kinda all on her own--which is fine, I guess. But then she was just randomly Emperor Palpatine's granddaughter! Why? How?

Also also the whole "imma tell you my evil plan then leave you here to escape unsupervised bwahahaha!" Like... come on.

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52 minutes ago, CryoZenith said:

Do you usually drop fiction books if the plot is bad/uninteresting to you, or does the worldbuilding/character building being good enough give you enough fuel to keep going?

Depends. I've dropped a few then picked them back up. I'm not super picky, but sometimes I'm in more of a read-y mood than other. I wasn't liking Dune much when I first started reading it, then picked it up when the movie was gonna come out soon and just absolutely breezed through it.

42 minutes ago, #1 Taln Fan said:

What’s your favorite thread on the Shard?

How do you know Drama Queen? 

Uhhh... that's a toughie. I'm a roleplayer, so in there either Fellowship or Zvso. Also Synnie updates her art thread a lot, so that's a good one too.

We met on the Shard, both got big ol' crushes on each other, went into denial for a long time (it's a stranger on the  i n t e r n e t !), then eventually met up irl. Ever since we've been a thing :)

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  • 3 months later...
6 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Uhhh... whichever one's shortest.

(Singing hymns is not high on my list of favorite activities)

You make me sad.

Hymns are so good.

Edited by Frustration
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1 hour ago, Liahona said:

Favorite thwackable experience?

There is context here that I am missing.

45 minutes ago, EmulatonStromenkiin said:

where can I get ahold of a Quantum Spacial  Disrupter?

Not here.



38 minutes ago, Tani said:

What's your opinion on trees?


Queedran had their first kiss in one.

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1 minute ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

There is context here that I am missing.

Just now, The Wandering Wizard said:

@Liahona do you mean thwacks like in the Wingfeather saga and how Podo Helmer is always thwacking thwacks?

Thwackable, in this context, literally means a situation you wish you could thwack, a situation you wanted to or did thwack someone in, or a situation where someone wanted to thwack you or succeeded in doing so.


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1 hour ago, Liahona said:

Thwackable, in this context, literally means a situation you wish you could thwack, a situation you wanted to or did thwack someone in, or a situation where someone wanted to thwack you or succeeded in doing so.


Well... there was that one time my brother fake-punched me in the face but ended up smashing my head into the wall like the Hulk.


Me: that... was... AWESOME

1 hour ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Also Fadran what is your favorite math equation?

...I don't want to say E=MC^2, 'cause that one's so cliche, but... like...

...E=MC^2, man.

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Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:

Well... there was that one time my brother fake-punched me in the face but ended up smashing my head into the wall like the Hulk.


Me: that... was... AWESOME

Hey my brother did something similar to me one time. Except I wasn't close enough to a wall to be smashed into it, so he just punched me in the face.

Oh I gotta ask you a question now, huh?

Hmmm..... What's your favorite breed of bunny? Lemme know if you want multiple choice.

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