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Kaladin and Kelsier similarities


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tread carefully; there contains spoilers for both the whole of the stormlight archive and mistborn ahead.


I thought of this a while ago, mainly thinking that their names are fairly similar. But there is a lot more than I thought.

they are both slaves that are natural leaders that survived what was believed impossible.

they both have scars that are integral to their identity 

they both create a group of people that share The same Magical capabilities They have

They both have close allies of another race that are perceived by others as untrustworthy 

they are both one of the few people that have done extensive traversing of the cognitive realm

some of these apply to one more than the other and I don’t think it has much significance within world, but I like to draw the connections. I’m sure I missed something as well, so feel free to add on.


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25 minutes ago, nbozb said:

They both weren't a fan of people in power (Kelsier with the nobles and Kaladin with the lighteyes). 

Understating it a bit. Kelsier would never knowingly work for any noble. A Kelsier born on Roshar and sold as a slave after being betrayed by a lighteyed commander would be leading a resistance movement of lower Nahn darkeyes in a class/racial uprising. The closest he’d get to any Kholin would be slitting one’s throat.

The nearest Rosharan main cast comparison to Kelsier is Moash, ironically enough. Moash has, of course, far too little charisma to be the magnificent bastard Kel is.

Edited by MyrmidonOfAchilles
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27 minutes ago, Kuram said:

Very different people though.  Pretty sure Brandon has said Kelsier would have liked Kaladin, but Kaladin would not have liked Kelsier (though Kelsier also would've been fine with that).

To complete the picture, I'd say Kelsier likes Kelsier, and Kaladin doesn't like Kaladin.

I think nuances could be made and evidence to the contrary could be presented, but as a general rule, Kaladin is an incredibly harsh self-critic (hating himself for not saving everyone, even though he already went far above and beyond) whereas catastrophes have to happen before Kelsier starts to realize that maybe he was reckless. Both kind of need external voices to fight their tendencies (Dockson, Sazed, Marsh or Vin, for Kelsier; Syl, Bridge 4 members, Wit, Adolin, etc. for Kaladin).

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you have to try hard to force similarities. 

slaves? Kelsier was a prisoner. 

scars? Kaladins could go away if he wanted. the reasons they have them are very different too. 

following? so had Roadin. so has Kenton. its regular main cast stuff. Kelsier has a cult. Kaladin doesn't. 

magic? well thats the magic system. not them. 

cognitive realm? one went there as a human. the other as a cognitive shadow. its also nothing unique. 


sorry I don't see it. the characters are so vastly different. 

even though they are both mentally ill their illnesses are so different from each other that not even that could be considered a similarity. 


Edited by trav
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