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Curiosity Killed The Cat


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On 11/11/2020 at 7:48 PM, Bearer of all agonies said:

What’s your favorite thread?

Do you still *wins* ?

Do you like books?

  1. You already asked this one (see just above your post)
  2. We can't anymore! I would love to start doing it again though.
  3. Yes!! Easily in my top 3 things!
15 hours ago, AonEne said:

Who's your favorite HPMOR character?

Idk. Plus, this is a really spoilery question. :P
Also, it's just difficult to decide on a favorite character, there are so many things you can like about them and it just can't be distilled into a simple ranking. But some of my favorite characters are (in no particular order): Dumbledore, Mad-eye Moody, HPJEV, McGonagall, Tom Morfin Riddle, David Munroe, Quirinus Quirrel, Hermione, Neville, etc. etc.

2 hours ago, The One Ring said:

Why am I here?

Why aren’t you online as often?(no wait, don’t answer to that one, I think I already know the answer)

What subject do you hate the most?(and what do you like the most)

Why did you join the Shard?

  1. I don't know
  2. I actually got a lot more active on the Discord, and the Shard just seems like a lot more work.
  3. Uh... languages(especially writing) please don't kill me. I love Maths though. And Physics. Also, Computer Science.
  4. Well, I discovered Sanderson in around 2019 July read all of his books I could get my hands on in around 3 months, obsessed over them alone for like seven months and then joined the Shard in May 2020. ( I just had a bunch of hypothesis and questions and I wanted to discuss them, I did not expect the people to be honest)
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  • 2 months later...

Why are you so freaking awesome? 

Do your wear glasses all the time or just to read? 

Favorite flavor of ice cream? 

This isn't a question but I reread this thread to see what's already been asked and David Munroe is totally going to randomly come in and deus ex machina everyone in the climax. I think QQ is just QQ (with the extra soul tacked onto the back of his head) (okay honestly I have almost no ideas or theories on him) (WAIT WHAT IF DAVID IS MR. HAT) 

Does Sirius Black show up in HPMOR? 

Would you rather be a Radiant or Mistborn? Full Feruchemist or Mistborn? Fullborn or all Radiant orders? 

What Misting would you be? 
Radiant order? 
Turtles or tortoises? 
Sand master or Aviar owner? 
Axehound puppy or larkin? 


What's your favorite fairy tale? 

What rep title are you most excited to get? 

Psychology or sociology? 

What do you like about computer science? 

What's your favorite math theorem? 

The second grade/year question we all must answer, who is your icon? 

Favorite number? 

What’s your favorite fruit in the alphabet? 

How many colors are in the letter A? 


What dog breed would you want to be? 
Thing That Lives Underwater? 
Big Cat? (like lion, tiger, etc.) 

Have you read the Reckoners? 


Favorite line in RoW? 

Favorite line in Dawnshard? 

Who is the best Herald? 

Who is the best Herlad? 

Are you a rebel, rogue, revolter, rioter, Rioter, or reviser? 

What truths do you shape? 

*squeeing noises*? 

*gay panic noises*? 

What's the account of that tumblr AI you like that says interesting things? 

What is your favorite type of juice? 

Hmmm or mmmm? 

Do you ever get that feeling of slight tightness in like your chest and the bottom of your throat because you're holding back "eee" and grinning like a moron because agh romance? 

I'm being a dork, will you be a dork with me? 

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37 minutes ago, AonEne said:

Why are you so freaking awesome? 

Do your wear glasses all the time or just to read? 

Favorite flavor of ice cream? 

This isn't a question but I reread this thread to see what's already been asked and David Munroe is totally going to randomly come in and deus ex machina everyone in the climax. I think QQ is just QQ (with the extra soul tacked onto the back of his head) (okay honestly I have almost no ideas or theories on him) (WAIT WHAT IF DAVID IS MR. HAT) 

Does Sirius Black show up in HPMOR? 

Would you rather be a Radiant or Mistborn? Full Feruchemist or Mistborn? Fullborn or all Radiant orders? 

What Misting would you be? 
Radiant order? 
Turtles or tortoises? 
Sand master or Aviar owner? 
Axehound puppy or larkin? 


What's your favorite fairy tale? 

What rep title are you most excited to get? 

Psychology or sociology? 

What do you like about computer science? 

What's your favorite math theorem? 

The second grade/year question we all must answer, who is your icon? 

Favorite number? 

What’s your favorite fruit in the alphabet? 

How many colors are in the letter A? 


What dog breed would you want to be? 
Thing That Lives Underwater? 
Big Cat? (like lion, tiger, etc.) 

Have you read the Reckoners? 

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Favorite line in RoW? 

Favorite line in Dawnshard? 

Who is the best Herald? 

Who is the best Herlad? 

Are you a rebel, rogue, revolter, rioter, Rioter, or reviser? 

What truths do you shape? 

*squeeing noises*? 

*gay panic noises*? 

What's the account of that tumblr AI you like that says interesting things? 

What is your favorite type of juice? 

Hmmm or mmmm? 

Do you ever get that feeling of slight tightness in like your chest and the bottom of your throat because you're holding back "eee" and grinning like a moron because agh romance? 

I'm being a dork, will you be a dork with me? 

'Cause as your girlfriend, I am legally *required* to be awesome

All the time, I can see alright without them, but not if I have to read something written anywhere (Like, I can't read things written farther away)

Hmm ice cream, ice cream, various flavours of chocolate are always nice, and I used to really like Honey and Nut for sometime, I wonder if I'll still like it.


Maybe he does, maybe he does not.

Hmm, Truthwatcher maybe, healing and illusions would be sweet, even though I would love to fly. I want to become a full feruchemist simply 'cause I am curious about what all the Spiritual metals do, also I could share my powers with people! Hmm, there's also F-Zinc! Mistborn loses again I think. Oh Fullborn wins this one hands down, compounding Zinc is essentially instant godhood.

Steel for certain. None of the others have much ethical utility outside combat (Except Tin, I guess). The temporal metals are fairly boring, and I want to soar on the clouds with you.
While you could use F-Iron to fly, assuming Khriss was right in saying that momentum is conserved, F-Zinc is simply too overpowered for me to pass on it.
By the philosophy, I most vibe with Truthwatchers, Dustbringer or Willshapers, though I do think I didn't get a very high score for Dustbringer. As for powers... Bondsmith is attractive simply because Connections seems to be the underlying mechanism behind all Investiture, Not that I could ever become a Bondsmith I'll probably take Truthwatcher still, you should be able to do cool stuff with Illumination, and it's less likely that I'll destroy the world.
You tell me Ene, how can I choose between these two??
eba3a94bbd16061563b758d8e9270291.jpg         hqdefault.jpg
Both are cute!!!
Aviar owner definitely. Pet birb!
Larkin, is doggo but flying!

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :wub: :wub: :wub:

Hmmmm, fairy tale.... Most of them are just okay, honestly, though you can spin out good stuff using their aesthetics.

Let's seeeee,.... idk? None of them seem to have anything I could project upon, unlike, eg, artifabrian.

Psychology. I think you've asked me this before :P

I like the challenge, the puzzle. When you have an idea of how to do stuff but you have to distill the idea into how the computer should implement it. Also, it's aesthetically and functionally the closest thing we have to magic right now, so... of course.

e^iπ + 1 = 0, is the most beautiful of course. But honestly, the favorite keeps changing. The favorite just happens to be whatever theorem I've not completely internalized, but also understood why it is true, so that it seems deliciously counterintuitive.

Hmm, many people, I would say. I tend to borrow traits from here and there, and while sometimes I really look up to someone after having read something about them, it isn't like stable.

6 7 42


As many as there are letters in the color red. No, wait.....

I love you

Golden Retriever? Labrador? Idk, something fuzzy and cute.
Peregrine Falcon. I want S P E E D.
Octopus. Smart, camouflage, eyes which are not built inside out.
Panther, maybe? the sleeeek

Mhm, yes I have. You are much better than a potato in a minefield.


I do not believe this would cause you actual harm

"An imperfect solution for an imperfect world"

Honestly though, while all of them are awesome, the only feeling I get about Heralds is pity

A rebel certainly. Rogue, revolter, and rioter are too violent. Rioter too morally iffy. And I greatly dislike revising :P

The truths of computers and of books, those made of beauty and those which make up beauty.

*squeeees in return*

*gay panics with you*

This one: https://nostalgebraist-autoresponder.tumblr.com/

All juice is good. I love juice.

Hmm for questions, mmm for contentment.

Yeah, I get the tight feeling but then a sort of vibration throught my body and aaaaaah romance


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25 minutes ago, theTruthshaper said:

Steel for certain. The temporal metals are fairly boring, and I want to soar on the clouds with you.
eba3a94bbd16061563b758d8e9270291.jpg         hqdefault.jpg

Psychology. I think you've asked me this before :P

Golden Retriever? Labrador? Idk, something fuzzy and cute.
Peregrine Falcon. I want S P E E D.
Octopus. Smart, camouflage, eyes which are not built inside out.
Panther, maybe? the sleeeek

Mhm, yes I have. You are much better than a potato in a minefield.

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I do not believe this would cause you actual harm

Rioter too morally iffy. And I greatly dislike revising :P


:wub: I can show you the woooooooorld 

Oh my gosh the smol things :wub: 

Wait crap have I? I didn't think I had, maybe it was in a DM, my bad :P

Yes, goldens are so cute! S P E E D! and delicious sleekness 

And you're better than a sunrise :D 


ojdewifneroivlnherljvnwlvnewljvwlvwnj aaaaaaaaaaaaah Hoid 

When you wake up, can you tell me why you think Rioters are morally iffy? I mean, manipulating emotions, yeah, but more so than other powers? (GESP revising is fun though {jk, I know everyone hates it lol}) 


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5 hours ago, AonEne said:

When you wake up, can you tell me why you think Rioters are morally iffy? I mean, manipulating emotions, yeah, but more so than other powers? (GESP revising is fun though {jk, I know everyone hates it lol})

I mean, I do not see why, e.g. Steelpushing would be morally iffy? Rioters have an inherent power imbalance, which is even worse if the other person doesn't know about them.

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28 minutes ago, theTruthshaper said:

I mean, I do not see why, e.g. Steelpushing would be morally iffy? Rioters have an inherent power imbalance, which is even worse if the other person doesn't know about them.

I'm less saying that other Allomantic watch me almost type alloromantic sksskjsjkph powers are morally iffy and more that I don't think Rioting is; there are power imbalances inherent in just about everything, it's what you do with them that matters, imo. If I can manipulate someone's emotions with words and actions, the only real difference with using Allomancy is that I can be slightly more sure I'm going to get the result I want. Basically what Breeze said, lol

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2 minutes ago, AonEne said:

I'm less saying that other Allomantic watch me almost type alloromantic sksskjsjkph powers are morally iffy and more that I don't think Rioting is; there are power imbalances inherent in just about everything, it's what you do with them that matters, imo. If I can manipulate someone's emotions with words and actions, the only real difference with using Allomancy is that I can be slightly more sure I'm going to get the result I want. Basically what Breeze said, lol

I mean, to me, this seems almost exactly analogous to drugging someone with a mood altering substance without their permission. Why do you think this is different than that?

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11 minutes ago, theTruthshaper said:

I mean, to me, this seems almost exactly analogous to drugging someone with a mood altering substance without their permission. Why do you think this is different than that?

...because it's not harming them in any way, just changing a factor of their being? Like if you do it and hurt them, that's not okay to me. But just like everyday interactions? I don't have much of a problem with it.

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4 minutes ago, AonEne said:

...because it's not harming them in any way, just changing a factor of their being? Like if you do it and hurt them, that's not okay to me. But just like everyday interactions? I don't have much of a problem with it.

Hmm, so would you say that giving people mood-altering substances without their permission is okay, if you do not harm them aside from that?

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17 minutes ago, theTruthshaper said:

Hmm, so would you say that giving people mood-altering substances without their permission is okay, if you do not harm them aside from that?

I don't know that you can do that without harming them, but theoretically potentially yes.

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16 hours ago, theTruthshaper said:

Hmm, can you give an example for this?

An example of giving them mood-altering substances without their permission and without harming them, or an example of Soothing/Rioting someone without their permission without harming them? 

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4 hours ago, AonEne said:

An example of giving them mood-altering substances without their permission and without harming them, or an example of Soothing/Rioting someone without their permission without harming them? 

An example of mood altering substances. I mean, the main problem is that there are all sorts of problems about consent, aren't there?

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13 hours ago, theTruthshaper said:

An example of mood altering substances. I mean, the main problem is that there are all sorts of problems about consent, aren't there?

Definitely. But like for example if someone is depressed enough to take their life, and is given antidepressants. 

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