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3 hours ago, Stormtide_Leviathan said:

The Gayng


EDIT: Eyy, 100 posts



Edit: I hope you are all joking and know that I ask as pansexual experiencing such a thing and that you are not offended by me asking this.

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On 04/12/2020 at 6:17 AM, Yvainnie said:

So, I am bi or may be pan, I am not so sure about the difference.

I totally shipped Jasnah/shallan but there is WoB from reddit, not gonna happen. Also Adolin/Kaladin.

I am glad Shallan is bi.

Honestly, I have sometimes problem that people tell me that I am not bi/pan enough to call myself that because I am married (to a guy). 

I used to have (girl)friends with benefis through high school but then I met a quy. We were together for 7 years. Then I had enormous crush on one of my (female) friends but nothing happened because she was way younger and then I met my now husband. 

And several people told me I am not bi/pan enough because I haven't had a proper girlfriend and since I am married and have kids I am just straight. I don't feel like it is true because I am still really attracted to girls, I flirt with them and I sometimes exchange a few spicy texts (hubby really doesn't mind because he knows I would not sleep with anyone else). I just don't act on this, I am kinda playful but never physical outside my relationship. 

Please don't judge. 

1. Im re-rereading OB and I definitely ship the OT3. 

2. Same comment as below - 

On 04/12/2020 at 6:33 AM, More Cynical Than Funny said:

I hate it when people say that I am not "Pan enough" because I am not stereotypically gay. It is not cool to say that someone is not stereotypical enough to be something. I am attracted to women for the most part too (I had one crush on a boy in my life) and people keep on saying that I am straight just because I have never gone on a date in my life so I have never "Officially been in a relationship with a girl". When I came out to my friends I stole my moms rainbow socks and explained that to everyone who asked why I was wearing them. I flirt with guys but never get engaged further then that (My dad says I need to wield a knife better before dating)  We would never judge! This is a safe and welcoming community inside this forum.

This post makes more sense if I specify that I am female


I said Sarene was more masculine than Raoden. I don't know why I just pictured him as a feminine straight guy. "Sword lesbian" can I steal this term?

- You know your own identity, no one else can know that because theyre not you; and you dont have to have like a hook-up ratio to justify yourself. Y'all are valid and if anyone wants to gatekeep they can catch these hands.

On 04/12/2020 at 7:09 AM, Koloss17 said:

Uuuuuh General LGBTQ+ on reddit I believe. Might have been in some YouTube videos reacting to LGBTQ+ subreddits. It’s a genre of lesbian. (really me? Saying genre instead of like type or style? HAVE YOU BEEN SO BOOK THINKING LATELY THAT YOU FORGOT HOW TO ENGLISH????)

But sword lesbians are just lesbians that like swords and will probably protect other girls from homophobes (possibly slaying them in the process).

EDITOR’S NOTE: I don’t know any sword lesbians, so this is me just picking up from context.

Theres also lemme think, Battle-axe Bi's, Spear Queers, someone made a whole bunch of cute stickers for different identities, though Im not sure how many they originated and how many were just around already. Here! https://www.redbubble.com/people/foxflight/shop?artistUserName=foxflight&collections=877877&iaCode=all-departments&sortOrder=relevant  
(disclaimer I dont know the person or having anything to do with them, dont make money from sales etc etc)

On 04/12/2020 at 4:11 PM, Yvainnie said:

I support this ship.


Btw, do any you fellow bi people have sometimes more gay and then more hetero phases? I don't know if you know what I mean but I guess if you do, you do.

I dont see bi/pan as part hetero- part homo-, its its own fluid thing. I can be attracted to multiple types/genders of people at the same time. It is fluid and does lean certain ways sometimes and changes over time but its not a hetero/homo spectrum, its soup.*

*I am going through a phase of calling everything  soup. Life is soup. Time is soup. Gender is soup. Attraction is soup.  Its all soup for my family.

On 05/12/2020 at 5:59 AM, Koloss17 said:

Unless you are ace. Aces just have garlic bread form.

Theres also Wonder-Woman-throwing-a-tank form, I hear. 

On 05/12/2020 at 6:38 PM, Yvainnie said:


I take this is the same They who descends upon achillean* gays the moment they come out and sort them into tops and bottoms. :P:P (thats also a bit of a community joke)

*achillean is loosely men who love men, its feminine counterpart is sapphic, both can and do include non-binary people.

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23 minutes ago, Delightful said:

I dont see bi/pan as part hetero- part homo-, its its own fluid thing. I can be attracted to multiple types/genders of people at the same time. It is fluid and does lean certain ways sometimes and changes over time but its not a hetero/homo spectrum, its soup.*

this is such a good way to look at it. And it actually kind of helps. Its fluid so just let it flow....:D

But you also got me kind of hunger for a soup :D

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5 hours ago, Delightful said:

Theres also lemme think, Battle-axe Bi's, Spear Queers, someone made a whole bunch of cute stickers for different identities, though Im not sure how many they originated and how many were just around already. Here! https://www.redbubble.com/people/foxflight/shop?artistUserName=foxflight&collections=877877&iaCode=all-departments&sortOrder=relevant  

Battle axe bisexuals are different. They were originally made to fight biphobia, but are now saying that pansexuality is biphobia and such. It’s a community within the LGBT community that can be filled with hate. But yeah, spear queer!

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6 hours ago, Yvainnie said:

this is such a good way to look at it. And it actually kind of helps. Its fluid so just let it flow....:D

But you also got me kind of hunger for a soup :D

Soup! Soup for my family!

Yeah part of why I like the word queer is that it inherently does not fit into neat boxes. Its not part man part woman, part hetero part homo, its wobbly wobbly timey wimey experience of its own stuff that encompasses a whole lot of bright and creative and individual and communal and its just not what anyone outside tries to make it, it doesnt fit itself neatly into understandable labels, it just is, and its beautiful, and wow this is a very run-on sentence, woof!

1 hour ago, Koloss17 said:

Battle axe bisexuals are different. They were originally made to fight biphobia, but are now saying that pansexuality is biphobia and such. It’s a community within the LGBT community that can be filled with hate. But yeah, spear queer!

Wait, really? Ugh. Why are exclusionists. Dammit.  Spear Queers it is then! 

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On 11/28/2020 at 0:39 PM, Stormtide_Leviathan said:

This one I'd guess? I read it and it was really good


This one's it, sorry I was so late, haven't been on for a bit :ph34r:

On 12/3/2020 at 0:42 PM, More Cynical Than Funny said:

Siri and Vivenna are dull.

I like them...:P

On 12/6/2020 at 11:50 PM, Delightful said:

There's a store?! *bookmarks instantly*

Random side note, I liked the casual queerness of The Original. Probably the only thing I liked about it, lol.

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2 hours ago, More Cynical Than Funny said:

No I will not change your mind. Might I suggest Hoid and Kelsier too?

Kelsier would be pan or bi since he did have a wife that he genuinely loved. Hoid looks like he would also incline more to pan.

1 hour ago, More Cynical Than Funny said:

I have a confession. In my head (And drawings) Sazed shows up as a wee bit stereotypically gay. But only post ascension. . . 

why do you think?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/3/2020 at 11:17 AM, Yvainnie said:

Honestly, I have sometimes problem that people tell me that I am not bi/pan enough to call myself that because I am married (to a guy). 

I used to have (girl)friends with benefis through high school but then I met a quy. We were together for 7 years. Then I had enormous crush on one of my (female) friends but nothing happened because she was way younger and then I met my now husband. 

And several people told me I am not bi/pan enough because I haven't had a proper girlfriend and since I am married and have kids I am just straight. I don't feel like it is true because I am still really attracted to girls, I flirt with them and I sometimes exchange a few spicy texts (hubby really doesn't mind because he knows I would not sleep with anyone else). I just don't act on this, I am kinda playful but never physical outside my relationship. 

Please don't judge. 

*Spits Cola* Do they not know the definition of Bi/Pan?

Also, having sex/benefits with the same sex isn't enough, you have to be in a relationship? Who the ^%$# made that rule?


On 12/8/2020 at 2:05 PM, Ookla the Editor said:

I like them...:P

I do too! (Still think Vivenna has some writing issues in Warbreaker...)


On 12/8/2020 at 2:26 PM, More Cynical Than Funny said:


there great characters. Just don't have enough personality.

I dare you to find a cuter cosmere couple that Susebron and Siri. (Though I admit, Susebron is pulling most of that weight. That man is second only to the lord ruler in attractiveness. Yes, I'm a simp for TLR, who I tend to imagine bald half the time for some reason, don't judge me, I'm attracted to power!)

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12 hours ago, Aspiring Writer said:

*Spits Cola* Do they not know the definition of Bi/Pan?

Also, having sex/benefits with the same sex isn't enough, you have to be in a relationship? Who the ^%$# made that rule?


I do too! (Still think Vivenna has some writing issues in Warbreaker...)


I dare you to find a cuter cosmere couple that Susebron and Siri. (Though I admit, Susebron is pulling most of that weight. That man is second only to the lord ruler in attractiveness. Yes, I'm a simp for TLR, who I tend to imagine bald half the time for some reason, don't judge me, I'm attracted to power!)

Nicely said.

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1 hour ago, More Cynical Than Funny said:

It is cute! I'm it's going to be sad in Nightblood because Susebron is immortal and Siri is mortal so when Siri dies. . .

Just give Siri enough breaths to be ageless, it'll be perfect. And even if not, I will gladly take Susebron for myself. *laughs evilly.*

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1 hour ago, More Cynical Than Funny said:

It is cute! I'm it's going to be sad in Nightblood because Susebron is immortal and Siri is mortal so when Siri dies. . .


They have an heir don’t they? Or did the heir die. Cause if they do, then the breaths are gonna somehow get passed onto them and then susebron and Siri can live out their lives together 


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On 12/20/2020 at 2:00 PM, More Cynical Than Funny said:

Off topic from Sanderson but I want to ask is Azirapha and Crowley from "Good Omens" LGBTQ+ ? this fact confused me.

Short answer: ABSOLUTELY. They are married and you will not budge me from this. Also canonically gender fluid, I'm pretty sure.

Long answer: https://itsclydeslontzees.tumblr.com/post/185645431430/good-omens-isnt-queer-baiting-heres-why

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/30/2020 at 7:33 PM, Koloss17 said:

I know I’m late to this whole controversy, but what are y’all’s thoughts on the whole Cyberpunk potential transphobia shebang?

As someone who has played 20 hours of it, I haven't come across anything transphobic. In fact I found a well written trans character that I enjoyed talking with, and I had a lot of fun with her quest line.

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9 hours ago, More Cynical Than Funny said:

Guys, guys, guy, guys!


I never knew this now my brain has exploded


Not surprising tbh.


Hoid has lived for thousands of years, he’s bound to have gotten bored with gender roles.


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17 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

Not surprising tbh.

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Hoid has lived for thousands of years, he’s bound to have gotten bored with gender roles.


Yeh, at one point you just wanna see what the other gender has been experiencing. I know I have been tempted to.

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5 minutes ago, Aspiring Writer said:

Yeh, at one point you just wanna see what the other gender has been experiencing. I know I have been tempted to.

Oh boy. Should I be nitpicky? I dunno. I’ll be nitpicky. Hope ya don’t mind.

“other” implies a binary, cuz of the whole this or that, this one and the other one. There be non-binary people that are outside of the binary. And so I’m saying “other” and implying that there are 2 genders unintentionally, it’s like a small sleight to em. Dunno if this is a tad too nitpicky or if I’m makin a fuss over one word, but I’m just shovin’ that out there. Might regret it, but there it is.

I might also be overstating the severity of it all, since it’s really just a small thing. I dunno at this point.


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2 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

Oh boy. Should I be nitpicky? I dunno. I’ll be nitpicky. Hope ya don’t mind.

“other” implies a binary, cuz of the whole this or that, this one and the other one. There be non-binary people that are outside of the binary. And so I’m saying “other” and implying that there are 2 genders unintentionally, it’s like a small sleight to em. Dunno if this is a tad too nitpicky or if I’m makin a fuss over one word, but I’m just shovin’ that out there. Might regret it, but there it is.

I might also be overstating the severity of it all, since it’s really just a small thing. I dunno at this point.


For simplicity's sake, there are three numbers you can be, 1, 2, and 3. If someone is the number one and says they wonder how it feels to be the other number, there are still two other numbers for them to be talking about, it's not that they are excluding one of the numbers.

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3 minutes ago, Aspiring Writer said:

For simplicity's sake, there are three numbers you can be, 1, 2, and 3. If someone is the number one and says they wonder how it feels to be the other number, there are still two other numbers for them to be talking about, it's not that they are excluding one of the numbers.

Hmmm. An interesting thought. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. My brain is being really stupid right now. I don’t know if that makes sense or not. It probably does, and I’m a hooligan. A likely possibility. 


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On 1/11/2021 at 8:06 PM, Aspiring Writer said:

For simplicity's sake, there are three numbers you can be, 1, 2, and 3. If someone is the number one and says they wonder how it feels to be the other number, there are still two other numbers for them to be talking about, it's not that they are excluding one of the numbers.

...I don't think that works linguistically, since 'the other' is a singular noun/adjective in this case?

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