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hey i’m a gay disaster can i join in? *puppy dog eyes*

I’m a nonbinary asexual homoromantic lesbian (cos that’s not a mouthful at all) who’s had their fair share of questioning crises lol

nice to meet yall

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8 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

hey thats exactly what my gf is.

that's hilarious lmao

welcome to the Queer Club!!!! Glad to have ya.

Your Gf sounds awesome!  (my gf is better thoughB):wub:)

thank you!!:D

Also I see your LDS, its so nice to see that there are people other than me who are queer and religious. So many of my friend don't get how I can be not straight and a Christian. -_-

@MysticalShadows MIsty!!!! YAY!!!

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I think there are quite a few of us here who are queer and religious, it's not as uncommon as a lot of people think, especially in creative spaces like this where we tend to be more accepting of stuff like queerness combined with religion.

Brandon himself is LDS, not queer as far as I know, but he's very positive and accepting towards the LGBTQ+ community, so it makes sense that he's more popular with religious and queer communities.

Edited by DramaQueen
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8 hours ago, DramaQueen said:

Brandon himself is LDS, not queer as far as I know, but he's very positive and accepting towards the LGBTQ+ community, so it makes sense that he's more popular with religious and queer communities.

we have queer relationships in his works so i think thats lit :>

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Brandon is a great example of following the LDS church's guidelines on how to treat the queer(am I allowed to say that?) A lot of people in the church need to do better at being respectful, while still following the commandments we've been given.

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On 10/18/2022 at 7:49 PM, Ta'veren Kaladin said:

Brandon is a great example of following the LDS church's guidelines on how to treat the queer(am I allowed to say that?) A lot of people in the church need to do better at being respectful, while still following the commandments we've been given.

The commandments you and yours have been given are basically to... not be gay, right? And to help "guide" those who "think" they are, right? Since god created men and women to be together and nothing else. Right? My friends have a somewhat radical take on this subject, so please correct me if I'm wrong.

(Also, "members of the LGBTQ+ Community" would probably be more respectful than "the queer" :P "Queer" is actually really disrespectful coming from someone not in our community, as it was used very disrespectfully throughout the 1900s alongside our favorite F word. Us "queers" can joke about it but that's really it.)

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5 hours ago, Sequence said:

(Also, "members of the LGBTQ+ Community" would probably be more respectful than "the queer" :P)

Was gonna say this.

5 hours ago, Sequence said:

The commandments you and yours have been given are basically to... not be gay, right? And to help "guide" those who "think" they are, right? Since god created men and women to be together and nothing else. Right? My friends have a somewhat radical take on this subject, so please correct me if I'm wrong.

Pretty much. Basically, as i have been so helpfully explained during early morning seminary, LDS commandments are that anything past kissing isn't allowed until after marriage in the LDS temple. And since the temple does not recognize anything other than cis/het relationships, they say all others are sinful :/

Ironically, i asked my bishop (who happens to be my dad :blink:) if lqbtq+ people could be in solely romantic relationships without any se xual stuff, and he said "i suppose, based on the church's reasonings."



Anyway long story short, as a queer person currently being raised LDS, their 

On 10/18/2022 at 9:49 PM, Ta'veren Kaladin said:

guidelines on how to treat the queer

 are just not it. I have read and dissected every one. While i appreciate that Russel M Nelson emphasizes kindness and acceptance, a lot of the church's stances and guidelines are. . .. . Not that.

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2 minutes ago, Szeth's Facepalm said:

Was gonna say this.

Pretty much. Basically, as i have been so helpfully explained during early morning seminary, LDS commandments are that anything past kissing isn't allowed until after marriage in the LDS temple. And since the temple does not recognize anything other than cis/het relationships, they say all others are sinful :/

Ironically, i asked my bishop (who happens to be my dad :blink:) if lqbtq+ people could be in solely romantic relationships without any se xual stuff, and he said "i suppose, based on the church's reasonings."



Anyway long story short, as a queer person currently being raised LDS, their 

 are just not it. I have read and dissected every one. While i appreciate that Russel M Nelson emphasizes kindness and acceptance, a lot of the church's stances and guidelines are. . .. . Not that.

All awesome points! You are wise beyond your years, friend Facepalm. Also, good luck with the LDS parents. That can be tough. Also chastity is stupid.

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I have... a lot of not-so-nice things to say about the LDS church. (I grew up in it, and the more I look back on things, the more disturbed I am) But I will just touch on one thing I find important:

It is not a choice to be queer. (I personally don't find the word "queer" offensive at all - in fact I love it because it's very inclusive and it's not a mouthful - so I will use it in this post. Check out this video from gay YouTuber James Somerton "Reclaiming the Q Word" for a more in-depth analysis. He's an incredible creator.)

I was talking to one of my LDS friends about the queer community and we seemed to be on the same track until I said, "What I don't understand is why God would make people queer and then proceed to preach love and acceptance while also claiming that it's wrong to love people of the same gender." She responded, "I don't think God makes people queer."

Well, that's an oof, isn't it?

And, like... man. If I believed that it was a choice to be gay, I would totally get it. But you don't have to dig deep to realize... it is not a choice. You don't choose to be straight, do ya? I recently had a talk with my out gay friend who explained that if he had a choice, he would rather not be gay. In his own words, "men are disgusting" and beyond that, why would anyone choose to be so discriminated against? I'm sure my trans friends would rather not spend so much money on surgeries just to feel comfortable in their own bodies. It's just... *sighs in defeat* The society we live in is messed up. I can wear suspenders and no one bats an eye, but anyone more masculine presenting wears a dress and all of a sudden they're c r i n g e to the heteros. I could go on a tangent about how blived up it is that femininity is seen as lesser and weak, but I will refrain for now. 

I'm not sure how to wrap this up, so I will just say this: y'all deserve love. I don't doubt that some of you don't get enough of it. But, honey, you are perfect the way you are. Go have a nap, a treat, a break; you deserve it. May you have peace and rest. 

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8 minutes ago, Zephrun's Imperium said:

I can wear suspenders and no one bats an eye, but anyone more masculine presenting wears a dress and all of a sudden they're c r i n g e to the heteros.

I've noticed the same kind of thing in myself with colors. When I see boys wearing girly colors it's weird for a bit until I sorta adjust my perspective somehow (like when my brother who has not yet gone through puberty wears his pink button-down shirt,) and my mom has told my brothers not to wear purple, but girls can wear pretty much any color and nobody takes a second glance.

It's also there a bit with me and earrings.

(not that it's cringe, just that it's unexpected and I adjust my brain (or assumptions? idk) and get used to it quick. Not sure how I do that.)

(why don't i know how i think? do normal people know how they think? or is this normal?)

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31 minutes ago, Zephrun's Imperium said:

I'm not sure how to wrap this up, so I will just say this: y'all deserve love. I don't doubt that some of you don't get enough of it. But, honey, you are perfect the way you are. Go have a nap, a treat, a break; you deserve it. May you have peace and rest. 

thank you star :) :) :)

also about queer- i like it and use it as a label, it's just sometimes when cis/hets use it in a peculiar or old-fashioned way it rubs me the wrong way. otherwise, I completely appreciate it.

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