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Not to bring down the mood but was anyone else a little pissed when this:



(Yes i get my sanderson news from cosmeme instagram accouts with names like 69th_shard and catboy_adolin sue me)

Did we really need to know that cmooonnnnnnnnnnnn

And yes yes i know i know it makes sense or whatever but why did we need to knowwwwwwwwwwwwww

If it's made up with more queer rep in era three and it portrays some of their struggle for acceptance that might be ok i guess

But broooooooooooo cmoooooooonnnnn


Edited by Szeth's Facepalm
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On 11/7/2022 at 7:11 AM, NerdyAarakocra said:

Well, the Kandra are technically genderfluid...

I’d argue that they are agender and gender non-conforming, but it’s dependent on the kandra. MeLaan is hella feminine, but I don’t think she’d call herself female or even genderfluid. 

No matter what tho, Kandra are goals.

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Love has multiple meanings. Many, many, meanings.

I will describe but one.

For me, love is the unconditional manner in which you feel compassion and joy around that person. It is when you forgive them for all their mistakes, and love and know them for who they are, rather than what they did. It's being connected, it's understanding the humanity of them, and adoring it. It's wanting what's best for them, wanting to make them smile and laugh, and wanting to make them feel safe, however that can be accomplished.

That's one of the many forms love can take.

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18 minutes ago, Ookla the Unknowing said:

What would you all define love as? I'm curious to know, if anyone feels like answering.

It's when you trust someone, and they can trust you. When you make each other happy, when you enjoy and feel comfortable in their company. And when you would do anything* to protect that.

Alternately, there's the sort of the love my siblings and I feel for each other. We may not necessarily get along, but we've got each other's backs, and we understand each other in a way that nobody else does.


*My pedantic mind wants me to note that maybe not anything. Moderately extreme things.

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Made a status update about this but 

I think I'm asexual 

I got my first kiss today and it was the grossest thing I've ever done. And not due to any part on behalf of the other person. 

I mean i thought i wanted it, and i really did want it, but then it just felt bad. 

I don't know what i am now

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this isn't necessarily in response to Elf, just clearing this up for anyone else

Not enjoying/wanting kissing isn't required in order to be asexual. It may be part of that for some, like Elf, but for me personally, it's not, and that's okay too. Asexuality (and other sexualities, too) is a spectrum. You don't need to check all the boxes of an identity for it to apply to you :).

Edited by Ookla the Blight
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I think I'll just 

Let myself stew in it 

After all there are more important things to ponder about then what label i choose to define myself with 

Also Ookla the Blight, thank you because i actually didn't know that! I know next to nothing about asexuality and I'll take all the education i can get

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On 11/29/2022 at 10:23 AM, Ookla the Unknowing said:

What would you all define love as? I'm curious to know, if anyone feels like answering.

to be honest, I don't think love has a concrete definition. It's different for everyone and one group of people or another won't have a specific answer for it :) I'm curious, why do you ask? 

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10 minutes ago, Ookla the 3 Frogs ina Coat said:

to be honest, I don't think love has a concrete definition. It's different for everyone and one group of people or another won't have a specific answer for it :) I'm curious, why do you ask? 

That's a really good answer. It's a conclusion I'm somewhat coming too as well. I'm asking because I feel like we really need more than one word for love in the language. It means too many things at once. I want to know what other people think. I want to know how they think. It's an interest of mine.

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Just now, Ookla the Unknowing said:

That's a really good answer. It's a conclusion I'm somewhat coming too as well. I'm asking because I feel like we really need more than one word for love in the language. It means too many things at once. I want to know what other people think. I want to know how they think. It's an interest of mine.

You should look up the seven greek words for love. Each one means a different, specicfic kind of love. i think they are all great words and should be in everyone's vocabulary :D

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