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1 minute ago, Ookla the 3 Frogs ina Coat said:

You should look up the seven greek words for love. Each one means a different, specicfic kind of love. i think they are all great words and should be in everyone's vocabulary :D

Ah, very good. Greek is a nicely refined language, as is Latin. I have a great fondness for Latin.

Edited by Ookla the Unknowing
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Just now, Ookla the Unknowing said:

Ah, very good. Greek is a nicely refined language, as is Latin. I have a great fondness for Latin.

i looooove latin.

definetly not because The Raven Cycle is by Maggie Steifvater is my whole personality and there's a lot of latin in that series

ok maybe because of the raven cycle, but that was just where my love for latin bloomed, it has expanded past just loving it because it's in the raven cycle.

it's also in Babel by R. F. Kuang!

jk i do actually love latin even when it's not in fantasy novels

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2 hours ago, Ookla the Unknowing said:

Should I read that series? If it's too dark or has a lot of swearing, I won't read it, but I've heard some good things.

Yes, Latin is awesome.

ABSOLUTELY 100 PERCENT ALL THE WAY READ IT READ IT READ IT. There is this one character who swears a lot, and book two (which is mainly about the sweary character) does have some dark themes, but it was fine for my 12 year old friend, and also it's literally the best series ever written, soooooooo yeah. I think the strong themes of friendship and magic and love (not to mention the plot and writing) completely out-weigh anything bad. There's nothing in it as dark as Kaladin and Shallan's backstories, for sure.

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On 11/30/2022 at 8:29 AM, Elf of Ooklas said:

Also Ookla the Blight, thank you because i actually didn't know that! I know next to nothing about asexuality and I'll take all the education i can get

would you like an asexuality crash course?

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Okay so at its absolute most basic, asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction, but it's also a pretty big umbrella, holding also demisexual, aceflux, reciprosexual, and others. There's also a pretty big range of sex-repulsed, sex-neutral, and sex-positive. It's possible for someone to be asexual, have zero sexual attraction, but still want to have sex at some point. 

For me personally, I'm panromantic asexual, but I also have some weird extra aspects of aceflux and demisexual. I don't have sexual attraction, and most of the time, I'm sex-repulsed. However, if I have a strong emotional connection with someone, I can fluctuate between sex-repulsed, sex-neutral, and sex-positive, but I still have no sexual attraction to them and still wouldn't necessarily want to have sex, it's just that I become more comfortable with the idea of having sex.

(I'll stop there for now, continuing later. If you have any questions on what I've sent so far, feel free to ask)

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Yeah, it can be. At its root, though, it's just lack or less of sexual attraction than typical.

...and tbh this might be easier to do with specific questions so I would like to propose a q&a q&a

(Queers and Allies Questions and Answers)

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is there anyone i can pm with a rant about religion, specifically lds religion? i ask here cause i know there's some ex-lds people who can understand and i don't wanna do it anywhere publicly and offend anyone and also i have literally no one else to talk to about it and i am going to explode soon if i can't get it out to someone who will understand.

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19 hours ago, Ookla the 3 Frogs ina Coat said:

is there anyone i can pm with a rant about religion, specifically lds religion? i ask here cause i know there's some ex-lds people who can understand and i don't wanna do it anywhere publicly and offend anyone and also i have literally no one else to talk to about it and i am going to explode soon if i can't get it out to someone who will understand.

I know it might be a little late and you might have already ranted to someone. But I'll listen. I am a member but I promise nothing you say will offend me.

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My choir doesn't have a girl uniform and a boy uniform, they just have uniform A and uniform B, and my mom is letting me wear the pants and vest instead of the dress to my next performance :D i wore it today to the dress rehearsal and i looked so cool and gender-y :lol:

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