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Shardblade Hunting

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At one point when traveling in shadesmar, it is shown that the ship captain's relative, who is a deadeye, is kept on the boat. This is done as to not leave the spren to wander back to its previous location. After the Recreance there were a lot more shardblades than are in use today. Is it possible that Odium's forces, or even the radiants, will try and get old shardblades by following deadeyes in the cognitive realm to where their blade is in the physical realm? Probably not the radiants since their spren don't like the dead blades, but Odium's forces went back for Eshonai's plate and blade so they may want more. Are we going to see some shardblade treasure hunting?

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Probably not.

Because spren in the form of blade is in Physical Realm as a whole. Spren cannot exist in both realms simultanously, they are in the Shadesmar or in the Physical Realm. We see this clearly when Kal and c.o. are near to Thaylen in Shadesmar, when Unamde followed by Army of Voidsren goes int the PR, and dissapear from Shadesmar. We also know that passing into PR isnt easy task for sentient Spren.

So Deadeye spren is dead shardblade bonded to the current owner. And when he summons blade, this spren is pull into the PR. When bond will be broken, spren stays.

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When Shardblade dont have owner, is still in PR. Just like normal sword. We even have examples - Dalinar has Oathbringer hung on the wall. We even know that Shardblades in the past were just in PR constantly, untill someone dont add to them gems.

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52 minutes ago, Bzhydack said:

When Shardblade dont have owner, is still in PR. Just like normal sword. We even have examples - Dalinar has Oathbringer hung on the wall. We even know that Shardblades in the past were just in PR constantly, untill someone dont add to them gems.

Makes sense. Why would the captain need to lock up his relative if the sword doesn't exist in the PR?

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39 minutes ago, Yolenlightweaver said:


Makes sense. Why would the captain need to lock up his relative if the sword doesn't exist in the PR?

Because while not summoned [i.e. still in C.R.], the deadeye will wander off into the sea of beads trying to get as close as possible to the cognitive reflection of the human that holds the bond.  As to where the deadeye reappears in the CR when the blade is dismissed from the PR, I have no idea.  I suppose they must default back to their last location, otherwise locking them up wouldn't be much use.

Edited by SteelShaper
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On 7/21/2020 at 1:34 PM, SteelShaper said:

Because while not summoned [i.e. still in C.R.], the deadeye will wander off into the sea of beads trying to get as close as possible to the cognitive reflection of the human that holds the bond.  As to where the deadeye reappears in the CR when the blade is dismissed from the PR, I have no idea.  I suppose they must default back to their last location, otherwise locking them up wouldn't be much use.

I understand. That being said, does that mean there are still a ton of shardblades just hidden or lost around? Also how did the deadeye get into the CR in the first place? The only reason maya is there is because she was teleported with the others through the oathgate.

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10 minutes ago, Yolenlightweaver said:

I understand. That being said, does that mean there are still a ton of shardblades just hidden or lost around? Also how did the deadeye get into the CR in the first place? The only reason maya is there is because she was teleported with the others through the oathgate.

No, she was allready on place. Adolin dont have summoned blade during teleportation.

I think this can have something to do with gems in blades - they provide Connection to user, so this is like para-bond, and this allow spren to come back into Shadesmar as deadeye.

And yes, many things that there are plenty of shardbaldes and plates around somewhere.

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2 hours ago, Bzhydack said:

No, she was allready on place. Adolin dont have summoned blade during teleportation.

I think this can have something to do with gems in blades - they provide Connection to user, so this is like para-bond, and this allow spren to come back into Shadesmar as deadeye.

And yes, many things that there are plenty of shardbaldes and plates around somewhere.

Sorry this is taking a long time for it to make sense to me. So if Adolin had died before they had been transferred by the oathgate, and the sword didn't come, then Maya would have stayed in the PR as a sword forever? If that is the case, how does the sword get transferred to the CR after the owner dies like the captains relative? Thanks!

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4 minutes ago, Yolenlightweaver said:

So if Adolin had died before they had been transferred by the oathgate, and the sword didn't come, then Maya would have stayed in the PR as a sword forever? If that is the case, how does the sword get transferred to the CR after the owner dies like the captains relative? Thanks!

Exactly. She will stay in PR as sword forever.

And Captain Ico clearly says, that his deadeye father is going to search for current owner of his corpse. So he is para-bonded with living human as Shardblade. If he summons the blade, Captain Icos father will be pull from his room into the PR, he will apear again if he will be summoned back, probably in the same place because of Connection. This probably upplies to every other spren who enters to the PR, like Highspren of Skybreakers (they most likely dont transfer themselves int PR unless as Blades) or even Mandras - they vanish from CR and enter PR as luckyspren.

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