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3 minutes ago, Sequence said:

Fine. A guy was kneeling in the sidewalk with a hatchet in his hand, and then just kind of cut the other one off. It was in New York and the street was really busy, so I got pulled away by the crowd before I saw much. New York is a weird place.

i'm callin cap

thats just too weird


back on track

What was the last chocolate food you ate?

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5 minutes ago, Dannnex said:

i'm callin cap

thats just too weird


back on track

What was the last chocolate food you ate?

back when I was four or five, I had a chocolate bar. that was when I discovered I was allergic to Chocolate

What is the best non-sanderson series you have read?

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37 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

OK Orchestra, AJR. Or Are You Alright?, Lovejoy.

Who's your fav music artist?

That is a really difficult one, possibly The Score, AJR, or American Authors.

Possibly an easier one: what is your favorite music genre?

Edited by Emery the Steelrunner
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um... this is not easy.

To play: Definitely folk songs.

To listen to: I don't know. I know what it's not, but not what it is. I mostly like songs that have a good pace and interesting and words that I'm alright with listening to.


Do you like coloring, drawing, or painting more?

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Drawing. It allows me to be more expressive than coloring while still being less time consuming and demanding than painting.

If someone offered you a pet named Banana without you knowing what type of animal the pet was, would you accept?

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Didn't read the series, don't have one. Sorry! Though, since so many of you here seem to like it, maybe I should try.

9 minutes ago, EmulatonStromenkiin said:

What is your favorite non-sanderson author?

My favorite non-sanderson author is a homo sapiens sapiens, a female sample of the kind, of Welsh ancestry and British nationality. Said author is also dead, BTW. It is this way, quite frankly, because I don't know authors who aren't homo sapiens sapiens. Well, except maybe Brandon Sanderson, who is either a robot, a Shard, or actually a very scary human being. 

What is who and who is what?

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