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I like going to visit my mom or my dad (I'm in a pretty weird family situation) or relax at home. Generally though, I don't like going out several weekends in a row, I need some time to recharge.

Butter or extra butter popcorn? 

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Yes and no, I think. There's a lot of decision making involved, but you shouldn't stress over most of it. Go with the flow and don't slack off too much and you'll end up somewhere. I hope. 

Do you like pickles? 

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1 hour ago, Robin Sedai said:

Yes, I do.

If you found out that your life was being secretly filmed and made into a reality TV show, like in that movie that I can't remember the title of, what would your reaction be?


1 hour ago, EmulatonStromenkiin said:

.....now I can't remember the title. I would be somewhat confused. It probably depends on the show.

When will my books arrive?

Trueman's Show. Perhaps so called for him being the only true man around (everyone else being actors).

58 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

What is your favorite sanderson meme?

There are so many and I can't think of one. Sorry.

What is your favorite story you never wrote?

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1 hour ago, Trutharchivist said:

Trueman's Show. Perhaps so called for him being the only true man around (everyone else being actors).

ah. Thanks!

39 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

DRAGONS! Barring that, Orcas, then after that Peregrine Falcons.

What's your favorite kind of Dragon?

The ones in Eragon.

What is your favorite non-cosmere book world?

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