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Nothing fancy. Saw someone talking about Mistborn online, gave me the (wrong) impression that it was this pseudo-grimdark depressing thing. I became more curious than interested, researched the author, saw some curious comments about how he criticizes the journey and how he subverted it with his first book. Then I read said first book. Incidentally, after the week it took me to read it I found the Shard by googling questions, and for some reason decided to join without even thinking about it. Then I avoided most subforums anyway because literally everything was a spoiler.

Did it get suddenly colder where you live?

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I have a stone wolf and a stone dragon. I have some crystal puzzle animals, two of the cats made from tiny legos, and a cat made of… I think that special kind of glass or something. Probably others that I’m forgetting.

Do you like a band with a really weird name?

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1 hour ago, Ookla the Confused said:

Are you not in a roleplay because you're just too scared to join one?

Never have I so fully agreed with something. In the last 3 days. 

Yes, especially when it’s the same people talking about the same things. 

Do you ever just stare into a fire for hours desperately wishing to suddenly have powers? (Pardon the rhyme).

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