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I...really don't like it to be honest. I mean, yeah AI is a massive step towards lots of enormous scientific achievements, but I really don't like AI art and things. Even just in the past few years it's progressed so much, and of course it simply isn't the same as an actual person making the art, to me it still feels like it will become so common to use AI that traditional artists will essentially be replaced. To me, art and creating things is what makes humans so special, and at least for me, replacing human abilities with a robot just makes things seem sad. 

Lol, that was longer than I expected. 

How do you feel about space? 

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8 minutes ago, The cheeseman said:

It's terrifyingly fascinating.

What are your opinions on violent video games?

good, as long as they dont have too much gore.

1 minute ago, The Paradoxical Phenomenon said:

I think they are lots of fun, and no, I don’t think they make you more violence-prone 

Thoughts on the Secret Projects?

I thought they were pretty good!

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That is a difficult question! A few of my favourites include 'Cat Breeds', 'Welsh Orthography', 'History of Feminism', 'The Game', and any and every broadway musical.

What are your favourite and least favourite months of the year?

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This is a difficult one too... my instinct for least favourite is to say July, because it's usually hottest around that time and I hate the heat. But also my birthday is in July, so it can't be that bad! I'll go with October for favourite, and June for least favourite.

What's a book that's been on your TBR list for ages, but you've never actually gotten around to reading?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/15/2024 at 12:20 AM, Robin Sedai said:

This is a difficult one too... my instinct for least favourite is to say July, because it's usually hottest around that time and I hate the heat. But also my birthday is in July, so it can't be that bad! I'll go with October for favourite, and June for least favourite.

What's a book that's been on your TBR list for ages, but you've never actually gotten around to reading?

Count of monte christo 

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Absolutely nothing would get done, society would probably just collapse. Some very unproductive, specific tasks would get a heck of a lot of attention, though. Yay ADHD!

Do you own a pet? (Mandatory pet picture required if you do)

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I’m pretty sure I read it pre-Covid and around the same time I first started reading Sanderson stuff, so probably 5-6 years ago. Don’t quote me on that, though. *tugs braid*

Have you been to a volcano?

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Not really. On the few occasions I eat steak, I prefer it so rare that it is still lukewarm on the inside, and I love raw fish, in the form of lox and sushi, but neither of those really feel like 'eating raw meat'.

What is your dream vacation spot?

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4 hours ago, Faerie Braids said:

Not really. On the few occasions I eat steak, I prefer it so rare that it is still lukewarm on the inside, and I love raw fish, in the form of lox and sushi, but neither of those really feel like 'eating raw meat'.

What is your dream vacation spot?

Top of a mountain at sunset or in a rainstorm!

Soda or sparkling water?

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