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No idea, but probably that wars get banned, and instead, national leaders must play 3 games of chess to decide who wins the “war” (it’d be much simpler)

have you ever had a cat stand on your shoulders?

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1 hour ago, WhyEverNot_8 said:

No idea, but probably that wars get banned, and instead, national leaders must play 3 games of chess to decide who wins the “war” (it’d be much simpler)

That would be much simpler--and more efficient! Why don't they do that? ("I want your country and your people!" "I don't want you to have them!" "I challenge you to a chess duel!")

35 minutes ago, Lunamor said:

What’s your favorite type of art?

The creative arrangement of words to create entire imaginary worlds, people, and events. If it can't be that, then I'd say music. :)

Have you ever stood on the roof of a building?

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Just now, Lunamor said:

There is no snow deep enough in my area to cushion such an endeavor.

What’s your favorite type of dancing?

Line (probably)

6 minutes ago, Weaver of Lights said:

Swing dancing, though like dances can sometimes be really fun.

 Have you ever been bitten by an animal?

Yes, my dog, also a duck.

Just now, Through The Living Glass said:

Yes, many times by many different animals.

Have you ever been bitten by a snake or a duck?

how did you know? I went and visited that same duck last weekend.

do you have an alias? If so, what is it?

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I am pretty good at most tongue twisters, though there are some that continue to evade me (I find "red letter, yellow leather" in particular, to be quite difficult).

What is biggest disaster you have ever caused in attempting to cook or bake something?

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It varies wildly. It mostly depends on how much attention I've been paying to my surroundings, which changes frequently. Sometimes I'm great at locating things in relation to each other, and sometimes I get hopelessly lost when I really should know where I'm going. I think I'm getting better at it, though.

What's the dumbest thing you've ever heard someone say?

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Top three! (all from the same dude)

1: "The KJV is the only accurate translation of the Bible."

2: "I don't use Steam because it puts spyware on your PC."

3: "We should just carpet bomb the Gaza Strip with nukes."

What game did you play most last year?

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7 minutes ago, The cheeseman said:

Top three! (all from the same dude)

1: "The KJV is the only accurate translation of the Bible."

2: "I don't use Steam because it puts spyware on your PC."

3: "We should just carpet bomb the Gaza Strip with nukes."


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4 hours ago, The cheeseman said:

Top three! (all from the same dude)

1: "The KJV is the only accurate translation of the Bible."

2: "I don't use Steam because it puts spyware on your PC."

3: "We should just carpet bomb the Gaza Strip with nukes."

What game did you play most last year?

I think it was Tears of the Kingdom. It’s an amazing game!

What’s your favorite flavor of gum?

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19 hours ago, Through The Living Glass said:

Have you ever had surgery?

Nope. Fingers crossed I can keep that streak going! (Also I don't know the answer to your first question, sorry!)

What's the best joke you've heard?

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Can’t remember, but I know I always used to get a kick out of the “Have you heard the rumor about butter? I can’t tell ya because you might spread it!” joke when I was younger. (Even before I knew what a rumor actually is!)

1 hour ago, Soulbinder said:

Nope. Fingers crossed I can keep that streak going! (Also I don't know the answer to your first question, sorry!)

What's the best joke you've heard?

To the first part: I’ve had surgery, also I think She’s asking when the Stormlight 5 chapter readings are (I could totally be wrong, so unless Glass herself replies, don’t put too much stock in my assumption)


This is just for sectioning. It helps my brain.

What is your:

favorite music genre,

artist in that genre,

favorite album by that artist,

favorite song in that album?

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6 hours ago, WhyEverNot_8 said:

Can’t remember, but I know I always used to get a kick out of the “Have you heard the rumor about butter? I can’t tell ya because you might spread it!” joke when I was younger. (Even before I knew what a rumor actually is!)

To the first part: I’ve had surgery, also I think She’s asking when the Stormlight 5 chapter readings are (I could totally be wrong, so unless Glass herself replies, don’t put too much stock in my assumption)

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This is just for sectioning. It helps my brain.

What is your:

favorite music genre,

artist in that genre,

favorite album by that artist,

favorite song in that album?


OK I’ve figured it out, it’s not Stormlight (which was kinda obvious now that I think about it) but instead it’s Secret Project 5

4 hours ago, Faerie Braids said:

That is a very difficult question, so I will simply choose one of my many favourite genres, and go from there:

Indie rock


Art of Doubt

"Dark Saturday"

What is your favourite kind of bird?

Sparrow or Dove, also Quail

Small birds, and ones that look like they’re a loafing cat when they sit in your hands.

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