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2 minutes ago, Through The Living Glass said:

I've done that a few times; don't worry 'bout it. 😆

What is the real color of the sky?


What is one thing you have long regretted eating?

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1 hour ago, Through The Living Glass said:

A working safe with a sort-of-key. With no instructions. 'Twas all me. 

Most exotic country you've ever been to? (exotic meaning most different from your home)

France. It was the best! I don't know if any French people will be reading this, but you all have great taste in food - especially croissants. There were these bakeries everywhere, and every one of them could make the best food. 

Favorite movie?

Edited by TheFrugalWizard
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4 hours ago, TheFrugalWizard said:

France. It was the best! I don't know if any French people will be reading this, but you all have great taste in food - especially croissants. There were these bakeries everywhere, and every one of them could make the best food. 


Heh... best taste in food. Good one.

Favorite movie... Probably either the first Dune (haven't seen the second yet) or the first Avatar (the blue alien people one. we do not speak of AtLA).

Indian food, Yes or no?

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3 hours ago, Through The Living Glass said:

we do not speak of AtLA

Why not? The new live-action series on Netflix is rather disappointing, but the original is fantastic (if you don't mind the fact that it's an adult show disguised as a kids' show)! I will concede that the blue-people Avatar is really good, though. Never seen Dune, so I can't speak for that.

2 hours ago, Weaver of Lights said:

Funniest last name you know of?

Hmm... There always seem to be some really hilarious ones if you watch movie credits long enough, but none are springing to mind at the moment. However, I do believe that it would hilarious to meet someone named - Nate (Hyphenate). If people can get away with LaDasha via L-a, then - Nate as a first/middle name combo is perfectly reasonable. ;)

Do you like sushi? If so, what is your favorite kind; if not, what would you do if someone took you to a sushi restaurant and expected you to eat with them?

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10 hours ago, Ookla said:

Why not? The new live-action series on Netflix is rather disappointing, but the original is fantastic (if you don't mind the fact that it's an adult show disguised as a kids' show)! I will concede that the blue-people Avatar is really good, though. Never seen Dune, so I can't speak for that.

I agree, the original show is amazing (haven't seen the new one), but I was talking about the AtLA live action movie lol. 😂

I LOVE sushi!!! I've only had it a couple of times, but I think salmon is my favorite.

Have you ever gone ice fishing? If yes, where and what were you fishing for? If no, does it sounds appealing to you?

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Just now, Through The Living Glass said:

I agree, the original show is amazing (haven't seen the new one), but I was talking about the AtLA live action movie lol. 😂

I LOVE sushi!!! I've only had it a couple of times, but I think salmon is my favorite.

Have you ever gone ice fishing? If yes, where and what were you fishing for? If no, does it sounds appealing to you?

Ahhh. I haven't seen the AtLA movie, and have no desire to based on what I've heard about it. The premise sounds entertaining, and I would probably enjoy playing around with a similar type of story, but if it hasn't been done well I'd rather not watch what somebody else did with the idea. :)

I have never been ice fishing, but it does sound delightful--so long as there's someone with me and we actually catch something. ;) 

What is the one healthy food you'd be most likely to snack on?

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An invention that automatically transferred my clothes from the washing machine to the dryer (after sorting out and hanging all the clothes that must not be put in the dryer) would be so helpful! The number of times I have started a laundry load only to forget about it overnight and then need to wash it again to prevent mould is embarassingly high.

What is your favourite outdoor temperature and weather?

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