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Ask them to sing a sea shanty? Idk the reference I assume it's a reference

How often do you get that absolutely mindblowingly amazing inspiration, but you can't figure out what it is exactly or where it came from?

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I feel it sometimes. Usually when I'm reading about some sort of amazing engineering feat. (btw, i learned about this a few weeks ago; I think the feeling you're talking about is called the sublime)

What is the coolest engineering feat you've ever heard about?

Edited by Through The Living Glass
forgot a question lol/typo
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1 hour ago, Through The Living Glass said:

I feel it sometimes. Usually when I'm reading about some sort of amazing engineering feat. (btw, i learned about this a few weeks ago; I think the feeling your talking about is called the sublime)

Really? I had no idea it had a name! That's pretty cool.

1 hour ago, Through The Living Glass said:

What is the coolest engineering feat you've ever heard about?

It might not be technically engineering, but I saw this video one time about how some scientists made little (little being almost microscopic) "robots" out of I think heart cells from a small animal (I can't remember exactly) like a frog or mouse and they didn't much other than systematically scoop dust and move around, but I think it's pretty cool that that's a thing that people can do. Albeit, an incredibly horrifying thing in some respects

Do you have any crayons in your backpack right now? (Or whatever bag you might be carrying)

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1 hour ago, Wittles said:

It might not be technically engineering, but I saw this video one time about how some scientists made little (little being almost microscopic) "robots" out of I think heart cells from a small animal (I can't remember exactly) like a frog or mouse and they didn't much other than systematically scoop dust and move around, but I think it's pretty cool that that's a thing that people can do. Albeit, an incredibly horrifying thing in some respects


Ohhhh yeah! I remember that! I think it was frog cells...? Definitely don't take my word on that though. 😆

1 hour ago, Wittles said:

Do you have any crayons in your backpack right now? (Or whatever bag you might be carrying)

Mm, I do not.

Have you ever accidentally typed "TPBM" on this thread? :ph34r:

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Yes, but I've always caught myself before posting it. At least, so far...

If you could choose to have any job for a day (fantasy or real life), what would you choose? 

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Pokemon trainer. that way, I can get an Eevee. YeY.


What shall we do with a drunken sailor? 


yes, this IS from a sea shanty, I just want any of y'all to make up a rhyming verse.


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I babysat my brother’s friend and his sister a few times. Both were very well behaved. It was a really sweet gig, I played with them for two hours and then played games on my phone after they went to sleep. I probably got paid too much for that :lol:

Do you write more formally than you speak?

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Or Flourine or Francium, I’ve got a lot of funny quotes pertaining to those elements.

To the “What do we to with a drunken sailor” I reply with the most important question: “Is it early in the morning?”

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4 minutes ago, The Stick said:


What color is the object precisely π inches in front of you?


What shape is your parents favorite fruit, using only 1-syllable words not containing "e"

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10 hours ago, strmblsd said:

Yes it is so you must throw him in the bed with captains daughter

Does pineapple belong on pizza?


and yes it does!

10 hours ago, Ancient Elantrian said:


What shape is your parents favorite fruit, using only 1-syllable words not containing "e"


What merry month did I leave from me home, leaving the girls of Tuam nearly broken-hearted, Saluted me father dear and kissed me darling mother. Also I drank a pint of beer to smother me grief and tears.


Get the reference please! Tell me I’m not the only person who listened to this so much that I memorized some of it °–°


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8 minutes ago, WhyEverNot_8 said:


and yes it does!


What merry month did I leave from me home, leaving the girls of Tuam nearly broken-hearted, Saluted me father dear and kissed me darling mother. Also I drank a pint of beer to smother me grief and tears.

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Get the reference please! Tell me I’m not the only person who listened to this so much that I memorized some of it °–°


June. That's a great song.

How many characters have you killed?

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2 hours ago, The cheeseman said:

June. That's a great song.

How many characters have you killed?

Agreed! I love that song!

Also in what? DnD, Video Games, Etc.?

What’s your favorite and least-favorite video games? (I won’t judge, I promise)

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