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Umm...Through this thread and various others I have discovered that I am apparently very uncultured :P. Once again, I must say "No clue!"

If you were given a chance to spend an entire day with a random nice person from anywhere in the world, would you take it?

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Speechless from Aladdin just finished, and now I'm listening to Piano Man, which is an absolute classic. 

You only have to save the world from zombies, and you have the following tools before you: A life jacket, A Spatula, A Rubber Duck, A portable speaker, and a fried egg. 

Which tool do you choose, and why?

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A portable speaker so that I can get everyone else hyped.

You are on a deserted island. You may have one book, one movie, or one season of a TV series to entertain you while you wait for rescue.

What do you pick?

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Hmm...Can't think of some super fun ones right now, but once I went with a friend to film for my school's broadcast thing and it was snowing outside. I think we almost hit the camera with a snowball and we froze to death filming outside. It was totally worth it though. 

If you've ever burned something with a magnifying glass, does it make you feel like the mortal incarnation of Apollo?

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Surprisingly not, but maybe I just wasn't using a big enough magnifying glass.


If you had 3 days to live, on a scale of 1 to 10 how much time would you spend eating soup. (10 being constant, non-stop soup eating, 1 being no soup at all.)

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  • 3 weeks later...
23 hours ago, Robin Sedai said:

Yes! Unless it's one of those pencils with a completely useless eraser on the end.

What's the weirdest coincidence that's ever happened to you?

An AI detector said I used ai to write an essay but i didnt, but luckly the teacher believed me.

Do you play chess?

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