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Yes, I used to play the violin in grade school (my school required you to play and instrument) and I haven’t touch one scene I switched school in 3rd grade. Also sorry about the hidden content thing, I don’t know how I added it and I don’t know how to get ride of it

What is your favorite dumb/funny pickup line?

Edited by Silver Phantom
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3 minutes ago, Odiumiumium said:

I...don't think any of them are particularly great? Also, afaik, most are related to trauma in some way which also isn't great. So...none of them?

Some, you just are born with and it plagues your life. Others can happen later and still plague your life.

Also  I don't eat salad. But the way I see it is that salade without dressing is just plants.

Where do the stars come from if they are always moving?

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4 minutes ago, Odiumiumium said:

Same place everything came from. A big cartoon mushroom cloud (the background isnt actually transparent) pasted into a whole lot of nothingness. 

Opinion on After Effects?

I like them there fun. Make me hungry

If a song played every time you walked in a room, what song would it be?

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I have a couple picks.

Those of us who fight! - by Phyrnna

Fight the movement! - by Phyrnna

Rise - by Ampyz

Nothing Happened - by meganeko

Simply walk into epicnes - by Phrynna

Although the one that would fit me the best would be:

Following your star - by Phyrnna 

Since it matches my newer personality.


If you had one sound effect that played when you entered a room, what would it be?

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Washington state. It has everything I could ever want from a place in the world. Mountains, ocean, beaches, rivers, the whole shebang. You should go. It's like... a little like how I imagine Andor.

What's the longest drive you've been on?

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