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RoW Chapter 2 & 3 Discussion


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I pictured it like:

Lyn has a crush on their tough and mysterious leader.

Syl: She has a crush on you, ask her out.

Kaladin: No.

Test: Just do it, son.

Kaladin: Fine. Lyn, meet me for dinner.

Lyn: Uh, yes sir?

Then she finds out his mysteriousness is just depression and total focus on the war and his men, he's unable to be honest and open up to her, they never quite leave the subordinate/commander dynamic, so she breaks up with him. 

Anyway, Kalalyn happening and ending in two sentences definitely got a chuckle out of me. And I like the idea of Skar and Lyn @Harbour! Hopefully still a possibility!

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43 minutes ago, Requiem17 said:

Anyway, Kalalyn happening and ending in two sentences definitely got a chuckle out of me. And I like the idea of Skar and Lyn @Harbour! Hopefully still a possibility!

This is at least ten times better then your average ship fic.

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My 3 Thouts:

1. Why Dalinar is flying with them? Isnt to dangerous for Coalitin leader to fly above Enemy teritory, in constant threat of flying Fused? Yes, he is Radiant, he has a Windrunner Guard, and he can infuse them with Stormlight, but this is still odd.

2. Where is Szeth? He was the personal Guard of Dalinar when we saw him last time. Where he is now? On mission in Shinovar?

3. Knowledge about Aluminum is spreading! Maybe we can see Aluminum weapons. Its possible that sword that Dalinar has, is Aluminum.

Teleporting Fused is badass, i want more of him. I also want Jasnah using more Transportation powers (as contrast). Mink is also beyond cool. I think he is Dustbringer.

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10 hours ago, Requiem17 said:

Anyway, Kalalyn happening and ending in two sentences definitely got a chuckle out of me. And I like the idea of Skar and Lyn @Harbour! Hopefully still a possibility!

Oooooohhhh! I think that would be an awesome pairing and am now all in on hoping it happens. 

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20 minutes ago, Bzhydack said:

My 3 Thouts:

1. Why Dalinar is flying with them? Isnt to dangerous for Coalitin leader to fly above Enemy teritory, in constant threat of flying Fused? Yes, he is Radiant, he has a Windrunner Guard, and he can infuse them with Stormlight, but this is still odd.

His wife is captain. He is not going to leave heralone.

20 minutes ago, Bzhydack said:

3. Knowledge about Aluminum is spreading! Maybe we can see Aluminum weapons. Its possible that sword that Dalinar has, is Aluminum.

Aluminium is not all that great as a weapon. It is actually much better suited to armor.


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6 minutes ago, Oltux72 said:

Aluminium is not all that great as a weapon. It is actually much better suited to armor.

Weve seen aluminum guns. Gunframe need to be strong enough to sustain pressure of shot - so is possible to make aluminum weapons.

We also have another factor - aluminum in wound stops magical healing - really usefull.

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1 hour ago, Bzhydack said:

Why Dalinar is flying with them? Isnt to dangerous for Coalitin leader to fly above Enemy teritory, in constant threat of flying Fused? Yes, he is Radiant, he has a Windrunner Guard, and he can infuse them with Stormlight, but this is still odd.

Most likely because he wanted to go if Navani went. And no one really tells Dalinar that he cant do anything. At least not successfully. 

1 hour ago, Bzhydack said:

Where is Szeth? He was the personal Guard of Dalinar when we saw him last time. Where he is now? On mission in Shinovar?

In prison. Dalinar apparently told him to go there. 

1 hour ago, Bzhydack said:

Knowledge about Aluminum is spreading! Maybe we can see Aluminum weapons. Its possible that sword that Dalinar has, is Aluminum.

I have always thought that it would be cool if Mraize, who is Cosmere-aware, and presumably a skilled warrior just whipped out aluminum knives or something and started to take out Radiants. 

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3 minutes ago, Toaster Retribution said:

I have always thought that it would be cool if Mraize, who is Cosmere-aware, and presumably a skilled warrior just whipped out aluminum knives or something and started to take out Radiants. 

Aluminum gun with aluminum bullets :D

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On 7/28/2020 at 9:15 PM, Harbour said:

Mink reminded me Kakashi from Naruto with these body replacements and sass.

Oh yeah. He does. 

Also I loved his brutal dialogue with dalinar. Ooooof.

Only 9 surges huh. Hmm I wonder which is the missing surge . Adhesion probably. Hey can odium choose which surge he has to lose like leras did with atium  replacing cadmium. 

Also y 9 ? Now magic systems are due to shards interacting with a planet right. So if odium were to move to Roshar , would he gain access to all 10 surges. 

What about when surgebinders were on Ashyn ?  How many surges could they access ? Wait no , surgebinders only cane into existence after immigrating to Roshar.  So the dawnshards were the only way to access surges. 

Also since the fused can copy surgebinding , could it possible for a human , namely moash to get forms of power. 

I mean , does one have to be a singer to access forms ?

Vyre with decayform would be something.  

@Requiem17 nooooooooo.

Also add some dialogues by adolin , Lopen and maybe rock too. 


Edited by PrinceGenocide
A little polishing
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29 minutes ago, PrinceGenocide said:

Also since the fused can copy surgebinding , could it possible for a human , namely moash to get forms of power. 

I mean , does one have to be a singer to access forms ?

Vyre with decayform would be something.  

Unfortunately humans' shapeshifting isn't extensive enough to achieve the forms, plus the lack of a gemheart.

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39 minutes ago, PrinceGenocide said:


Also since the fused can copy surgebinding , could it possible for a human , namely moash to get forms of power. 

I mean , does one have to be a singer to access forms ?

Vyre with decayform would be something.  


The Singers have gemhearts in their sternum that spren can enter. Moash would need that or I guess swallow one like Amaram did at the end of OB. That's not advisable though. 


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2 hours ago, Bzhydack said:

1. Why Dalinar is flying with them? Isnt to dangerous for Coalitin leader to fly above Enemy teritory, in constant threat of flying Fused? Yes, he is Radiant, he has a Windrunner Guard, and he can infuse them with Stormlight, but this is still odd.

I suppose a windrunner could evac him if absolutely necessary but I agree it is irresponsible.  Perhaps his arc will involve more delegation?

1 hour ago, PrinceGenocide said:

Also y 9 ? Now magic systems are due to shards interacting with a planet right. So if odium were to move to Roshar , would he gain access to all 10 surges. 

Possibly.  Or all of the Rosharan magic systems could change.

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3 hours ago, PrinceGenocide said:

Only 9 surges huh. Hmm I wonder which is the missing surge .

My reading of it left me with the impression that there are nine types / orders of fused.

Mirroring the 10 orders of Radiants.

The fact that one of them was not mirrored implies that that order of Radiant is somehow special

My guess is that there is no type of fused similar to the Bondsmith.

We already know bondsmiths are special and rare. Bondsmiths surges are also not suited to direct combat

so its unlikely that any of the 7 Kaladin fought before mirrored the bondsmith


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I believe that each type of Fused has one Surge. Adhesion is the most likely to be the unused tenth, considering that Adhesion forges bonds, whether Spiritual or Physical. Bonds are one of Honor’s specialties, so it makes sense that no Fused would have that ability. 

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1 hour ago, Neturo said:

My reading of it left me with the impression that there are nine types / orders of fused.

Mirroring the 10 orders of Radiants.

The fact that one of them was not mirrored implies that that order of Radiant is somehow special

My guess is that there is no type of fused similar to the Bondsmith.

We already know bondsmiths are special and rare. Bondsmiths surges are also not suited to direct combat

so its unlikely that any of the 7 Kaladin fought before mirrored the bondsmith


You are correct it is the Bondsmith equivalent although it's not one to one since they only get one Surge each. https://wob.coppermind.net/events/173/#e8598

58 minutes ago, Innovation said:

I believe that each type of Fused has one Surge. Adhesion is the most likely to be the unused tenth, considering that Adhesion forges bonds, whether Spiritual or Physical. Bonds are one of Honor’s specialties, so it makes sense that no Fused would have that ability. 

Adhesion makes the most sense. It's true it is the most Honor like, but I don't know if that's really why they can't do it. 10 is the "magic number" in the Rosharan system for every planet except Braize, where it is 9. https://wob.coppermind.net/events/33/#e2745

There are 9 Unmade, 9 Heralds quit, 9 Fused orders, the Everstorm usually takes 9 days to travel around Roshar, In a Vision Nohadon says the desolation killed 9 out every 10 people. 

9 comes up a lot in the books and it's always for bad things!!

Pepe Silvia | Know Your Meme


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5 hours ago, PrinceGenocide said:

Also since the fused can copy surgebinding , could it possible for a human , namely moash to get forms of power. 

I mean , does one have to be a singer to access forms ?

Vyre with decayform would be something.

He'd need a gemheart among other things, such as the incomplete spiritweb that a Dullform singer has. ...Which, now that I say that out loud, sounds like something Odium could do to him. Heck, maybe just a Fused if Vyre is willing to let them "in" so to speak to let them cut the spiritweb into the right "shape" or size for it.

Also, if stormwater with crem in it is what provides the minerals to grow a gemheart, would a human be able to drink that for a gemheart or would that end badly? Maybe Vyre will be the exception after that spiritual tinkering, and in the meantime he has to swallow a gemstone to act as an artificial gemheart and it's not as effective.


I'm probably way off the mark but I like the idea of things getting worse before they get better, so, I'll still hope for this. :P

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Let me preface this by saying I’m sure this thought has holes and y’all will immediately tell me what those are :D, but on the topic of The Sibling being dead/slumbering:


What if it is the result of a broken bond similar to the shardblades? We see hints that Adolin might resurrect his spren/sword in OB. What if he figures that out and it somehow gives them the insight they need to restore The Sibling (and hopefully the rest of the spren) as well?

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That is quite possible. However, resurrecting Shardblades may be different than resurrecting a Bondsmith Spren, but you are correct; it could be a step in that direction. If I recall correctly, that the Sibling is not dead, just slumbering. My theory is that the Sibling is inside the gemstone column in Urithiru, and has been since the creation of the tower. Kind of like a giant Fabrial. Once they awaken the Sibling, the gemstone column will function again. 

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24 minutes ago, Skylicus23 said:

Let me preface this by saying I’m sure this thought has holes and y’all will immediately tell me what those are :D, but on the topic of The Sibling being dead/slumbering:


What if it is the result of a broken bond similar to the shardblades? We see hints that Adolin might resurrect his spren/sword in OB. What if he figures that out and it somehow gives them the insight they need to restore The Sibling (and hopefully the rest of the spren) as well?

Well that is possible, but the records of the radiants when they abandoned urithuru prior to the recreance indicate the sibling was already beginning to slumber. We know that this generation of radiants had only one bondsmith and I find it unlikely that Melishi was bonded to the sibling since the radiants have no idea what is happening to the sibling. If Melishi were bonded to the sibling then I expect that he would have an idea as to what was happening to it to cause it to slumber. This is assuming that the sibling was beginning to slumber when the radiants abandoned urithuru which to my knowledge is not confirmed and only strongly hinted at.

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I now feel like the Sibling has to be in the Gemstone Column. Like the only reason I can think of why they wouldn't be able to infuse it is if it was already full with something, at which point the Sibling is just the obvious answer. 

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