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34 minutes ago, Ookla the Quark said:

where 1 is the lowest, 2.

That feels overly self deprecating. (It feels weird to say this but) I'm sure your very cute. Have some self confidence and all that!


As for myself I would say I'm like a 5 on the cute scale. If it was like a handsomeness scale or something I might be higher but I do not usually define myself as "cute".

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2 hours ago, Ookla the Kobold said:

That feels overly self deprecating. (It feels weird to say this but) I'm sure your very cute. Have some self confidence and all that!


As for myself I would say I'm like a 5 on the cute scale. If it was like a handsomeness scale or something I might be higher but I do not usually define myself as "cute".

I have almost no self confidence in most areas. it's safer that way.

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Safer isn’t always better; if the characters in books always chose the safer route, think how boring it would be. With greater pain comes greater capability for happiness. 

…but I define myself as like a 3. I’m awful at following my own advice. 

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Well, (I wasn't summoned but I'M HERE ANYWAY) I was voted most likely to be kidnapped along with @OoklaTheKaladinLover*(because I look naive or something?) by my XC team.

So, umm, 7.6.

*It was you, right?

Edited by Ookla the Pencil Taxi
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11 hours ago, Ookla the Crow said:

this ain't discord m8.


on a scale of 1-10 how cute do you think you are?

negative 7. My face has been known to make small children cry. (At least twice)

Bees are fuzzy angels of the garden, and their cuteness rating is ten billion.

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23 hours ago, Ookla the Crow said:

this ain't discord m8.


on a scale of 1-10 how cute do you think you are?

Negative 9. I've definitely made more people cry than @Ookla the Obstinate

I mean, I like wearing masks just so people can't see my face. (Maybe that's just anxiety and insecurity though)

As a final point, one of my little brothers used to give us cuteness ratings when he was three, and he told me that my cuteness rating out of 100 was 1.

Rabbits are so, so, so cute.

Edited by Ookla the Unknowing
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6 hours ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Oh um...3?

I do my best to not think about how I look. The world has trained my brain too well. Generally thinking about how I look ends with me deciding to skip a meal.

I like skipping meals. It's fun!

5 hours ago, Ookla the Myopic said:

You all that say three or below are wrong, you're at least a five!

Such faith you have in my ugliness.

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Kind people, something I didn’t expect to find on a boys only thread. Actually, pardon the stereotype. People can be mean or nice no matter what gender. 
…but also, a 5 might be too generous. For me, that is. 

Edited by Ookla the Ta'veren
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