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That's part of what makes people so annoying; it's different for everyone, and so many things can be taken both ways. If someone is avoiding you, they could be mad or they could have a crush on you. It's infuriating, trying to understand them. Best thing is to just be nice no matter what, I think.

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4 hours ago, That1Cellist said:

Can somebody give me a general list of things that people will do when they're annoyed with you? I get the feeling I've offended someone but I worry asking could make it worse and I'm really confused as to what I should do or what is even going on.

I usually get really passive aggressive and just be annoying back. Also I don't go out of my way to be around the person unless they're a friend who made an annoying joke. So that might be one way to tell if you really annoyed someone

If you're worried you offended someone, I would just try apologizing.

Edited by Wittles of Shinovar
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4 hours ago, That1Cellist said:

Can somebody give me a general list of things that people will do when they're annoyed with you? I get the feeling I've offended someone but I worry asking could make it worse and I'm really confused as to what I should do or what is even going on.

At least for me I don’t get mad, if a person or group of people annoy me I retreat until the feeling of annoyance has passed then rejoin afterwards. 

I do also consider myself weird…. So take my stance with a grain of salt

Edited by Cash67
Me make many grammar error
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6 hours ago, That1Cellist said:

Can somebody give me a general list of things that people will do when they're annoyed with you? I get the feeling I've offended someone but I worry asking could make it worse and I'm really confused as to what I should do or what is even going on.

I understand that feeling, I keep swapping between it and not thinking at all.

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16 hours ago, Aes Sedai said:

That's part of what makes people so annoying; it's different for everyone, and so many things can be taken both ways. If someone is avoiding you, they could be mad or they could have a crush on you. It's infuriating, trying to understand them. Best thing is to just be nice no matter what, I think.

I like this. I do try to be nice most of the time.

14 hours ago, Wittles of Shinovar said:

I usually get really passive aggressive and just be annoying back. Also I don't go out of my way to be around the person unless they're a friend who made an annoying joke. So that might be one way to tell if you really annoyed someone

If you're worried you offended someone, I would just try apologizing.

I tried it. It turned out that either the person wasn't mad at me and my brain made it up, or that they are mad at me and just lied when I asked, which wouldn't make sense. Since I should trust people when they say things I'm assuming the former, especially because it's probably more likely. Thank you guys!

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1 minute ago, The Bookwyrm said:

This thread always has the most interesting conversations.

It does.

Deep question time!

What qualities, physical, mental, or psychological, do you believe a man should possess and why?

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22 minutes ago, cheeseman said:

It does.

Deep question time!

What qualities, physical, mental, or psychological, do you believe a man should possess and why?

*confused female noises*

Does sanity count?

Edited by Telrao
900th post!!!!!!!!!!!
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