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Non-Binary Gender Identities Only

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23 hours ago, SingingMosaic said:

We live in a mental environment that is kind of sentient, and it identifies itself as the original home. 

How does that work? How sentient is it, and what’s it like? 

Who’s been around the longest of all of you? 

Would ‘host’ be the right term for you (assuming I’m currently addressing Feather)? 

How do your different expressions work? Can you control which one you are? Are there multiple genders, or are you always nonbinary? Are they all Feather, just different versions of yourself, or other? 

Does your system have any fictives besides Nymyyrriq and Dot? (One day, one day I will be able to say Nymyyrriq’s name without checking the spelling...) Can Dot’s name be typed in the English language, and if yes, may we know it? 

If any of these questions are private, please tell me to shut up. :P You’d get so many questions if you guys set up an AMA...probably a lot from me :ph34r: 

Edit: question for any nonbinary people, I politely request a history lesson - who is thought to be the first recorded nonbinary person? 

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13 minutes ago, AonEne said:

Edit: question for any nonbinary people, I politely request a history lesson - who is thought to be the first recorded nonbinary person? 

This person is the first one who was legally recognised in the USA. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Shupe. There have been historical instances of cultures with more than 2 genders: https://listverse.com/2015/10/21/10-examples-of-nonbinary-genders-throughout-history/

Edited by Gears
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if they're still interested. Speaking of which do you have a preferred set of pronouns? I can't remember if I saw that anywhere or not.

I can only put tags each on their own lines for some reason known only to the depth of the Shard's code, sorry guys. Occasionally I can put text after a tag on the same line but sometimes that gets weird.

Spoilered for length.


 How does that work? How sentient is it, and what’s it like? 

It's capable of complex abstract thought, it is many different things from the space we inhabit to the data framework of the brain. It's as close to an original as you could probably get. It handles everything from accommodations for everyone to organizing for processing to the mechanics of the fronting system. It interfaces with the brain's subconscious the most, and large parts of its infrastructure exist there, though there are as many parts of that which exist ... who knows where. They're just there, in whatever way that mechanically works. It's constantly carrying and organizing huge amounts of data, and is capable of doing some frankly terrifying things to the brain--for example when I wanted to teach myself echolocation, I did this by getting its help in reprogramming how this brain processes and organizes data regarding sound. Like a cross between your task manager, the OS itself, a communications center, an AI built for logistics, and a giant house but as a mind. For all that, it is nearly incapable of fronting, can't communicate very well at all, and struggles with the most basic of emotional interactions. But in terms of sheer power of intelligence, it outstrips everyone here.
Who’s been around the longest of all of you? 
Someone who is now dead? I'm not sure what the best way to describe that is. Of everyone remaining, Nymyyrriq, actually. I wasn't here until 2001. He was first known in 1995.
Would ‘host’ be the right term for you (assuming I’m currently addressing Feather)? 
Na I'm just another person. I'm the one who wants a degree so I'm probably around the most these days, but it fluctuates over the years.
How do your different expressions work? Can you control which one you are? Are there multiple genders, or are you always nonbinary? Are they all Feather, just different versions of yourself, or other? 
Of the three of us who have a system of forms/expressions, we can each control which one we're in most of the time. Certain stimuli can make us all switch between them.
I'm always nonbinary. Some expressions have more traits that different people might consider masculine or feminine.
All my expressions are me, each of Nymyyrriq's are his etc. Beyond that, we're all different people.
Does your system have any fictives besides Nymyyrriq and Dot? (One day, one day I will be able to say Nymyyrriq’s name without checking the spelling...) Can Dot’s name be typed in the English language, and if yes, may we know it? 
I'll address Dot first because that's simple. Actual Dot never had a birth name. Someone called him Dot and it stuck. AV Character Dot's name is probably a chemical equasion or a complex series of interweaving clicks or something lol.

Two. One is... I wouldn't call him shy. It is rare for someone to appear straight out of a story, generally when something like it happens it's just some random in the universe. Most of them have never stuck around longterm though tons of them have come through here over the years. They're both the exceptions to that rule. Most people here would know of him. I don't want to speak on his behalf, he has probably dealt with that more than enough in his life, but he's got a knack for vanishing, paying attention, and sound, so those are your hints if you want them. His identity isn't exactly secret, we're just not putting it everywhere until he's comfortable in the system, also, he's not around most of the time. No idea how he got here. Woke up one day, put on a playlist and there he was, sounding curious and confused.
*There was also a hidden hint somewhere in those sentences.

The other doesn't want me to name him which is all right. He isn't around much either and is really busy most of the time.

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And here's a classic Delightful-hasnt-been-on-the-forums-in-ages-and-feels-like-they-must-reply-to-everyone


On 05/08/2020 at 2:49 AM, Gears said:

Yes [and no because I was thinking of making a dictatorship with anarchy but I don't know how that would work]. Are you in?

Well anarchy is about communal living and lack of hierarchy, so a dictatorship is kind of the opposite. It also (who said that now) doesnt require people to be logical imho. It requires people to realise that its in their best interests to work communally, which is honestly how humanity has survived this long. We're not the best predators or the quietest prey or the best foragers or w/e, we're really good at looking after each other (without capitalism and colonialism anyway). Its less people smashing in windows and burning tires and more pooling resources to improve everyone's lives, making joint decisions on how to use those resources, not giving any one person lasting significant power over others. Thats about as far as I know, theres a bunch of different models of what that could actually look like. 
Its kind of - begin ramble-
like how Lord of The Flies is supposed to be about what happens when people are left alone on an island to fend for themselves and how it turns into murder and chaos? So thats actually what happens when privileged, entitled private school boys get left on an island. If you look at actual natural disasters and things, people band together to help each other. And actually, there's an actual case like 50 years ago of a group of school kids from South East Asia, I think, who borrowed (stole) a boat, went out to sea, didnt come back and were presumed dead. A sailor like 5 years later was sailing past this random island and saw people waving for help. These boys had landed (crashed?) on the island, made a rule that they would never fight, rigged themselves up food and shelter, and even iirc set someone's broken bone, and by working together they survived relatively healthily until they were found 5 years later. And then when they got back home they guy who's boat they stole had them arrested for theft. 
-end ramble-

On 07/08/2020 at 5:33 AM, SingingMosaic said:

Yay this exists!

The whole system isn't nonbinary but I am so *waves*

Aww yay someone has a cat. This makes me happy, I don't have one, so I just have to think about petting cats and other people petting cats.

I'm here for anarchy. I have this whole idea of how an anarchist world might look that's been growing in my head for a while. It wouldn't be utterly without social structure, which implies guidelines at least if not rules, because I don't think humans, as social creatures, could actually manage that but it would be as close as we could get it.


Hi! yes my cat is a very fluffy boy who like snuggles. 

On 11/08/2020 at 0:22 PM, Koloss17 said:

I’m experimenting with being non-binary honestly came to the decision yesterday! I’m very happy this exists! Any tips for existing as an NB?

Hi! Uh, my tips are, don't feel bound by any particular way of being non-binary. Explore what gender and your gender expression mean for you, what you like, what makes you happy. And remember that non-binary  literally just means 'not exclusively a man or a woman', its not a third gender, so theres basically infinite gender space to explore. Enjoy! :)

On 17/08/2020 at 6:54 PM, SingingMosaic said:

Humans can be amazingly community oriented when they're broken out of all of this conditioning, but they have to keep at it and getting them to do that is the hard part.

This one is a mixed origin system, with systems nested inside of it, so it's complex to navigate. All in all there aren't very many individuals, but more than one of them is a person who is, in tendency and instinct, different people at different times, a sort of median system. Think Singer forms and you'd be reasonably close to the idea. It takes a lot of communication and sometimes there are multiple people present, but they're present at varying levels of attention and in different ways. I'm usually the one who types on the Shard, I'm Feather. I play Nnimm in the AV. I bring this up because another headmate, Nymyyrriq, plays Dot in the AV, who was adapted from his Numenera character, who then became a sort of accidental tulpa, who thinks it's amusing that a character of him exists, so sometimes he plays himself? Actual Dot isn't a Sleepless though. He's a human... er, if we're defining human very loosely. This isn't the first time it's happened either, the system can do something I think of as budding. In the mental space it occupies, a sort of tightly closed blossom can sometimes be found, and you can feel what I can only describe as raw potential from it. Eventually it opens and someone new is there. None of us have found a way to initiate the process at will. So there aren't really tulpas, in the technical sense of the word here. There's no core, host etc. The environment itself is host, sentient in a quieter way, we just have an agreement with it that we can call it home.

I have a couple questions if thats ok? No pressure at all to answer. 

So the environment is the host, does that mean everyone within the system is aware of whats going on all the time? Does someone front most often or can more than one person front together? Has the environment ever fronted? I've never met a system without a person as a host. 


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Not really, but anyone can query it to get or post notes, find out what's going on if it's not confidential, etc. More than one person can front at a time, there's a big room built into the mindscape where people can go to front. It's not as large as it is to accommodate a lot of people, we haven't tried to see if there was an upper limit. Its size has something to do with processing power being used. If someone's carrying on a text conversation and someone else is carrying on a separate verbal one, they're a lot farther apart in the room for example. Overall I've probably fronted the most but not really sure, I wasn't able to until the body was seven.

The environment can, I think? in extreme emergencies. In those times when we've had to do something and time is up but everyone is drawing a blank, something else happens. I used to think it was the crisis mode version of me, but these days I'm not so sure. It operates differently from any of us, has information we can never remember getting, and is somehow really competent and practical while occupying a brain predisposed to fluidity and distraction, and said brain cooperates way more than it does with any of us. There's no evidence of this trying to happen in any other kind of situation. So, in short, possibly it can but we don't have a concrete answer.

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8 hours ago, Delightful said:

Hi! Uh, my tips are, don't feel bound by any particular way of being non-binary. Explore what gender and your gender expression mean for you, what you like, what makes you happy. And remember that non-binary  literally just means 'not exclusively a man or a woman', its not a third gender, so theres basically infinite gender space to explore. Enjoy! :)


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  • 4 weeks later...
On 23/08/2020 at 6:57 PM, SingingMosaic said:



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Not really, but anyone can query it to get or post notes, find out what's going on if it's not confidential, etc. More than one person can front at a time, there's a big room built into the mindscape where people can go to front. It's not as large as it is to accommodate a lot of people, we haven't tried to see if there was an upper limit. Its size has something to do with processing power being used. If someone's carrying on a text conversation and someone else is carrying on a separate verbal one, they're a lot farther apart in the room for example. Overall I've probably fronted the most but not really sure, I wasn't able to until the body was seven.

The environment can, I think? in extreme emergencies. In those times when we've had to do something and time is up but everyone is drawing a blank, something else happens. I used to think it was the crisis mode version of me, but these days I'm not so sure. It operates differently from any of us, has information we can never remember getting, and is somehow really competent and practical while occupying a brain predisposed to fluidity and distraction, and said brain cooperates way more than it does with any of us. There's no evidence of this trying to happen in any other kind of situation. So, in short, possibly it can but we don't have a concrete answer.


Thank you for answering! I really appreciate it. :)

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  • 2 months later...

Ok rust it! I need to ask. Do y’all feel the urge to scream JUST USE THEY when someone says he/she?

i dunno if I should just correct people on the shard if they say he/she once or if I should let it be.

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8 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

Ok rust it! I need to ask. Do y’all feel the urge to scream JUST USE THEY when someone says he/she?

i dunno if I should just correct people on the shard if they say he/she once or if I should let it be.

If people use the wrong pronouns, feel free to correct them. You have a right to be referred to in the manner you prefer. I personally don't experience this as I am comfortable with all pronouns, but I can comprehend why someone would feel this way.

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56 minutes ago, Gears said:

If people use the wrong pronouns, feel free to correct them. You have a right to be referred to in the manner you prefer. I personally don't experience this as I am comfortable with all pronouns, but I can comprehend why someone would feel this way.

Oh I’m wondering if they are referring to a random human on the shard and use he/she as a “I don’t know their gender, so here is a catch all” which is false and bugs me, but I dunno if I should be petty enough for that.

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8 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

Oh I’m wondering if they are referring to a random human on the shard and use he/she as a “I don’t know their gender, so here is a catch all” which is false and bugs me, but I dunno if I should be petty enough for that.

I'm sure that if you asked politely and explained your reasoning, the individual at hand would make an attempt to appease you. Engrained habits take some time to fade, but with enough reminders, it will be fine. Make an appeal to logic, since 'they' is shorter and easier to type than 'he/she'. 

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2 minutes ago, Gears said:

I'm sure that if you asked politely and explained your reasoning, the individual at hand would make an attempt to appease you. Engrained habits take some time to fade, but with enough reminders, it will be fine. Make an appeal to logic, since 'they' is shorter and easier to type than 'he/she'. 

Yeah, that’s what I do. They is easier to say and type, and is more inclusive, so there’s no reason not to use it.

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On 12/1/2020 at 5:34 AM, Koloss17 said:

Oh I’m wondering if they are referring to a random human on the shard and use he/she as a “I don’t know their gender, so here is a catch all” which is false and bugs me, but I dunno if I should be petty enough for that.

I'm not nb, but I AGREE WHOLEHEARTEDLY, it's annoying! :P

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