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Most Deadly Shard Weapon


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I was thinking about it and since Radiants can shape their blade to anything it can create something really interesting. I think the deadliest of these, at least when facing a large group, would be a shard boomerang or chakram (basically a sharp edged frisbee). With one of these a radiant could just throw there blade into a horde of enemies, call it back and repeat. Unless someone in the group had shards or half-shards it would go straight through them. People who know what they're doing can throw these things hundreds of feet. Thats a line hundreds of feet long of death going straight through the enemy forces. Are there any other weapons that are generally not that strong but could be devastating in a shard form?

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A Radiant Blade + Lashings would be the scariest thing, because the Windrunner can just instantly resummon their weapon at will. You could make a big wide blade and then send it hurtling at the opponent at six times the speed of gravity, watch it scythe through a pile of guys, then do it over again.

edit: Something just occurred to me- it's very hard to infuse Shards with power, because they're already made of your Investiture, but does that apply when it's your own Radiant Blade and your own power? I can't decide.


Edited by earthexile
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13 hours ago, BrightLordSwageas said:

Yeah, I've always thought that throwable shard weapons would be overpowered as all hell. Huge shuriken from Naruto come to mind. Heck I'm surprised Kaladin doesn't use his spear as more of a javelin more often.

Does he ever throw it? Can you? For a dead blade that takes quite some training.

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1 hour ago, Oltux72 said:

Does he ever throw it? Can you? For a dead blade that takes quite some training.

Because Radiant and Spren are one entity, so spren can be what Radiant is needet without saying it. As Syl showed us many times. Very cool will be see shardweapon in form similar to african throwing weapons like Onzil, Kpinga, or Trumbash.


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2 hours ago, Oltux72 said:

Does he ever throw it? Can you? For a dead blade that takes quite some training.

I don't think he ever does wish is what surprises me. I believe either Adolin or Dalinar threw theirs once. I just assumed that since the connection is deeper with a Radiant that there would be more leeway with recalling and dismissing blades.

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26 minutes ago, Bzhydack said:

Because Radiant and Spren are one entity, so spren can be what Radiant is needet without saying it. As Syl showed us many times. Very cool will be see shardweapon in form similar to african throwing weapons like Onzil, Kpinga, or Trumbash.


Yes, the evidence for living spren changing shape as weapons is overwhelming. But can they do so without physical contact to a Radiant? Shallan once hands Pattern to Kaladin, but both are Radiants. So can you throw a Shardspear without it dematerializing?

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Just now, Oltux72 said:

Yes, the evidence for living spren changing shape as weapons is overwhelming. But can they do so without physical contact to a Radiant? Shallan once hands Pattern to Kaladin, but both are Radiants. So can you throw a Shardspear without it dematerializing?

Adolin throw Maya many times, and she is dead. For leaving Shardweapon it will be just:

"Syl, I wanna throw you"

"Yeah, I show them!"

W also know taht Radiants in the past form Shardbows.

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1 hour ago, Bzhydack said:

Adolin throw Maya many times, and she is dead. For leaving Shardweapon it will be just:

Why? It is easier to materialize a dead Blade. It is their default and every Shardbearer can do it, while for a living Blade you need a higher oath.

1 hour ago, Bzhydack said:

W also know taht Radiants in the past form Shardbows.

If that were literally bows, that won't be a problem. If Shardarrows are involved, which oath are we talking about?

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39 minutes ago, Oltux72 said:

Why? It is easier to materialize a dead Blade. It is their default and every Shardbearer can do it, while for a living Blade you need a higher oath.

I need to remind that you need 10 heartbeats to materialize dead blade, when with living Blade summoning is instantous. And remember - Radiant and Spren ARE ONE ENTITY from spiritual point of view. So Spren dont need mental controll, he simply KNOWS that need to stay material. With Dead Shardblade is just Connection.

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Another thing to consider that unlike normal weapons, they cut through enemies without resistance - so shaping them like a sturdy sword or spear is largely artifact of thinking about weapons that need mass and sturdiness to go trough armor and flesh. They don't need to be sharp or pointy or shaped stick - like. You also don't need to deal with consequences of bringing weapon back into original position after swing - it can change shape if inconvinient or be resummoned. Some kind of weapon that is a bunch of loose strings held in hand might be really strong, because how hard it would be to dodge. Maybe something bola like, but messier. 

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