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On 3/20/2021 at 10:14 AM, greekGeek442 said:

Hello? I Had a strange dream and I am looking for some answers. I do not usually dream nor do I usually have strange dreams. Or this vivid. I was alone but i wasnt there. There was nothing there but there was this man there. And he was a spaceman? Or he was in space and he was mad. So angry that I was very afraid and i was very afraid for him. He was trapped in a space suit. I remember he was sweating very much, and i was worried that he would drown in his own sweat. And he was very beautiful. He spoke to me but i could not understand what he was saying. 

Please if you have any answers or advice about this dream inform them to me. I can't stop thinking about him. 

Thank you



also. This is an update. My sister also had this dream?

Is there someone trying to communicate to you but you are unable to see or hear that person? Same with your sister?

This dream does make sense to me but it could just be my perspective is wrong.

Edited by Toothless of Shinovar
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i once had a dream where i was driving my siblings around in a big white van (we actually own one, so that's not weird) and every now and then i would remember I couldn't drive and almost crash, and then i would keep driving.

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  • 10 months later...

Last night I had the strangest saddest dream I've ever had.

So me and my best friend who is like a sister to me were at some sad town in the middle of nowhere. I was out somewhere and I don't remember where I was, I got back to where we were staying and she was crying. I immediately asked her what happened and she said "she's gone". I immediately knew she was referring to a friend of hours who had a dark past and decided to commit. I started crying too and we hugged each other. That's the end...

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1 hour ago, Elizabeth A. said:

Last night I had the strangest saddest dream I've ever had.

So me and my best friend who is like a sister to me were at some sad town in the middle of nowhere. I was out somewhere and I don't remember where I was, I got back to where we were staying and she was crying. I immediately asked her what happened and she said "she's gone". I immediately knew she was referring to a friend of hours who had a dark past and decided to commit. I started crying too and we hugged each other. That's the end...

Oohmygosh, that's so sad, I'm so sorry you experienced that dream. Dreams like that are awful. Sending hugs!!

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I had the worst migraine yesterday, so I was home from school. My younger sister was listening to Winnie the Pooh while I was trying to sleep on the couch. Cue the strange dream involving Spider-man (I'd just finished watching Civil War), Hermione Granger, and Tigger. I don't remember the specifics, just that I woke up and was so confused.

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I had a dream that (ATLA spoilers? Probably not necessary but to be safe)


Aang lost his climactic fight with Ozai, and then me and Akura Mercy from the Cradle series had to fight him, and I was apparently a waterbender. I kept shouting at Mercy that waterbending is stupid against Ozai, but she wasn’t listening. 


Also, I have this creepy recurring dream that I hate, where there’s this deep fathomless silence and emptiness, and if I make any sound at all (which I inevitably do), that sound gets louder and louder until it consumes everything and I wake up. Kind of hard to describe, and I’m not really doing it justice, but its terrifying and I’ve been having it for like 6 years or so. Though I usually only have it a few times in a year. Worst part about it is that it just happens again when I fall back asleep, so whenever I have it, I just stay up until morning…

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I dreamed that i accidentally stabbed myself in the back and died, and the afterlife was just my house, and my little sister was somehow measuring my life by pouring it into a paper bowl to see if i had been a good person. but she botched it so i got another chance at life. And even though i had a huge painful scar on my back, no one believed me. It was one of my more detailed, more bizzare dreams

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I had a very complicated and partially lucid dream involving swimming and a lot of WWI-era U-Boats that I think may have been attacking me. We're learning about WWI in Individuals and Societies at school, so that's probably why.

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Just now, Morningtide said:

I had a very complicated and partially lucid dream involving swimming and a lot of WWI-era U-Boats that I think may have been attacking me. We're learning about WWI in Individuals and Societies at school, so that's probably why.

that's somewhat hilarious.

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  • 3 months later...

I had a strange dream where I was stuck at the subway station without a ticket. The train was leaving and until the last moment, I could not find a ticket. Some guys offered me a ticket for triple the price which I did not acquire because my instinct told me I was being cheated on. However, finally I figured out a way to get a ticket from the rail controlled himself, and took the ride. I was seated around the last bench but did not mind. Later I took more trips sitting in the front seat. I don't seem to be knowing where I was going.

Any idea what this means?

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  • 1 year later...

I had a very strange dream, I literally felt like I was losing my mind through the dream.

I woke up at 6am, feeling tired, so, of course, I went back to sleep, then, I was in this college/gated community place, I apparently had friends who were ordering pizza and we went to the movies, or, the lunch area of the movies, because for some reason they didn't want to watch a movie. At this point, I became self aware that this was a dream, so when we were sitting on the couch and watching some tv, hanging out and stuff, I told them that I felt like this was a dream, and they were like "Huh? What do you mean?" To which I responded "Yeah, I remember I was in bed, and now I'm here." And they were just like "Nah, you are lying about this." So I just played along, until, I wanted to wake up, I felt like it has been hours, then, I was teleported to what seemed to be space, I kept remembering me on the bed, I started crying and chanting, "WHY WON'T THIS DREAM END?!" To which a creepy voice said "You are trapped here, there is nothing you can do." I immediately felt sadness, which turned to anger. "PLEASE LET ME OUT!" I said, hoping for that creepy voice to respond, but there was no response, I was just floating in space. I closed my eyes, thinking about being in bed, and my cat sleeping next to me. Then, I woke up, I felt a surge of relief, and it seemed like I was crying in real life, as I had tears all over myself. I woke up at 9:01, made breakfast, and thought, "What if this was an experiment, maybe that creepy voice was a higher being sending me to another dimension." I don't think this is how dreams are supposed to work. Either way, I'm glad that I wasn't trapped there, and I hope I never have that dream again.

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