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Siren's Call: an RP


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1 hour ago, Negative_Null said:

"Good. The prosecution may begin with their opening remarks."

"Your honor," the prosecution stood up, "as well as the ladies and gentlemen of the jury. The defendant is being charged with multiple cases of first and second degree murder, terrorism, manslaughter, breaking and entering, vandalism, and destruction of property. There are several witnesses that have identified that the defendant was not only at the scene of the crimes, but also that he was the perpetrator of the crimes that have been presented. We not only have witnesses, but security footage as well as forensic evidence placing the defendant at the many scenes of the crimes."

The prosecution turned towards the defendant and his lawyer, "how do you plead?"

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14 minutes ago, The Ward's Guard said:

"Your honor," the prosecution stood up, "as well as the ladies and gentlemen of the jury. The defendant is being charged with multiple cases of first and second degree murder, terrorism, manslaughter, breaking and entering, vandalism, and destruction of property. There are several witnesses that have identified that the defendant was not only at the scene of the crimes, but also that he was the perpetrator of the crimes that have been presented. We not only have witnesses, but security footage as well as forensic evidence placing the defendant at the many scenes of the crimes."

The prosecution turned towards the defendant and his lawyer, "how do you plead?"


Ooh. I wonder if there's any security footage of Trace doing murders.


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7 hours ago, Knight of Iron said:


Primrose smirked.  "I do believe it is the judge who usually asks that question, and only after both parties have given their opening remarks.  You wouldn't be so presumptuous as to assume yourself the judge and sole voice of truth in this court, now would you, Mr. Edgeworth?"  She snaked a delicate leg forward, then stepped toward the judge.  "My client pleads not guilty, Your Honor.  With your permission, may I give my opening statement?"  She pointedly looked to the judge, and not to her opponent. @Negative_Null

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18 hours ago, ProfetessaOscura said:

Primrose smirked.  "I do believe it is the judge who usually asks that question, and only after both parties have given their opening remarks.  You wouldn't be so presumptuous as to assume yourself the judge and sole voice of truth in this court, now would you, Mr. Edgeworth?"  She snaked a delicate leg forward, then stepped toward the judge.  "My client pleads not guilty, Your Honor.  With your permission, may I give my opening statement?"  She pointedly looked to the judge, and not to her opponent. @Negative_Null

Edgeworth sniffed at the statement, but reluctantly took his seat once again.


I'll be honest, I was a bit confused on where exactly we stood at the case because someone (I believe that it was Null) said something about skipping the opening statements. Thanks goodness this blunder fits into his character, because then we might have had a problem.


Edited by The Ward's Guard
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22 hours ago, Condensation said:

It shattered, pieces sinking below the surface one by one. 

@Matrim's Dice


Would you guys like some Vespyr support?  Are you near to the shore?


4 hours ago, Knight of Iron said:

Cruz watched both parties with interest, not feeling the greatest. He realized he would probably be answering questions from both Ms. Delacroix and Mr. Edgeworth, and he did not look forward to that at all.


I almost feel bad for murderhobo Cruz.


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17 hours ago, ProfetessaOscura said:

I also apologize because almost every character I've introduced so far has been snide, but it is really fun to RP as morally iffy people.


If Edgeworth needs anything, he needs to be humbled. 

Besides, it's sometimes better to do one thing well instead of a hundred things poorly (much like me).


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Ello there Null,



Ms. Delacroix awaits the Judge's permission for her opening statement.

On 2/7/2021 at 10:59 PM, ProfetessaOscura said:

Primrose smirked.  "I do believe it is the judge who usually asks that question, and only after both parties have given their opening remarks.  You wouldn't be so presumptuous as to assume yourself the judge and sole voice of truth in this court, now would you, Mr. Edgeworth?"  She snaked a delicate leg forward, then stepped toward the judge.  "My client pleads not guilty, Your Honor.  With your permission, may I give my opening statement?"  She pointedly looked to the judge, and not to her opponent. @Negative_Null


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Sorry, this was a bad time to have an exam


On 2/7/2021 at 1:20 PM, Condensation said:

It shattered, pieces sinking below the surface one by one. 

The head of the kraken rose above the surface of the water, black and glossy, with shards of crystal penetrating its hide. It roared and waves rocked the ship.

At the helm, the captain begins trying to turn the ship towards the beast

On 2/7/2021 at 9:59 PM, ProfetessaOscura said:

Primrose smirked.  "I do believe it is the judge who usually asks that question, and only after both parties have given their opening remarks.  You wouldn't be so presumptuous as to assume yourself the judge and sole voice of truth in this court, now would you, Mr. Edgeworth?"  She snaked a delicate leg forward, then stepped toward the judge.  "My client pleads not guilty, Your Honor.  With your permission, may I give my opening statement?"  She pointedly looked to the judge, and not to her opponent. @Negative_Null

"Well spoken. You may proceed."

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4 minutes ago, Negative_Null said:

The head of the kraken rose above the surface of the water, black and glossy, with shards of crystal penetrating its hide. It roared and waves rocked the ship.

At the helm, the captain begins trying to turn the ship towards the beast

Cadenza gritted her teeth and tried to lure the giant monster to the head of the ship. She ran to the head of the ship and shot another ice blast at the kraken.

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Bits of forced music lessons from her childhood flowed through her memory, and Maddy used those to fuel her Aspect and attack the beast. “This thing won’t leave us alone!”

Edited by Matrim's Dice
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3 hours ago, Negative_Null said:

"Well spoken. You may proceed."

Ms. Delacroix held her wrist behind her back, poised and elegant.  "My clients actions are damning," she said casually, "Only if you remove the context of his decisions.  It is too easy to become sterile, poisonously detached from the nuances surrounding fact and motivation.  The defense moves that to disregard this context is to condemn someone absentmindedly, to usher a soul into damnation without checking for the black mark of evil upon it.  If, in reviewing this information with whole, sound minds, the judge and jury do still condemn my client, there will still be victory. What is this victory?" she raised her hands in supplication, "The knowledge that our system of law, order, and justice, does not blindly destroy, when careful acknowledgement could preserve."  She bowed her head curtly to the judge, then swiveled, sashaying back to her seat by Crux.  "The defense pleads Not Guilty," she echoed once more, then took her seat.

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