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Siren's Call: an RP


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21 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Thanks for everything, Vespyr," Janice said. "I hope you get better."

She pressed something into Vespyr's hand, gave Brother Sparrow one final hug, then jumped onto the boat and left the island.

@ProfetessaOscura @Fallapede

Vespyr felt a sudden jolt of regret. He would be alone now, completely. Of course they wouldn’t have wanted him.  What good had saving the girl done him?  Nothing but pain could possibly ensue from his decisions. He really was just a tool, not a voice. 

Vespyr looked down at the object in his hand. 

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Just now, ProfetessaOscura said:

Vespyr felt a sudden jolt of regret. He would be alone now, completely. Of course they wouldn’t have wanted him.  What good had saving the girl done him?  Nothing but pain could possibly ensue from his decisions. He really was just a tool, not a voice. 

Vespyr looked down at the object in his hand. 

It was a folded piece of paper.


It's Janice's drawing of Scarlet. She didn't take the time to think about the fact that Vespyr doesn't have eyes.


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"To answer your earlier question, Vespyr, I have made this place my home because it is all I have left of the world I knew. I do not come here terribly often, but it is the one retreat I have when the rest of the world becomes too much for me. I aim to do no more harm because I have already done far too much. I do not seek absolution; those who I might have asked it from are long dead. Instead, I seek to make the world better by such means as I know how. Is this satisfactory to you?"

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1 minute ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

It was a folded piece of paper.


Vespyr held the piece of paper in one hand. It... was meaningless. A thoughtless gesture cruelly compounding the twist in his gut, just another cruel joke. He would tear it once she was gone, or drop it into the water.

Instead, he found himself slipping the paper into a pocket of his shirt. 

He turned to the Sparrow, feeling as though the warmth he’d kindled over the past few weeks had shrivelled and withered into death. “There is no place for me,” he said quietly, “To pretend otherwise is foolishness.”

The winds gathered in a lashing ring around him. Vespyr sensed the kind old man, and in the distance, sensed the ship. He would slide into the air like a ray of light. He’d... do... something...

He was worthless. No value left, no service to give. The Queen had made sure that if he left her service, he would have no place, except in death, and that was the one place he feared to go. 

The winds sagged listlessly around him, and he stood, stooped, face upturned to the sky. 

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2 minutes ago, Fallapede said:

"To answer your earlier question, Vespyr, I have made this place my home because it is all I have left of the world I knew. I do not come here terribly often, but it is the one retreat I have when the rest of the world becomes too much for me. I aim to do no more harm because I have already done far too much. I do not seek absolution; those who I might have asked it from are long dead. Instead, I seek to make the world better by such means as I know how. Is this satisfactory to you?"

“I... do not understand. You claim to want to help. You are here alone, where only chance might bring you opportunity. Why is it that you hide?”

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Just now, ProfetessaOscura said:

“I... do not understand. You claim to want to help. You are here alone, where only chance might bring you opportunity. Why is it that you hide?”


This is my fault for explaining poorly. This is where Brother Sparrow returns to when he's not doing stuff in the wider world. It's his home in that sense, but he doesn't really live here most of the time, if that makes sense.


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Just now, ProfetessaOscura said:

Vespyr didn't move, staring up at the sky.  What sins had this pleasant old man done?  What could compare?  What master had he served?  "What is it that you do?" he asked quietly, "To atone for the deaths?"

"I help people," Brother Sparrow replied simply. "As best and as often as I am able." Noting the piece of paper in Vespyr's hand, he asked, "What did Janice give to you?"

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  On 2/13/2021 at 11:58 PM, The Ward's Guard said:




Edgeworth nodded to the judge as he stood up, "thank you your honor. I merely wanted to point out that the Doctrine of Terrorist Management applies to this case specifically, since the defendant is being charged with terrorism. As such, 'the treatment of the defendant, no matter how inhumane, can't be used for the dismissal of any case involving a degree of suspicion towards terrorist actions.' I'm sure the defense was simply seconds away from explaining this, but I'd rather be sure that it gets brought up." Edgeworth sat back down, "that is all your honor, until my cross-examination that is."


“As a matter of fact, I had mentioned it,” she drawled, annoyed that he was interrupting her to explain something that she already knew about and had already said. “However, in that same article, it specifies that only the treatment of the defendant in an attempt to apprehend, entrap, or subdue, is excusable. And, as I’m sure you’ll remember in the second paragraph of that same law, Mr. Edgeworth, that inhumane treatment of a subdued prisoner is a violation of an officer and soldier’s duty. Our justice system is innocent until proven guilty, Mr. Edgeworth, and do not think me amateur enough to ignore the fact that my client was unduly tortured and neglected with no purpose whatsoever, due to the preconceived prejudice of his captors.” She turned to the judge and bobbed her head once. 

“Yes, Your Honor. I wish to make a case of abuse of due process.”
@The Ward's Guard @Negative_Null

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Just now, ProfetessaOscura said:

"A paper."  He laughed dryly.  "It is a cruel joke.  One last thrust of the knife."

"One of the most important lessons I have learned is to never ascribe to malice that which can be explained by thoughtlessness. I believe that I can show it to you, if you are willing?"

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Just now, ProfetessaOscura said:

"I do not believe that you can," Vespyr said, but passed the paper over anyways. 


I've been waiting to do this for forever, just so you know.

Brother Sparrow unfolded the paper and focused on the image, then bit down hard on the inside of his cheek. With the small amount of pain that created, he opened a link with Vespyr and shared his sight.

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5 minutes ago, Fallapede said:

Brother Sparrow unfolded the paper and focused on the image, then bit down hard on the inside of his cheek. With the small amount of pain that created, he opened a link with Vespyr and shared his sight.



Vespyr froze, stunned as if he'd been slapped, then swayed uncertainly, turning.  He didn't see anything new, then suddenly realize that he was viewing the world through the Brother's eyes.  If the link was two way, Sparrow might find his eyes welling up with tears from the sudden, bright light.  The colors... he had missed them the most.  There had never been vibrant colors in all his years of captivity, and in freedom, he hadn't had eyes to appreciate them.  He saw the green of the trees, the grass up close for the first time, the open fields and air.  It was... like breathing again after drowning, painful and beautiful.

He saw himself, a scarred monster draped in gray, imposing and... frightening.  He hated it.

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3 hours ago, ProfetessaOscura said:

Vespyr froze, stunned as if he'd been slapped, then swayed uncertainly, turning.  He didn't see anything new, then suddenly realize that he was viewing the world through the Brother's eyes.  If the link was two way, Sparrow might find his eyes welling up with tears from the sudden, bright light.  The colors... he had missed them the most.  There had never been vibrant colors in all his years of captivity, and in freedom, he hadn't had eyes to appreciate them.  He saw the green of the trees, the grass up close for the first time, the open fields and air.  It was... like breathing again after drowning, painful and beautiful.

He saw himself, a scarred monster draped in gray, imposing and... frightening.  He hated it.

"As I said, I do my best to help. All I can hope for is that I will be able to help enough."

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1 minute ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Cruz? Trace spoke to his mind. Cruz, please... you have to...

@Knight of Iron



I'll mention him as well as apparently we're awaiting the judge's response.




Okay back to the RP


Cruz whipped around. Was that... Trace?

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"I do not have any particular purpose, I suppose, nor any grand plan. I simply do what I can to help those I encounter. Sometimes, that involves preventing untold death. Other times, it simply means helping someone to heal. By no means do I advise that you follow in my footsteps. I simply ask that you do what you can to do more good than harm."

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On 2/14/2021 at 8:33 AM, ProfetessaOscura said:

“As a matter of fact, I had mentioned it,” she drawled, annoyed that he was interrupting her to explain something that she already knew about and had already said. “However, in that same article, it specifies that only the treatment of the defendant in an attempt to apprehend, entrap, or subdue, is excusable. And, as I’m sure you’ll remember in the second paragraph of that same law, Mr. Edgeworth, that inhumane treatment of a subdued prisoner is a violation of an officer and soldier’s duty. Our justice system is innocent until proven guilty, Mr. Edgeworth, and do not think me amateur enough to ignore the fact that my client was unduly tortured and neglected with no purpose whatsoever, due to the preconceived prejudice of his captors.” She turned to the judge and bobbed her head once. 

“Yes, Your Honor. I wish to make a case of abuse of due process.”


Ok, ok! I have stuff to do, you know :P 

"Duly noted. The prosecution will have to present evidence to argue that the defendant's treatment was somehow not unfounded. While I doubt this will acquit your client completely, Ms Delacroix, it will likely result in a much lighter sentence if you are successful. The prosecution may continue to argue for the defendant's guilt as well, but the focus of this trial has moved to his legal rights after arrest." 

On 2/14/2021 at 11:04 AM, Channelknight Fadran said:

Janice had spent the boat ride sleeping on Jay's shoulder. The presence of her friends, however, seemed to have chased off her nightmares.


Jay smiled. He hoped her happiness could last. Perhaps he'd ask her when she woke up how she got out of the Queen's fortress.


Ok, help me out guys that I've unfortunately been ignoring. 

@I Am A Fish @The Ward's Guard

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