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Siren's Call: an RP


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3 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Through the pain he was already feeling, the blade was barely noticeable; but Cumulo was well aware of how much danger it posed.

Vespyr twisted the blade, leaving it there to ensure Cumulo wouldn't be able to heal from it.  He hadn't seen those he'd known from childhood in a long, long time; he couldn't be aware of their capabilities.  With one hand, he held the hilt of the weapon, and with the other, he slammed his fist right under Cumulo's chin.  

This man had threatened the children.  It was time to remove him from the equation. 

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11 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:


((What did you have planned for this encounter?  What did you want to happen?  What's the endgame for Cumulo?  Does he live?  Die?  Spirit go all haunty and leave?))

Satisfied, Vespyr threw Cumulo to the ground, swinging the blade sharply to clean it.  He walked slowly past Brother Sparrow, and didn't meet his eyes.  Tentatively, he put a hand on the man's shoulder, but withdrew it quickly when he saw the blood rub off on Sparrow's clothing.  "I... apologize.  For the inconvenience," he said, then quickly strode past his friend.

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Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:

Cumulo grunted, blood spilling onto the glassy sand beneath him.

Volts... VOLTS... He cried out. No... not like this...

((How many are there?  We can just pull as many as we need to make intimidating threats towards endgame, but we should level our people up so they can reasonably face them.))

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Brother Sparrow withdrew from the link with Cumulo and allowed his senses to return, channelling his Aspect inward to dull his own pain. As he noticed Cumulo's unmoving form, he sprang into action, grabbing needle, thread, and antiseptic from his bag.


Did Vespyr stab him all the way through?


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42 minutes ago, Fallapede said:

Brother Sparrow withdrew from the link with Cumulo and allowed his senses to return, channelling his Aspect inward to dull his own pain. As he noticed Cumulo's unmoving form, he sprang into action, grabbing needle, thread, and antiseptic from his bag.


((He stabbed him severely in the lower belly, below the ribs, in the small and large intestine, a diagonal cut going upward.  He *can* survive this.))


”If you save him,” Vespry breathed, “he will kill you.”

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1 hour ago, Fallapede said:

"If I do not, I cannot live with myself." Brother Sparrow carefully lifted Cumulo's torso up, sliding a few layers of gauze beneath him to catch the pooling blood as he did. "I doubt it is safe to move him yet, so I shall have to work quickly. Please do your best to help me remain conscious."

"I do not know how to ensure that," Vespyr said stiffly.  

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3 hours ago, Flaming Coinshoot said:

Finn walked out curiously. This wasn't something you see everyday. Using pain to overload an opponent, then punch and stab him, and then heal. He shrugged. He walked over to Brother Sparrow. "I have some light field medic experience. Anything I can do to help?"

"Get a light and as much bandaging as you can find. And something to sterilize a needle with. A fire will do, but go quickly."

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Finn shrugged. "Okay." He bended sunlight towards the needle, heating it at the point in between melting it and cleaning it off. He reached into his pack and pulled out a bunch of bandages. After that, he bended light into an orb in his hand, brought everything to Sparrow, and sat down. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/15/2021 at 10:09 AM, Channelknight Fadran said:

Trace left Janice's body, floating in ghost form in front of her and Cruz. "Sorry, kid. But you were kinda whiting out there."

Blinking, Janice nodded. "Kay."

Cruz glanced at Trace's ghost, struggling to focus on her due to the spots of light dancing across his eyes. "Woah, that guy got destroyed."

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"Poor lad." Elcyon said, taking his hand off the sphere. "Did his job, though. Would've been nice if he didn't have to get his teeth kicked in, though. I always did like Cumulo."

He stood up, stretched, and looked around. "Alright! Welp; we're all good to go. Let's get this show on the road!"

Someone flicked the master power switch, and all the lights to the Hidden Fortress were shown for the first time in fifty years.

At the same time, seventeen Raodean islands went under martial law; including two owned by one of the wealthiest noble families in the country.

An ordered nationwide shutdown was vetoed by the vast majority of Myria's council, but the anonymous proposal set tension into the noble representatives.

Sirens started sounding at the Amarian fortresses as hordes of yevon charged the country settlements.

No news left Sabir for a time, as per the norm, but the number of settlements around the Persolux mountains that suddenly went dark was astounding.

Roanoke closed its borders for the first time since its inception, cutting its outward flow of cheap workers to a standstill.

In light of the sudden crisis everywhere, Halcyon called an emergency meeting for all the world leaders and dusters they could find; right before a bomb blew off the top three floors of the capital building and any representative in the streets were shot.

Well done, Vespyr. The Queen spoke into her ex-dreadlord's mind. Even in exile, everything you did went perfectly according to plan.

@ProfetessaOscura @Negative_Null

Edited by Channelknight Fadran
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On 10/2/2021 at 0:06 PM, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Do you think a tank could take out Vespyr?" Trace asked.

Janice stood up and rubbed the back of her head. "Hey, uhm... Cadenza. What happened?"

"I put ice all over the floor and then the bad guy got destroyed. And maybe we should seek medical attention, especially for Corwin?"

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