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Siren's Call: an RP


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Kane hated Myrtenia, actually Kane hated most of Myria.
While walking down the main avenue, you could still see the signs of police crackdowns, and discrimination.
Cracks in the pavement from gunfire, signs warning to watch out for sylvens, and of course nobody in the city even batted an eye.
Besides Kane of course.
Dressed in a suit and tie, with a briefcase in his hand, he wouldn't have looked out of place, except he was a sylven, and sylvens were not supposed to be in Myrtenia.
Well aware of the hostile glances he was receiving Kane strode up to the building in front of him, it was modern, with a large glass wall facing the street.
Two guards, one male, one female, both bearing rifles blocked his path. 
"Why are you here?" They stared at him hostilely. 
Kane grinned. "I need to speak with Doctor Simon Pearce."
The guard's eyes narrowed. "Your kind aren't welcome here, Sylven."
Kane stared at them, completely serious. "I'm well aware, I mean why do you think I brought a bomb?" 
He slammed his fist into the male guards face, then slid the briefcase towards the door of the building.
The other guard fired at him, sending bullets flying into his chest.
He smiled, then gave a mock salute to the guards, turning away from the building. "See you in the afterlife."
3... 2... 1...
The briefcase exploded, a shock wave burst outwards, the air burned, shrapnel flew everywhere.
Kane's back was scorched to the bone, and pieces of glass and metal embedded themselves in his skin, everything hurt.
Drawing in on the pain around him, Kane's back began to reform.
Not dying today, I'm afraid.
He looked down, his suit was in tatters, but his grenades and gun were still intact.
Aw... That suit was brand new.
Kane walked into the blasted out lobby, scanning for guards.
It appeared most had been taken out in the explosion.
He confidently strode through the empty halls, though it seemed everyone of note was huddling in their offices, that would make his job easier.
Three guards rounded the corner, then opened fire on him.
Kane winced as bullets punched through him, then quickly returned fire, and ducked into a doorway.
Looking down at his belt he grabbed a grenade, popped off the pin, and rolled it into the hallway.
A loud explosion sounded in the hallway, peering out Kane saw that the guards had been thrown against the wall like ragdolls, though one was still technically alive.
Once again drawing on the guard's pain, Kane healed, and continued heading towards his destination.
The office door was small and unassuming, a sign to the left of it read simply: Dr. Simon Pearce, Aspect Manipulation, and Insertion.
Grinning, Kane opened the door, to find a small balding man huddled behind a desk. Upon seeing Kane, he began to shake.
"What do you want?"
Kane gave him an amused look. "Really Doctor Pearce? You haven't guessed?"
The man held up a small pistol and aimed it at him. "Whatever it is, I won't help you!"
Kane snorted, then raised his gun, aiming it at Dr. Pearce. "Fire the gun, and you're dead."
Trembling he lowered his gun. 
Shouts sounded in the hallway, accompanied by the stomping of feet. Kane frowned. "All right, onto the balcony."
After hesitating, the doctor walked out onto his office's balcony, Kane followed.
A helicopter descended from the sky, lowering a rope ladder along with it. 
"Up." Kane waved his gun again, and the doctor began to climb up the ladder, but then stopped.
He turned to face Kane. "What do you want from me?"
Kane grinned, then began climbing the ladder. "Well doctor, you're being hired!"
Edited by I Am A Fish
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59 minutes ago, Ookla the Channelknight said:

“Our spies inform us that you’ve already been tested by one of these.” One of the men held up something that looked like a bracelet. “An artificial manifestation of a Ring. Reports indicate that they cause you pain?”

“They—please don’t. Please, I’ll, I’ll...”

“I doubt they told me you why, though.” The man smiled deviously. “Well... we know why. And your about to find out.”

”Stop! Wait! Please, I’ll do anything!”

The doctor brought the bracelet over to Janice. Her Traces began to burn lightly just by the mere presence of the metal, and the voices began to speak again.


“I’m afraid that this is going to hurt quite a bit.” The doctor slid the bracelet onto her arm.

Janice began to scream.

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1 hour ago, Ookla the Channelknight said:

“I’m afraid that this is going to hurt quite a bit.” The doctor slid the bracelet onto her arm.

Janice began to scream.

Let me in, child.

Janice thrashed around on the table, screaming uncontrollably. Her back arched against her bonds. She cut her wrists trying to pull herself free.

The two doctors sat back, watching Janice strain. Several Talon members poked their heads into the room to see what the commotion was, but left when they decided that it was “just another torture.”

You want to stop the pain? I can stop the pain. Just let me in.

“I won’t!” She somehow managed to sceam. “I WON’T. I’ll never let you in!”

The doctor raised an eyebrow, jotting down a note. “Very resilient.”

The screaming continued. The doctors started receiving messages asking if everything was going alright—people halfway across Talongarde were hearing her.










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A massive explosion erupted through Talongarde. Everyone within fifty feet of it were killed instantly—and anyone twice that were knocked senseless.

The engines started failing, and the power cut out. Everyone’s bindings were depowered, and the locks on the doors undid themselves.

A calm voice came through a number of speakers, supposedly on backup power. “All Talon members, please evacuate immediately. Talongarde is expected to be completely obliterated in fifteen minutes.”


Don’t worry; I planned this with Null.


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3 minutes ago, Ookla the Channelknight said:

A massive explosion erupted through Talongarde. Everyone within fifty feet of it were killed instantly—and anyone twice that were knocked senseless.

The engines started failing, and the power cut out. Everyone’s bindings were depowered, and the locks on the doors undid themselves.

A calm voice came through a number of speakers, supposedly on backup power. “All Talon members, please evacuate immediately. Talongarde is expected to be completely obliterated in fifteen minutes.”



Did you plan this with Fish as well as Null?

And by depowered, I assume you mean stopped working but they're still on?


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15 minutes ago, Ookla the Channelknight said:

A massive explosion erupted through Talongarde. Everyone within fifty feet of it were killed instantly—and anyone twice that were knocked senseless.

The engines started failing, and the power cut out. Everyone’s bindings were depowered, and the locks on the doors undid themselves.

A calm voice came through a number of speakers, supposedly on backup power. “All Talon members, please evacuate immediately. Talongarde is expected to be completely obliterated in fifteen minutes.”



You Have Forfeited Your Life Privileges | Know Your Meme

And by you, I mean Janice...


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1 hour ago, Ookla the Channelknight said:

A massive explosion erupted through Talongarde. Everyone within fifty feet of it were killed instantly—and anyone twice that were knocked senseless.

The engines started failing, and the power cut out. Everyone’s bindings were depowered, and the locks on the doors undid themselves.

A calm voice came through a number of speakers, supposedly on backup power. “All Talon members, please evacuate immediately. Talongarde is expected to be completely obliterated in fifteen minutes.”


Lloyd felt the explosion before it reached him “Oh no.” With all he had gone through today his Veil wouldn’t hold... The explosion hit his room and he was thrown against the wall.


When Lloyd woke up the first thing he noticed was the pain, well not the pain but the lack thereof. “I’m dead.” Lloyd muttered, then the headache kicked in. Lloyd felt his face with his right hand, there seemed to be some dried blood but other than that it was fine. He tried to feel his legs with his left but... he looked at his arm. It wasn’t there, it was nowhere to be seen. His arm had been ripped off at the shoulder and thrown some where “I... I...” Lloyd looked at his shoulder shocked. The pain was starting to hit him now, there was a ringing in his ears that died down after a little and all of his bones were sore. He needed to go on, for the others. “I’m coming.” Lloyd dragged his bloodied body along in the direction of the explosion’s origin.

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I will have my revenge...

It's not that I'm salty,

I just live in saltwater :P 

Xenia walked through the halls of a dying island.

It had been discussed what would be done if Talongarde went down, thankfully protocols had already been set in place. The evacuation was proceeding quickly and efficiently, and the Talon would survive. 

The Talon needed to survive.

Walking into the launch bay, Xenia could see machinery and personnel already being loaded into transports, those knocked out in the blast had been retrieved, and were already on their way to the rendezvous, while others were still being loaded into escape craft.

Xenia calmly walked over to her designated craft and sat down, making sure to leave room for the other evacuees.

A few minutes later, the then full transport, took off skyward, leaving Talongarde behind.

Leaving Talongarde to sink into the frothy sea beneath it, lost amidst the waves. 

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1 hour ago, Ookla the Grammatical said:

Cadenza opened the door and peered into the hallway, looking for guards or her friends.


7 minutes ago, Ookla the Hemalurgic Pinto said:

Lloyd found Janice where the explosion had come from, “We need to go.”

@Ookla the Channelknight


Hold up Wind... give me a moment.

Through the smoke and fire, the figure of a small girl could be seen standing atop a hill of rubble.

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1 minute ago, Ookla the Channelknight said:


Through the smoke and fire, the figure of a small girl could be seen standing atop a hill of rubble.


Gotcha, just gonna say something so you don’t have to double post.

“We need to... Janice! Are you okay?”

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Jay woke up, and immediately wished he hadn't.


Also, all you chill. I try not to get on the Shard too much on Sundays :P . I realize we're at an awesome point and I love where we're going.

He had day old bruises all over his body from Overloading, and that wasn't counting the cuts, scrapes, and other injuries from fighting. His throat tasted like chloroform which was one of the worst sensations he'd had the opportunity of experiencing. The fighting and running of the last few days finally caught up to him, and his muscles protested any movement.

Was that an explosion? Maybe that teleporting guy had succeeded. Hopefully Prime would be here soon with some military to bail them out. Jay pulled at some of his cuffs, but his muscles were far too exhausted to make much progress. 

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