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Siren's Call: an RP


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1 minute ago, Ookla the Channelknight said:


“Your aspect draws on pain. Every time you were injured in the fight you gained strength. Something knocked you out back there and it must still be in you. If I just simply remove your armour then whatever is giving you the strength to control this girl will cease to affect her.”

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47 minutes ago, Ookla's Dice said:

Name: Maddy

Species: Human

Aspect: Creative energy (Sort of like Shallan's drawing, but... not.)

Profession: Independant Duster?

Weapon: A two-foot-long blade of silvery steel, kept in a leather holster on her back

Side: I don't know what the sides are, but the good one

Appearance: Maddy is 5'6", and is 18 years old. She has straight brown hair, and dark brown eyes. She wears little to no armor, but doesn't need to because she is skilled at maneuvering and is fairly athletic and agile. Most of the time she just wears a T-Shirt and sweatpants, and always has good shoes. Always.

Personality: Maddy has two sides- her creative side, where her Aspect comes from, and her fiery athletic side, which serves her in basic combat. She is surprisingly scientific for what people expect, but doesn't have a very good memory. The two sides aren't personas, just make up her personality in a way people don't expect because of the variety of it.



*waves* Hello? Comments/Approval/Place to jump in? :P 


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Just now, Ookla the Hemalurgic Pinto said:

“Your aspect draws on pain. Every time you were injured in the fight you gained strength. Something knocked you out back there and it must still be in you. If I just simply remove your armour then whatever is giving you the strength to control this girl will cease to affect her.”

"You think this suit is letting me control Janice? Far from it. It's certainly helping, but it's far from the only reason. Besides... I doubt you have clearance to undress a prisoner on a whim."


You have neither clearance from the ship or the author.


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53 minutes ago, Ookla's Dice said:

I think I get it. Tell me if any of this doesn't work:

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Name: Maddy

Species: Human

Aspect: Creative energy (Sort of like Shallan's drawing, but... not.)

Profession: Independant Duster?

Weapon: A two-foot-long blade of silvery steel, kept in a leather holster on her back

Side: I don't know what the sides are, but the good one

Appearance: Maddy is 5'6", and is 18 years old. She has straight brown hair, and dark brown eyes. She wears little to no armor, but doesn't need to because she is skilled at maneuvering and is fairly athletic and agile. Most of the time she just wears a T-Shirt and sweatpants, and always has good shoes. Always.

Personality: Maddy has two sides- her creative side, where her Aspect comes from, and her fiery athletic side, which serves her in basic combat. She is surprisingly scientific for what people expect, but doesn't have a very good memory. The two sides aren't personas, just make up her personality in a way people don't expect because of the variety of it.


 Yay! 2,000 posts!!!


Looks great to me!


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1 minute ago, Ookla the Channelknight said:

"You think this suit is letting me control Janice? Far from it. It's certainly helping, but it's far from the only reason. Besides... I doubt you have clearance to undress a prisoner on a whim."

“True, but if I tell my friends the hypothesis I doubt that they will hesitate in taking you out.”

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Just now, Ookla the Channelknight said:

"Yep. There's just one tiny little wrinkle."

Trace leans in real close. "I could kill all of you easily."

“No, you couldn’t.” Lloyd walked off to find his friends.




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Just now, Vapor said:

"And how does this pertain to me?"


1 minute ago, Ookla's Dice said:



That's not quite how aspects work... I think... @00kla?

Kane ignored her question, lost in thought.

"The owner of this farm was not a kind man, by any means, but he had a dog he loved dearly."

He paused, enjoying the silence.

"The other animals on this farm were sheep, though the farmer, fed them little. In addition to this, he routinely mistreated them, and occasionally would slaughter some of their lambs for meat."


Heavens, I feel like Orwell...

"Now unlike the sheep, the farmer fed his dog well, he played with it often, he even called the dog good boy, a complement the dog very much enjoyed, and when the dog was old enough he gave the it the task of watching his sheep."

"Originally, the sheep had seemed strange and alien to the dog, with their large coats, and strange language, but over time they began to befriend with one another. And slowly but surely, the many sheep and the dog became friends."

Kane once again paused, breathing in deeply.

"Every day, the master of the farm would set the dog out, and have it tend to his flocks, then as dusk set in, call the dog home, and praise it. For it was a "good boy."

"But one day the farmer announced that he'd be butchering and selling some of the flock's lambs. The sheep, terrified and desperate, hatched a plan to escape. As night set in, they clambered over the stone wall, keeping them trapped, and set out to the edges of the farmer's property. However, to their horror, they found out that the edge of the farm was surrounded by a barbed wire fence, and the latch to the gate was just out of reach."

"One of the sheep knew what to do, it ran back all the way to where the sleeping dog lay, and pleaded for help. The dog, hearing the cries of it's friend, set off to see what the matter was. He arrived where the flock waited, and surveyed their predicament. Do you know what he did then?"

Kane continued, ignoring his question.

"He woke his master, and the next day the lambs were slaughtered, for he was good boy. "

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Just now, I Am A Fish said:

That's not quite how aspects work... I think... @00kla?

Tags don't work in quote boxes



I was thinking like- She draws, or does something creative, or has a spontaneous really good idea, and then turns that into the force. Like how anger/fear works for others, creative energy works for Maddy. But idk.


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5 minutes ago, The Ookla's Guard said:

"Then I am Colonel Tucam, Paladin of the Raodean military. You are the one who's soul is 'artificial?'"

“Sure.” Lloyd said looking at the man’s mask. “What does the mask do?”

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Just now, Ookla the Hemalurgic Pinto said:

“No, you couldn’t.” Lloyd walked off to find his friends.

Trace watched him leave, smiling to herself. She retreated back into her thoughts.

That... that wasn't Lloyd. Janice said.

No. He wasn't. You killed the real Lloyd.

I... I would never--

Ah, but you did. Think about that, Janice. He may still be alive, but he's become so much less than human. You've given him a fate worse than death.

You did that to him! It was you!

Trace chuckled to herself. "I am you, Janice. I am you, just stronger. You are too weak to use your gift."

I'm not... I'm not...

"You're not weak? You can't bring yourself to even attack someone in self-defense. You say you don't want hurt others, but you're really just afraid of hurting yourself. You're selfish. Pathetic."

Stop it! I was wrong about Kane. If he's a horrible person, than you're... you'd be...

"See? You can't even bring yourself insult your enemy. Weak."

Janice balled her fists, teeth clenched and face contorted into an angry scowl. "I HATE YOU."

You do? How cu--

Trace frowned. So she had taken over again?

"How cute."

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