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Siren's Call: an RP


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Trace examined the band that Kane had given her. It didn't look like anything special; how had he managed to fit a sedative in it?

Not that it mattered, of course. She tossed it into the corner of the room, sitting back in her chair. Trace tried stretching her arms, but found that the strain was a little bit too much for Janice's tiny body. Maybe she should start doing push-ups.

The boat knocked against something, and someone said something about land; so they had approached. Wonderful. She could finally get off this stinking ship.

Ready to start murdering people, Janice?

Janice didn't reply. Trace wasn't sure if it was because she was out of energy, or rather if she just didn't want to. Either way, she didn't complain.

I'll complete myself soon, my Queen. Soon, I will be sure; and Janice will be dead.

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With a quick, smooth motion, Cruz slit the throat of the noble's son as he slept. Silent, instant death. Perhaps if he hadn't wasted away his life laying around, living in his luxury, oblivious to the needs of anyone but himself, he could've had a stronger Veil. Could've survived such a basic maneuver.

But Cruz could tell that he was dead, killed by a very member of the race that he had despised. This man could never have lead the people of his island, much less the few Sylven who lived there upon. Cruz had given him ample chance to prove himself but had only been disappointed. So when a man came to him, offering payment for this man's assassination, how could he refuse?

He still didn't know who had sent him, though Cruz thought it was likely it was some noble from another island. Regardless, the son's father wouldn't be too happy about it.

Cruz slipped out through the window and stashed away his Altheymic knife, ridding himself of the dark robes he had killed with and revealing his work jacket underneath; a simple white collared shirt with a shiny, dark red blazer and dress pants.

He managed to sneak back to his shop without being seen, murder still unnoticed. Here he switched tactics and walked blatantly out in public, blending in with the crowds. He was well known around here. It looked like Ortiz, his assistant, had been managing the shop fairly well since he had left. He entered the shop, his customers inside turning to see him, smiling and laughing. These had no care that he was Sylven, and many of the racists who had hated on Sylven's had slowly come to befriend him as well. Those that heard of his shop throughout the island watched with interest, as he alone seemed to be upsetting the bias that many still held.

He laughed with them as he pushed his way to the back of the shop, grinning like a snake.


@00kla, you're 100% free to correct me if I'm doing anything wrong. I fell in love with the worldbuilding of this place overnight, when I printed out the entire document and noted everything up. Also, I've been reading through all 142 pages of the RP so far to familiarize myself with the plot some, because I'm like that. 


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2 minutes ago, Knight of Iron said:

With a quick, smooth motion, Cruz slit the throat of the noble's son as he slept. Silent, instant death. Perhaps if he hadn't wasted away his life laying around, living in his luxury, oblivious to the needs of anyone but himself, he could've had a stronger Veil. Could've survived such a basic maneuver.

But Cruz could tell that he was dead, killed by a very member of the race that he had despised. This man could never have lead the people of his island, much less the few Sylven who lived there upon. Cruz had given him ample chance to prove himself but had only been disappointed. So when a man came to him, offering payment for this man's assassination, how could he refuse?

He still didn't know who had sent him, though Cruz thought it was likely it was some noble from another island. Regardless, the son's father wouldn't be too happy about it.

Cruz slipped out through the window and stashed away his Altheymic knife, ridding himself of the dark robes he had killed with and revealing his work jacket underneath; a simple white collared shirt with a shiny, dark red blazer and dress pants.

He managed to sneak back to his shop without being seen, murder still unnoticed. Here he switched tactics and walked blatantly out in public, blending in with the crowds. He was well known around here. It looked like Ortiz, his assistant, had been managing the shop fairly well since he had left. He entered the shop, his customers inside turning to see him, smiling and laughing. These had no care that he was Sylven, and many of the racists who had hated on Sylven's had slowly come to befriend him as well. Those that heard of his shop throughout the island watched with interest, as he alone seemed to be upsetting the bias that many still held.

He laughed with them as he pushed his way to the back of the shop, grinning like a snake.


Hello, Knight, and welcome to Siren's Call!

If you want to join the main plot, I might have a way to help you with that... :ph34r:...


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That's an impressive entrance. And an impressive read.

Jay led Aryanna, Cadenza, and Lloyd off the ship. This was frustrating. They needed to leave and get out of here, but Janice was still locked up and it seemed like that wasn't going to change. 

"I think the best bet is to wait and talk to military command about letting Janice go. There's got to be an admiral or something around here we can get to. In the meantime, we need a place to stay. I'll take a look in town."

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3 minutes ago, 00kla said:

Jay led Aryanna, Cadenza, and Lloyd off the ship. This was frustrating. They needed to leave and get out of here, but Janice was still locked up and it seemed like that wasn't going to change. 

"I think the best bet is to wait and talk to military command about letting Janice go. There's got to be an admiral or something around here we can get to. In the meantime, we need a place to stay. I'll take a look in town."

Trace made her way onto the deck. "Hi, everyone. Lovely weather we're having. Should I escape with plenty of death and destruction, or would you prefer if I left you guys quietly?"

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1 hour ago, Ookla the Channelknight said:

Trace made her way onto the deck. "Hi, everyone. Lovely weather we're having. Should I escape with plenty of death and destruction, or would you prefer if I left you guys quietly?"

The colonel was on deck after sending someone to follow and keep track of the group until he could attend to it personally. He turned to look at Trace as she approached, drawing his handgun and firing at her head with a faint grin on his face.

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31 minutes ago, The Ookla's Guard said:

The colonel was on deck after sending someone to follow and keep track of the group until he could attend to it personally. He turned to look at Trace as she approached, drawing his handgun and firing at her head with a faint grin on his face.

"OW!" Trace stumbled backwards. "Okay! Death and destruction, then!"

Trace drew upon the pain, hurling the colonel offdeck with a burst of power.

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15 minutes ago, Ookla the Channelknight said:

"OW!" Trace stumbled backwards. "Okay! Death and destruction, then!"

Trace drew upon the pain, hurling the colonel offdeck with a burst of power.

The colonel flew, barely able to keep himself on the deck. The sailors around him scattered as armed men started to make their way into the deck. The colonel righted himself into a position where he would have more leverage against another push. He gave a slight nod before raising his gun to fire several more shots at Trace, each one leaving the barrel with a louder bang than the last.

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1 minute ago, The Ookla's Guard said:

The colonel flew, barely able to keep himself on the deck. The sailors around him scattered as armed men started to make their way into the deck. The colonel righted himself into a position where he would have more leverage against another push. He gave a slight nod before raising his gun to fire several more shots at Trace, each one leaving the barrel with a louder bang than the last.

Trace began to evade, letting a few bullets strike her but dodging the rest; there was no reason to let them cut her down with a barrage of gunfire. After taking a few swift ducks and weaves, she began racing for the shore, blowing a hole in the deck of the ship to push all the bullets out and heal the wounds.

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8 minutes ago, Ookla the Channelknight said:

Trace began to evade, letting a few bullets strike her but dodging the rest; there was no reason to let them cut her down with a barrage of gunfire. After taking a few swift ducks and weaves, she began racing for the shore, blowing a hole in the deck of the ship to push all the bullets out and heal the wounds.

Lloyd jumped off the ship, relying on his Veil to take the impact. “Hey Trace! Where are you going?”

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Cruz excused himself from the bustling of his shop. He never could've predicted its success when he first started it. It sold just about everything the average person needed, and then some.

He entered the storage room in the back and made his way into the entrance to his cellar. He climbed down the short peg ladder and then shut the hatch.

His hidden weaponry. He sold some moderate combat supplies, yes, but here he kept his extras. He casually armed himself up. He was a master at concealing his weapons in public, but he had to choose the smaller weapons.

There would be trouble brewing at the surface as news spread of the noble's death. Cruz had never cared for the noble families much, but much of the people did. The person who had assigned him had instructed him to make it clear it was an assassin's doing. Otherwise, Cruz could've simply vanished him from the face of the earth.

And, just as expected, the cellar door burst open and Ortiz came in, disturbed.

"Gunfire! A wild gunfight by the shore!"

Cruz frowned. That wasn't what he had expected.

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1 hour ago, Ookla the Channelknight said:

Trace began to evade, letting a few bullets strike her but dodging the rest; there was no reason to let them cut her down with a barrage of gunfire. After taking a few swift ducks and weaves, she began racing for the shore, blowing a hole in the deck of the ship to push all the bullets out and heal the wounds.

The colonel shouted as he and his men continued to rain bullets towards Trace. "Prepare the nets! Alert the garrison! MOVE!" The colonel started to follow Trace with a number of men.

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13 minutes ago, Vapor said:

Aryanna looked over and saw Trace escaping. "Cadenza, hide," she muttered.

@Ookla the Grammatical

"No," Cadenza said. "You'll want my help. Plus, I make the best bait." She tossed her hair and grinned at Aryanna. "Bring it on, mountain woman."

Edited by Ookla the Grammatical
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10 minutes ago, Ookla the Grammatical said:

"No," Cadenza said. "You'll want my help. Plus, I make the best bait." She tossed her hair and grinned at Aryanna. "Bring it on, mountain woman."

Aryanna narrowed her eyes. "I don't want you dying."

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