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Siren's Call: an RP


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3 minutes ago, Knight of Iron said:

“Certainly, Trace. You’ve more than proven yourself.”

"Alrighty. Here's my plan." Trace held up a finger. "First, we ostracize the main leaders from the rest of the group. We wait for them to go home. Then, head into the party and make a mess of things. Explosions, destruction; that sort of thing. We make it look like I was there for the main leaders, but was unlucky enough to just miss them. What you do, though, is sneak around and find the noblemen anyways. You kill them the subtle way; knife-to-the-throat kinda thing. So after the panic dies down and people get investigating, people find a ruthless killer who didn't manage to find their target. They go to inform these targets of the killer's intention, only to find them dead anyways. It'll confuse people a whole bunch, and it'll be really funny."

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16 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Alrighty. Here's my plan." Trace held up a finger. "First, we ostracize the main leaders from the rest of the group. We wait for them to go home. Then, head into the party and make a mess of things. Explosions, destruction; that sort of thing. We make it look like I was there for the main leaders, but was unlucky enough to just miss them. What you do, though, is sneak around and find the noblemen anyways. You kill them the subtle way; knife-to-the-throat kinda thing. So after the panic dies down and people get investigating, people find a ruthless killer who didn't manage to find their target. They go to inform these targets of the killer's intention, only to find them dead anyways. It'll confuse people a whole bunch, and it'll be really funny."

“You are a flashy one, aren’t you? Sounds like a plan to me.” He shrugged.

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11 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"I'm trying to kill a nasty voice in my head, and being unnecessarily violent seems to be working so far."

"Well, only the best of us have voices in our heads! As long as you don't listen to it you should be fine."

The motorboat hit the shore of Vorar with a quiet scrape against sand. There would be a lot more buildings and a more urban environment here, and much less wilderness.


Also, with what Fadran said, the rumors of a black-veined assassin running around "brutalizing entire islands" would probably not include Cruz, I don't think. Because he's doing the stealthy assassin part rather than the powerful straightfoward assassin, his murders would just end up being chalked up to Trace, somehow, as she would be the only one associated with it.


Edited by Knight of Iron
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6 hours ago, The Ward's Guard said:

Colonel Tulcam approached the manor of the Lord Douger. As he did, he noticed people at the Manor's front entrance. He moved in to see what was happening.

@Negative_Null @Ookla the Hemalurgic Pinto

Lloyd looked at the guards, unimpressed.“If you don’t let me in I’m going to have to go over your head.” 


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3 hours ago, Knight of Iron said:

"Well, only the best of us have voices in our heads! As long as you don't listen to it you should be fine."

The motorboat hit the shore of Vorar with a quiet scrape against sand. There would be a lot more buildings and a more urban environment here, and much less wilderness.

"Alrighty. Let's get moving."

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2 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Alrighty. Let's get moving."

They walk through the city of Vorar at night. Despite the late hour, there were still cars out and people walking. Cruz walked at a casual if a little slow pace, relaxed. Inconspicuous. He still wore his red suit and his hair styled, so to the casual eye he would look like some drunken partygoer.

Trace followed behind him, outside of his vision, and he hoped she was also trying to act inconspicuous. And at least trying to hide her incredibly recognizable face. The one that would soon be known across all of Raodea, perhaps even further. The Terror of the Isles.

It was a bit of a trek, but soon they approached the center of Vorar, where the government leaders were feasting. Celebrating some Duster of Vorar long dead, one who killed Yevon across the islands. Perhaps a celebration of the man, or maybe just another excuse for drunkenness. It was hard to tell with the nobles.

The mansion itself was well guarded. Guards stood at the entrances of the gates, and others were patrolling the perimeter of the tall, black fence.


high quality diagram of the mansion below




Cruz takes his blazer off, revealing his white collared shirt underneath. He nodded to Trace.

"This is where we split, then. Go ahead and do your thing. Whenever they come out, isolated, I'll take them out."

Cruz dashed at the fence.

                                                                                                    ───◄ ☼ ►───


Nobleman Tiago roared with laughter as Degao finished his story. It probably wouldn't have been funny at all to him if he hadn't been laughing for hours. How late was it, even? And who cared?

He waved his hand, gesturing for more wine. His cup was immediately filled, and he quickly drained it. Dt. Gabril's Day was all about the wine.

The laughter died down as a servant approached him. "Master Tiago."


"There's been reports of some Sylvens having gotten into the party."

"Terrorists in my home?" he cried.

"Not all Sylvens are--"

"I don't care!" He turned to the other nobles. "Let us not raise alarm. We shall go elsewhere to finish up tonight's Gabril's Day celebrations. We were going to go to Lucia's place, anyways. No visitors."

The nobles stood up to leave.

Edited by Knight of Iron
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19 minutes ago, Knight of Iron said:

They walk through the city of Vorar at night. Despite the late hour, there were still cars out and people walking. Cruz walked at a casual if a little slow pace, relaxed. Inconspicuous. He still wore his red suit and his hair styled, so to the casual eye he would look like some drunken partygoer.

Trace followed behind him, outside of his vision, and he hoped she was also trying to act inconspicuous. And at least trying to hide her incredibly recognizable face. The one that would soon be known across all of Raodea, perhaps even further. The Terror of the Isles.

It was a bit of a trek, but soon they approached the center of Vorar, where the government leaders were feasting. Celebrating some Duster of Vorar long dead, one who killed Yevon across the islands. Perhaps a celebration of the man, or maybe just another excuse for drunkenness. It was hard to tell with the nobles.

The mansion itself was well guarded. Guards stood at the entrances of the gates, and others were patrolling the perimeter of the tall, black fence.

Cruz takes his blazer off, revealing his white collared shirt underneath. He nodded to Trace.

"This is where we split, then. Go ahead and do your thing. Whenever they come out, isolated, I'll take them out."

Cruz dashed at the fence.

                                                                                                    ───◄ ☼ ►───

Nobleman Tiago roared with laughter as Degao finished his story. It probably wouldn't have been funny at all to him if he hadn't been laughing for hours. How late was it, even? And who cared?

He waved his hand, gesturing for more wine. His cup was immediately filled, and he quickly drained it. Dt. Gabril's Day was all about the wine.

The laughter died down as a servant approached him. "Master Tiago."


"There's been reports of some Sylvens having gotten into the party."

"Terrorists in my home?" he cried.

"Not all Sylvens are--"

"I don't care!" He turned to the other nobles. "Let us not raise alarm. We shall go elsewhere to finish up tonight's Gabril's Day celebrations. We were going to go to Lucia's place, anyways. No visitors."

The nobles stood up to leave.

Trace waited for the most important noblemen to get up and go. She stood just outside the main building, letting her suit do its work. Thin streams of blood trickled down her arms, cold in the night's breeze. Trace's teeth were gritted against the pain, eyes occasionally screwing shut as it got worse. Who knew that keeping a needle in you could throb so much?

The first noblemen left, leaving behind the lesser nobles and regular partygoers. Those lessers were her job, and she was going to enjoy it.

Trace? Janice asked. What are you doing?

Trace sighed. "Great. You're back."

What are you doing? What have you already done?

"I killed about fifty people while you were out. You here to spectate the next hundred?"

No! Janice shouted. No, you're not hurting ANYONE!

"A little late for that. I teamed up with a professional assassin, and now we're crashing a party! Do you still hate the sight of blood?"

Please don't hurt anyone. Janice begged. Please.

"Yeah... no." Trace grunted as the pain throbbed up. "Right-o. Let's do this thing."

Tiago watched the house as they left. His guards stood on either side of his carriage, holding their firearms warily.

"We might've been wrong." His servant suggested. "It's possible that there weren't any terrorists today."

Just then, a mighty explosion rocked the ground. The house shattered, throwing shards of wood and glass everywhere. Screams could be heard. 

The carriagemen stared. Tiago stuck his head out the window, a drunken glare on his face. "Are you deaf? GET ME OUT OF HERE!"

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7 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Trace waited for the most important noblemen to get up and go. She stood just outside the main building, letting her suit do its work. Thin streams of blood trickled down her arms, cold in the night's breeze. Trace's teeth were gritted against the pain, eyes occasionally screwing shut as it got worse. Who knew that keeping a needle in you could throb so much?

The first noblemen left, leaving behind the lesser nobles and regular partygoers. Those lessers were her job, and she was going to enjoy it.

Trace? Janice asked. What are you doing?

Trace sighed. "Great. You're back."

What are you doing? What have you already done?

"I killed about fifty people while you were out. You here to spectate the next hundred?"

No! Janice shouted. No, you're not hurting ANYONE!

"A little late for that. I teamed up with a professional assassin, and now we're crashing a party! Do you still hate the sight of blood?"

Please don't hurt anyone. Janice begged. Please.

"Yeah... no." Trace grunted as the pain throbbed up. "Right-o. Let's do this thing."

Tiago watched the house as they left. His guards stood on either side of his carriage, holding their firearms warily.

"We might've been wrong." His servant suggested. "It's possible that there weren't any terrorists today."

Just then, a mighty explosion rocked the ground. The house shattered, throwing shards of wood and glass everywhere. Screams could be heard. 

The carriagemen stared. Tiago stuck his head out the window, a drunken glare on his face. "Are you deaf? GET ME OUT OF HERE!"


I'll be playing Tiago for a bit now, I want Cruz to murder him from his perspective. He's going to wait until Trace is mostly done with her thing and the survivors try to notify Tiago and friends, to find them freshly murdered.

The carriage rocked fast, and Tiago was furious. His house was being DESTROYED. This was the work of the Sylven--he knew it--he was right all along--all this stupid talk of equality...

"W-where are we going?" his servant asked.

"Anywhere but here!" he yelled. The other nobles remained silent, eyes wide with fear, too scared to speak.

"The safehouse?" the servant asked. Tiago breathed in deeply, trying to clear his cloudy mind. He nodded, and the servant gave the proper indication to the carriagemen.

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Nobody had survived.

It was kind of beautiful, actually. No blood, no faces of agony... just a mess of bodies and scraps. Everyone gone in instants.

Trace would've loved to enjoy it, if someone wasn't whimpering in the back of her mind.

"Would you please shut up?" Trace asked.

Janice shivered. You just... we just...

"Think clearly, girl. I can't understand you."

Why... Why...?

"Why what?"

Why am I... so capable of hurting people?

Trace stepped around a body, blowing out a candle that hadn't been put out. She smiled at the thought of investigators arriving to an explosion sight, only to find an uncanny lack of fire. "That's because you were meant to heart people.

I am not! I hate hurting people!

"And why is that?" Trace asked, examining a dropped sword that had survived the blast. "Why is it that you don't like hurting others?"

It's because... because... I don't know!

Trace smiled. All was going according to plan.

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7 hours ago, Ookla the Hemalurgic Pinto said:

Lloyd looked at the guards, unimpressed.“If you don’t let me in I’m going to have to go over your head.” 


"I'm afraid we cannot allow that." The butler casually brushes his suit jacket to the side, revealing the sword sheathed at his side.


In other news...

Jay's Scry lights up and he checks it. "Dusts... a lord's manor was just attacked by... a mysterious explosion..." he looks up. "That's Trace's work. We need to leave."

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"Are you sure we're safe here?" Tiago asked his servant, "I've never actually been here before."

"It seems so, Master Tiago," the servant answered, "Security seems to be optimal, and the placement of the bunker underneath the museum is somewhere no one would expect. I myself would never have expected it."

Tiago grunted, unconvinced. "You better be right, servant."

Lady Lucia seemed to have the courage to stand up. "That... was dreadful! We could have died in there! Did you hear that explosion?"

"I hope my place is alright."

She scoffed. "Forget your place, Tiago. My favorite hairdresser was attending the party, and now they're dead! I do hope we really are safe here."

They heard a distant thud.

"What was that?" she whispered.

Sounds of footsteps walking casually down the stairs. One by one.

Tiago felt his dread rise with each step. How--who?

The figure reached the bottom of the stairs and pushed open the door, and Lady Lucia screamed. The guards pulled out their weapons.

It was his noblemen friend, Nico, fiddling with trying to get the buttons on his shirt right.

"Nico--you scared the living daylights out of us!" Tiago cried, "Get in here!"

"Ah, sorry," said Nico, and he took a seat at the table. The guards relaxed, and put their guns away.

"We should be safe in here," Tiago explained, "There might be an assassin on the loose. But it's alright. They'll catch him."

"Sure about that?" his servant asked, smiling. Revealing fangs.

Before Tiago's stupid drunken mind could comprehend, the servant already had a knife through his throat.

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Trace waited at mansion, tapping her foot impatiently. She wiped the blood off her arms, using an expensive pocket handkerchief she had knicked from one of the noblemen. Janice was taking a long time to think of a reason.

It's... I'm always hurting. I don't want anyone else to hurt like I do.

"So it's a selfish thing?" Trace asked, picking at a bit of dried blood.

What? I don't...

"You don't want anyone else to hurt like you do? Because if anyone else hurt more than you did, then you would have to stop complaining about your own pain. You have to be the top of the chain."

No! That's not it at all! No one else should hurt like I do!

"You need to keep your pain to yourself."

If I could stop hurting, I would!

"It's okay, Janice. You're allowed to let other people understand how you feel."

But I don't want them to!

"You will. One day." Trace grunted as she got the scab off. "I'll make sure of it."

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10 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:


Cruz walks up behind Trace.

"The nobles are dead; all witnesses slain," he said. "To be honest, I didn't expect how patriotic I would feel from doing this. These nobles are scum. Not all of them, but most of them. Also, we should probably get out of here."

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1 hour ago, Knight of Iron said:

Cruz walks up behind Trace.

"The nobles are dead; all witnesses slain," he said. "To be honest, I didn't expect how patriotic I would feel from doing this. These nobles are scum. Not all of them, but most of them. Also, we should probably get out of here."

"Yep. Let's find somewhere to get some sleep."

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2 hours ago, Negative_Null said:

"I'm afraid we cannot allow that." The butler casually brushes his suit jacket to the side, revealing the sword sheathed at his side.

Jay's Scry lights up and he checks it. "Dusts... a lord's manor was just attacked by... a mysterious explosion..." he looks up. "That's Trace's work. We need to leave."

Aryanna stands up. “Leave where?”

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