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Siren's Call: an RP


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Just now, Bearer of all agonies said:



Maddy and Tulcam are currently in Lord Douger's (the ruler of the island) study getting help to search for Kane (Fish's character) and Trace, since they are wanted fugitives. Both Maddy and Tulcam are in service to the Raodean military, Tulcam was assigned to deal with Kane and Trace and he got authorization for Maddy to help him. Let me know if you're doing a military character.


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Welcome in new people, sorry the plot is going... slowly at best. I'm not sure where to go with the main group and I don't have too much of an overarching plan at this point either. I can god mod us a plot but I don't think that would necessarily be the best idea.

As it is now, Cadenza, Aryanna, Maddy, Tulcam, and Jay have been given any and all resources they need to hunt down Kane and Janice. Small time skip. Also...



Please come in soon, if you would.

Jay turns to the others. "I hate to split up, but we need to find Trace."

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@Negative_Null and @The Ward's Guard, @Channelknight Fadran


Fadran and I did some massive plotting together for an overarching plot goal, with some loose guidelines for two major sequences of events. 

Trace and Cruz are pretty much where they need to be for right now. If you all would kindly not find them until we say so, that'd be great. We're going to have a big thing with them leading up to an even bigger thing involving everyone's characters.

So, let me get off of work (~4 hours) and I can hop on here and finally type out the starting post for our thing. I worked for like 45 minutes last night and accidentally got rid of it when I quoted Queen. *facepalm*

Also, Vapor and Connie are out of town until... tomorrow, or something? So, there's that.

I don't want to say too much right now, but I can say we have something. Trace and Cruz are going to do this thing; full of moments and whatnot. Y'all can do whatever during that. Then there's going to be a very clear indication of where they are, and you all will get to go over there. Interactions will happen, and basically it'll be an improvised climax.

Except I don't know enough about Kane's plotline, so maybe we need to do something with that.

EDIT: Yeah, if you get Kane involved soon, that'd be great.
EDIT2: Also, if someone could post after me sometime in the next 4 hours to make sure I can get my Cruz post in, that'd be great.


Edited by Knight of Iron
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So, I asked to join and ran a character by Null, and I think that it would work, and a starting point suggested was that I should make them be hunting for Trace.  Please let me know when it would be convenient for me to start posting.


I'm pretty sure that when the character comes in, there is probably going to be a fight scene.



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2 hours ago, Ookla the Hemalurgic Pinto said:

“Who do you think it is?”

“I think those might be” she stopped. NO. THIS SHIP. JUST NOT THIS ONE. “Wetty, we’re going back. It’s too many of them. NOW.”

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4 minutes ago, EmiTheNinja said:

“Yes. They are everything I hate in humans. But we aren’t strong enough.”

“I’ll give it my best shot.” Lloyd jumps out of the boat and into the water.


Who wants to be the pirates?


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I can!  I'm a bit eager to get the rust off my RP skills.

The grand schooner barely noticed them.  It didn't slow, and must have been travelling at twenty knots per hour.  It loomed, the deck far above sea level, and a relatively small girl stuck her head over the railing, staring at the swimming man.  She raised her eyebrows, more bemused than actually feeling threatened.  It was an odd expression for a child aboard a gigantic ship of criminals.  She said something -it wasn't audible- and several other men appeared above the railing, and the only thing that could be heard was their raucous laughter, considering the two with derisive contempt.  

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6 minutes ago, ProfetessaOscura said:

The grand schooner barely noticed them.  It didn't slow, and must have been travelling at twenty knots per hour.  It loomed, the deck far above sea level, and a relatively small girl stuck her head over the railing, staring at the swimming man.  She raised her eyebrows, more bemused than actually feeling threatened.  It was an odd expression for a child aboard a gigantic ship of criminals.  She said something -it wasn't audible- and several other men appeared above the railing, and the only thing that could be heard was their raucous laughter, considering the two with derisive contempt.  

Lloyd swam up to the ship, moving much faster than a normal human could. He punched holes in the ship’s side and began to use them to climb. 

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Just now, Ookla the Hemalurgic Pinto said:

Lloyd swam up to the ship, moving much faster than a normal human could. He punched holes in the ship’s side and began to use them to climb. 

The laughter stopped suddenly.  This man was punching holes in insulated steel plate!  It wasn't such a badly designed ship that it would flood the hull or destroy the ship's integrity, but the noise suddenly turned more angry, as if Lloyd had just punched his fist directly into a bee-hive.  Several pulled out guns, and a couple took crossbows.  They aimed, and without asking any questions whatsoever, shot with an intent to kill.  

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10 minutes ago, ProfetessaOscura said:

The laughter stopped suddenly.  This man was punching holes in insulated steel plate!  It wasn't such a badly designed ship that it would flood the hull or destroy the ship's integrity, but the noise suddenly turned more angry, as if Lloyd had just punched his fist directly into a bee-hive.  Several pulled out guns, and a couple took crossbows.  They aimed, and without asking any questions whatsoever, shot with an intent to kill.  

Lloyd felt a bolt graze his shoulder but it wasn’t a problem for him. Neither was punching metal at full force. These things could hurt him but he would just use light to heal from it in seconds so there was no real threat presented. Lloyd kept up his pattern of punching and climbing, mentally preparing for the fight he knew would come when he reached the deck.

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1 minute ago, Ookla the Hemalurgic Pinto said:

Lloyd felt a bolt graze his shoulder but it wasn’t a problem for him. Neither was punching metal at full force. These things could hurt him but he would just use light to heal from it in seconds so there was no real threat presented. Lloyd kept up his pattern of punching and climbing, mentally preparing for the fight he knew would come when he reached the deck.

The girl reappeared from the deck.  She was holding a gigantic anchor in both of her hands, supernaturally strong.  She checked her aim twice, then dropped it.  The men continued their suppressive fire.  They weren't just using bows, they had automatic and semi-automatic weaponry.  The people were incensed.  Several had their veils flicker with anticipation, as they readied themselves for the fight to come.
That was, if this stranger was any good at dodging anchors.

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9 minutes ago, ProfetessaOscura said:

The girl reappeared from the deck.  She was holding a gigantic anchor in both of her hands, supernaturally strong.  She checked her aim twice, then dropped it.  The men continued their suppressive fire.  They weren't just using bows, they had automatic and semi-automatic weaponry.  The people were incensed.  Several had their veils flicker with anticipation, as they readied themselves for the fight to come.
That was, if this stranger was any good at dodging anchors.

Lloyd’s body spat out the arrows and bullets as fast as they came at him, unfortunately he didn’t see the anchor coming until too late. He managed to get mostly out of the way but he wasn’t quick enough and the anchor  hit his arm. His arm flew off into the water but that was okay, he’d never liked that arm anyway. Lloyd glowed as he went into overload for a second, regrowing his arm with great speed but still grunting in pain. This is going to be hard than I thought. Lloyd thought as he began to climb again.

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4 minutes ago, Ookla the Hemalurgic Pinto said:

Lloyd’s body spat out the arrows and bullets as fast as they came at him, unfortunately he didn’t see the anchor coming until too late. He managed to get mostly out of the way but he wasn’t quick enough and the anchor  hit his arm. His arm flew off into the water but that was okay, he’d never liked that arm anyway. Lloyd glowed as he went into overload for a second, regrowing his arm with great speed but still grunting in pain. This is going to be hard than I thought. Lloyd thought as he began to climb again.

The girl jumped and clapped.  He might have heard her laughter, gleeful at the regrowth of his arm.  She took the chain, and then, like a pendulum, yanked the anchor up before it touched the ocean floor, and started spinning it, scraping the side of the boat in a whirlwind of strength.  She grunted, and the child looked like she could barely control it, but she smiled at him, teeth clenched.

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1 minute ago, ProfetessaOscura said:

The girl jumped and clapped.  He might have heard her laughter, gleeful at the regrowth of his arm.  She took the chain, and then, like a pendulum, yanked the anchor up before it touched the ocean floor, and started spinning it, scraping the side of the boat in a whirlwind of strength.  She grunted, and the child looked like she could barely control it, but she smiled at him, teeth clenched.

Lloyd grabbed onto the anchor and rode held on until he was level with the deck, then he jumped grabbed the two closest pirates and threw them backwards.

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On the deck, he would have a clear visual.  This giant schooner wasn't manned by twenty or even thirty men.  It was manned by a solid 80, at least, and that was just those who were above deck, not enjoying their rest belowdecks.  "You just made the biggest mistake of your life, boy," a grizzled man with salt-and-peppered hair growled, wielding a harpoon gun.  "I'm going to spear you and leave you hanging from the mizzlemast."

"Oh, don't," the child said, strolling up towards the boy, as casual as anything, hands in her pockets.  "I think he's terribly in-ter-est-ing!" she swayed on her heels as she spoke.  "How'd you regrow that arm?" she asked, poking at him.  The poke pushed him back a step.  

The crew held fire, mostly out of exasperation, waiting for the girl's analysis to be completed.

She continued badgering him, "Can you regrow other stuff, like other people's limbs?  Old bristle-bones lost his ear three years back, and he says that's the reason he doesn't listen to me.  I think he's lying, but I can't be completely sure."

"Evanla, we're trying to kill him," the grizzled man, apparently 'bristlebutt' protested.

5 minutes ago, Ookla the Hemalurgic Pinto said:

Lloyd grabbed onto the anchor and rode held on until he was level with the deck, then he jumped grabbed the two closest pirates and threw them backwards.


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3 minutes ago, ProfetessaOscura said:

On the deck, he would have a clear visual.  This giant schooner wasn't manned by twenty or even thirty men.  It was manned by a solid 80, at least, and that was just those who were above deck, not enjoying their rest belowdecks.  "You just made the biggest mistake of your life, boy," a grizzled man with salt-and-peppered hair growled, wielding a harpoon gun.  "I'm going to spear you and leave you hanging from the mizzlemast."

"Oh, don't," the child said, strolling up towards the boy, as casual as anything, hands in her pockets.  "I think he's terribly in-ter-est-ing!" she swayed on her heels as she spoke.  "How'd you regrow that arm?" she asked, poking at him.  The poke pushed him back a step.  

The crew held fire, mostly out of exasperation, waiting for the girl's analysis to be completed.

She continued badgering him, "Can you regrow other stuff, like other people's limbs?  Old bristle-bones lost his ear three years back, and he says that's the reason he doesn't listen to me.  I think he's lying, but I can't be completely sure."

"Evanla, we're trying to kill him," the grizzled man, apparently 'bristlebutt' protested.


Lloyd sighed “I’m not like you, my aspect can heal anything and if that wasn’t enough the fact that I’m not human is always handy.” Lloyd stretched his new arm making sure it functioned properly, it did.

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On 12/29/2020 at 7:00 PM, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Will do." Trace jumped up into a tree, 'cuz why not?

Cruz spent a solid ten minutes casing the area. The mansion was different than the others; it was a refurbished, centuries-old fortress, towering above the massive grounds of what was called Ortisa Keep. The grounds were obviously the attention of the property--with the exotic trees, fields of flowers, and strategically positioned streams running through it to give off the illusion of a paradise--but the dark, stone fortress towering above the grounds was a masterpiece of its own.

From his vantage point, Cruz quickly got the impression that Lena was in the dining quarters, accompanied by a number of servants. Only two guards in the room. Not much for security, apparently, but that was likely because she thought herself quite capable of dealing with intruders on her own.

But what Lena didn't know was that the man who had almost bested her in battle all those years ago was watching her through her window, concealed. And with much more experience.

Cruz spotted a window on the second floor. Her chambers. He remembered being here before, on these very grounds, wrestling with his master. The one who had taken him in, after his father had left. The one who had taught him to kill. The one he would finally bring vengeance upon after the gruesome murder of his friends, the only ones who had gotten him through.

He closed his eyes before his thoughts turned to them. Better not to think about that now.

He stepped onto the ledge, shoved open the window, and jumped inside.

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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Hemalurgic Pinto said:

Lloyd sighed “I’m not like you, my aspect can heal anything and if that wasn’t enough the fact that I’m not human is always handy.” Lloyd stretched his new arm making sure it functioned properly, it did.

Evania grabbed his stretched arm and examined it closely.  "Huh," she said, then threw him thirty feet over the railing, out into open sea a second time.

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