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Siren's Call: an RP


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4 minutes ago, ProfetessaOscura said:

Evania grabbed his stretched arm and examined it closely.  "Huh," she said, then threw him thirty feet over the railing, out into open sea a second time.

Lloyd groaned, this was going to hurt. Lloyd hit the water with a splash and swam down deep. He wasn’t going to give them a warning this time. He swam underneath their ship and made a nicely sized hole for him to get through. The only problem with this plan was that he had to be fast and move quicker than the water.

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14 minutes ago, Ookla the Hemalurgic Pinto said:

Lloyd groaned, this was going to hurt. Lloyd hit the water with a splash and swam down deep. He wasn’t going to give them a warning this time. He swam underneath their ship and made a nicely sized hole for him to get through. The only problem with this plan was that he had to be fast and move quicker than the water.

Thing about metal...  it made a lot of noise when struck, rended strip from strip. Also, air pressure was a thing; a hole in the direct bottom of the ship wouldn’t start to sink the ship, like a dock for a submarine in a battle cruiser. The child was there, waiting for him, arms folded. “Damnation, I was sure you’d be smart enough to not die.  Guess it’s not my fault, then,” she said cooly, as several young men raised blades, ready to slice him limb from limb. 

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15 minutes ago, ProfetessaOscura said:

Thing about metal...  it made a lot of noise when struck, rended strip from strip. Also, air pressure was a thing; a hole in the direct bottom of the ship wouldn’t start to sink the ship, like a dock for a submarine in a battle cruiser. The child was there, waiting for him, arms folded. “Damnation, I was sure you’d be smart enough to not die.  Guess it’s not my fault, then,” she said cooly, as several young men raised blades, ready to slice him limb from limb. 

“You have three seconds before I make you wish you’d never seen the sea.”

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11 minutes ago, Ookla the Hemalurgic Pinto said:

“You have three seconds before I make you wish you’d never seen the sea.”

"Three seconds to do what?" she asked, still nonchalant.  "Threatening a little girl...  Huh.  Startoff pirates really are desperate these days, ain'tchya?" she asked, beaming.  "You really want to go toe to toe with me?  Can't bother my da.  He'll really show ya, and I don't like seeing the blood on the boards.  He sometimes asks me to clean it up."

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6 minutes ago, ProfetessaOscura said:

"Three seconds to do what?" she asked, still nonchalant.  "Threatening a little girl...  Huh.  Startoff pirates really are desperate these days, ain'tchya?" she asked, beaming.  "You really want to go toe to toe with me?  Can't bother my da.  He'll really show ya, and I don't like seeing the blood on the boards.  He sometimes asks me to clean it up."


These aren’t your main characters so Lloyd can fight them without holding back right?

Lloyd was tired of people treating him like he wasn’t a threat. “I can kill you all or you can surrender willingly. Which would you prefer?”

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Yep!  These are purely NPC characters.  Also, should we wait for your initial partner?

Evania stepped forward, all of four feet tall.  "See here," she said, "We've outpaced your boat by now.  You could always go swimming out in open ocean looking for it, but you're more likely to drown than find it at this point.  I bet they'll shoot at it, even if it manages to get close enough for you to escape, and it'll crumble to ashes and oil.  I think you're the one who should be begging to join us, light or not."  She tapped her temple. "You might be able to brush off a bullet, but if one of these fine fellows cuts your head off, I really don't think things are gonna go too well for you, and Djinn's a natural with his scimitar pair."  She shrugged again.  "You can jump in the hole or surrender to us, but we've got a solid hundred-fifty men on board, and most of 'em have veils, nectar, and nasty weapons of all sorts.  I know it's a rough thing, trying to start off all high and mighty with a neat skillset, but you really should practice robbing and stealing from smaller boats first, don'tchya think?"

"Evania," Djinn, the boy with two scimitars said, "do you really think this is the time?"

"Nah," she sighed, kicking her feet, "I 'spose you're right.  Sorry I held you all back."  The ten-year old shuffled her feet, then trotted up above decks. 

There were seven young men with blades down here.  The next floor up, he might have seen through the door Evania passed through, an attractive woman with a sniper rifle, sights set on his head.

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31 minutes ago, ProfetessaOscura said:

Evania stepped forward, all of four feet tall.  "See here," she said, "We've outpaced your boat by now.  You could always go swimming out in open ocean looking for it, but you're more likely to drown than find it at this point.  I bet they'll shoot at it, even if it manages to get close enough for you to escape, and it'll crumble to ashes and oil.  I think you're the one who should be begging to join us, light or not."  She tapped her temple. "You might be able to brush off a bullet, but if one of these fine fellows cuts your head off, I really don't think things are gonna go too well for you, and Djinn's a natural with his scimitar pair."  She shrugged again.  "You can jump in the hole or surrender to us, but we've got a solid hundred-fifty men on board, and most of 'em have veils, nectar, and nasty weapons of all sorts.  I know it's a rough thing, trying to start off all high and mighty with a neat skillset, but you really should practice robbing and stealing from smaller boats first, don'tchya think?"

"Evania," Djinn, the boy with two scimitars said, "do you really think this is the time?"

"Nah," she sighed, kicking her feet, "I 'spose you're right.  Sorry I held you all back."  The ten-year old shuffled her feet, then trotted up above decks. 

There were seven young men with blades down here.  The next floor up, he might have seen through the door Evania passed through, an attractive woman with a sniper rifle, sights set on his head.

“Ugh, why are you so annoying?” Lloyd runs forward following the girl and slamming a door in the faces of everyone behind him.

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1 minute ago, Ookla the Hemalurgic Pinto said:

“Ugh, why are you so annoying?” Lloyd runs forward following the girl and slamming a door in the faces of everyone behind him.

The child’s cheeks went a violent shade of vermillion. “I am not!” She roared.  Clearly, this was a point of contention for her. She actually looked like she was about to start bawling. 

Double scimitars slammed through the door. He had pursuit on his tail. 

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1 minute ago, ProfetessaOscura said:

The child’s cheeks went a violent shade of vermillion. “I am not!” She roared.  Clearly, this was a point of contention for her. She actually looked like she was about to start bawling. 

Double scimitars slammed through the door. He had pursuit on his tail. 

Lloyd touched the child on the forehead on tried his strange ability. He didn’t restrain himself and pulled on her soul.


He just stole her aspect.:D


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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Hemalurgic Pinto said:

Lloyd touched the child on the forehead on tried his strange ability. He didn’t restrain himself and pulled on her soul.



Ooh, how does that work? :D Does she still have an ability?

The small child heaved suddenly, vomiting all over his shirt and pants. Apparently, ripping away part of a child’s soul was nauseating.  Who would have thought?

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4 minutes ago, ProfetessaOscura said:

The small child heaved suddenly, vomiting all over his shirt and pants. Apparently, ripping away part of a child’s soul was nauseating.  Who would have thought?

“Sorry about that, I need you to all surrender now.”


Her aspect is gone for her now I think.


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Permanently?  Is he able to steal the ability of anyone he touches?

“You bastard!” The sniper woman shot him, aiming right at his forehead.  She stood, then lurched over the railing, slamming the butt of her rifle into his temple. She kicked at his stomach. “Kid, get out of here!”

”I can still help,” Evania said, and tried to prove it by punching Lloyd in the kneecaps. Obviously, it didn’t work. 

Oddly enough, the woman wore a military jacket, moss green, pressed and clean. 

Djinn kicked open the door, and he and his men were a slashing whirlwind of blades, slicing sinuously at his flesh. “What did you do to her?!” Djinn screamed, and the family resemblance was clear, the same dark hair, and the same way the cheeks flushed bright red. 

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1 minute ago, ProfetessaOscura said:

“You bastard!” The sniper woman shot him, aiming right at his forehead.  She stood, the lurched over the railing, slamming the butt of her rifle into his temple. She kicked at his stomach. “Kid, get out of here!”

”I can still help,” Elvira said, and tried to prove it by punching Lloyd in the kneecaps. Obviously, it didn’t work. 

Oddly enough, the woman wore a military jacket, moss green, pressed and clean. 

Djinn kicked open the door, and he and his men were a slashing whirlwind of blades, slicing sinuously at his flesh. “What did you do to her?!” Djinn screamed, and the family resemblance was clear, the same dark hair, and the same way the cheeks flushed bright red. 

Lloyd healed from every attack thrown at him, his head flung the bullet out of his forehead and into the arm of the sniper woman. A blade sliced him in half at the torso but he reconnected before the strike was even finished. Lloyd grabbed someone’s arm and pulled on their soul, grabbing another and doing the same. He didn’t have enough time to rip their souls but he had the time to make each pull hurt.


How does the strength increasing aspect work?


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Just now, Ookla the Hemalurgic Pinto said:

Lloyd healed from every attack thrown at him, his head flung the bullet out of his forehead and into the arm of the sniper woman. A blade sliced him in half at the torso but he reconnected before the strike was even finished. Lloyd grabbed someone’s arm and pulled on their soul, grabbing another and doing the same. He didn’t have enough time to rip their souls but he had the time to make each pull hurt.



I'm having trouble continuing, since I'm not sure how this affects your character as opposed to these NPCs.  Do you permanently power up with the random-encounter aspects?  Does he corrupt them, or what happens to their Veil?  Does he now have their veil?  If he dies, what does that mean for the people whose aspects he's taken?  And again, are these permanent losses?  Does he have any weaknesses, or is he like Jarvis or..?

Also, strength works like strength.  Think typical Hercules feats, but not to the godly level of power.

The sniper woman didn't let the attack phase her.  She wrapped her arms around the girl and yanked her up into her arms, then started running.  "Wake the General!  The intruder's hurt his daughter!"  She turned to shout over her shoulder, "Djinn, get out of here!  The pirate'll just take you, too!"

"I won't leave my friends!" he said, standing between Lloyd and putting himself directly between the man and the fallen.  He wouldn't go down easily.  Lloyd could barely touch him; he seemed to match the man's speed with his own movements, blow for blow, step for step.  This one was  skilled, and he had bloodlust in his eyes.

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@Negative_Null and @Matrim's Dice


Should we have Lord Douger receive word about the attacks while Tulcam and Maddy are there?

The colonel nodded at Lord Douger. "That's all from me sir, we need to make contact with the rest of the group. Come Maddy, let's see if Quinn has found Kane now."

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4 minutes ago, ProfetessaOscura said:

The sniper woman didn't let the attack phase her.  She wrapped her arms around the girl and yanked her up into her arms, then started running.  "Wake the General!  The intruder's hurt his daughter!"  She turned to shout over her shoulder, "Djinn, get out of here!  The pirate'll just take you, too!"

"I won't leave my friends!" he said, standing between Lloyd and putting himself directly between the man and the fallen.  He wouldn't go down easily.  Lloyd could barely touch him; he seemed to match the man's speed with his own movements, blow for blow, step for step.  This one was  skilled, and he had bloodlust in his eyes.


I suggest you exploit his weaknesses. *cough* darkness *cough* no you betrayed your own rp character!!!

I don’t have time for this. Lloyd made his way to the hole and prepared to jump into the water.

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Djin attacked the second his back was turned.  "You'll die for this, pirate!" he cried, flooding himself with bravado.  With one sword, he slashed clean through the leg... and with the other, placed directly at a 90 degree angle to the other, he swept the leg away from the bone, attempting to stop the man from healing it immediately, in a forceful, skillful blow that would have sent any other man's leg 20 feet away from the body.  He'd kill him for what he'd done to his sister.  He'd see his head dragged behind the ship for the sharks.  He slashed again, aiming for the neck this time.  


Seriously, though, how does his power/theft stuff work?  And these people wouldn't know to exploit his weakness, so they won't.


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4 minutes ago, ProfetessaOscura said:

Djin attacked the second his back was turned.  "You'll die for this, pirate!" he cried, flooding himself with bravado.  With one sword, he slashed clean through the leg... and with the other, placed directly at a 90 degree angle to the other, he swept the leg away from the bone, attempting to stop the man from healing it immediately, in a forceful, skillful blow that would have sent any other man's leg 20 feet away from the body.  He'd kill him for what he'd done to his sister.  He'd see his head dragged behind the ship for the sharks.  He slashed again, aiming for the neck this time.  



He uses light as a source for his healing ability and since light moves very fast he can heal extremely quickly.

“Ouch.” Lloyd said calmly then we’ll into the water. He didn’t have any light down here and was bleeding all over the place. He swam to the surface and let himself heal, taking a big breath. Shida had been right, there really was too many of them. Lloyd started to climb the side of the ship again. 

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4 minutes ago, ProfetessaOscura said:

Djinn actually dove after him, following him.  The boy was perhaps seventeen, and dead set on making Lloyd dead.


Aspects are part of the soul and he steals parts of people’s souls. 


He is gonna have some side effects kicking in big time soon.

What does the strength aspect use as fuel?

Lloyd climbed onto the deck. “Surrender or die!” 

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That seems dreadfully highkey evil.  He shreds people's souls and sucks parts of them into himself?  And he just did that to a child?  Eeeeeesh.

I'm just going to say Feruchemy.  You store strength by being weak for a time, but without the shrinking/bulking.

He came face to face with an official army's admiral, his jacket a moss green.  There was hatred in his eyes, and he spun, shooting a gun large enough to be a hand cannon, right at his chest.  "Kill the demon, men.  No quarter."

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2 minutes ago, ProfetessaOscura said:

He came face to face with an official army's admiral, his jacket a moss green.  There was hatred in his eyes, and he spun, shooting a gun large enough to be a hand cannon, right at his chest.  "Kill the demon, men.  No quarter."


Okay smart, fun and yeah he’s kinda on the edge of good and evil right now.

“That, is my cue to not be here.” Lloyd does a backflip off the ship.

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Just now, Ookla the Hemalurgic Pinto said:

“That, is my cue to not be here.” Lloyd does a backflip off the ship.


I mean... fun times!

Djinn was halfway up the side of the ship, following in Lloyd's footsteps.  He saw the man falling, and he extended his sword, slashing again at the man in one final blow.

"Full turn!" the captain shouted, "We'll sink their ship and hang them all from the prow!"  He was clearly outraged.  Cradled in the nook of his arm, his small child slept, unusually pale.  The ship itself began to turn.

1 minute ago, DramaQueen said:



These guys maaaay need some help coming up, ha...  I'm mean.


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Just now, ProfetessaOscura said:

Djinn was halfway up the side of the ship, following in Lloyd's footsteps.  He saw the man falling, and he extended his sword, slashing again at the man in one final blow.

"Full turn!" the captain shouted, "We'll sink their ship and hang them all from the prow!"  He was clearly outraged.  Cradled in the nook of his arm, his small child slept, unusually pale.  The ship itself began to turn.


Ok so... What is happening? I may need some more details.(also I'm currently on mobile and it is HARD)


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