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Siren's Call: an RP


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42 minutes ago, ProfetessaOscura said:

The crew looked at him as if he was insane.  They didn't know that @DramaQueen Millie was ready and available to assist Lloyd.  In fact, the excitement of the last few hours meant many of them didn't realize that a member of the crew was missing, not yet.  It was a big boat.  However, the man's body, unconscious or dead, would be found eventually.  

The old grizzled sailor stood right in front of Lloyd.  "That child's the dearest thing in ma life," he grumbled, "You've got to heal her.  You told her, before she threw you overboard, that you could heal anything."  Notably, this was the man with one ear, the man that the child had claimed was hard-of-hearing to her prattling.  He looked angry, but beneath the facade, there was some form of pleading... begging.

“I could try, but you would all have to leave me alone afterwards.”

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3 minutes ago, Knight of Iron said:

Cruz shut his eyes tightly but his vision still went red from the sudden immense light. After a moment, it went away, and Cruz opened his eyes.

Unfortunately, the light hadn't blinded Lena. She still stood, in her stance.

"Weak," she said calmly, "You don't have another gun on you, by chance? I'd like to take this down the old way."

"I'm an assassin!" Cruz yelled, "not a martial artist!"

He glanced out the window. Trace should be coming any second...

"Looking for your friend?"

Cruz turned.

"Oh, I've got quite the surprise waiting for her... she will not be able to get to you in time."

Trace ran towards the light, unslinging her knife and picking up speed. Was nobody going to stop her?

Oh, wait. Right.

This was a freaking assassin school.

Trace spun around, throwing her dagger. It barely missed the one following her, falling out of sight and into the bushes. It would return, though; just not right now.

She ran at the assassin, pulling out a spare dagger. Trace slid her finger along the blade, drawing blood and giving her more power, though not much. The assassin wasn't wielding any weapon of his own... what kind of crazy martial artist did he think he was?

Trace ran at him, boosting herself off the ground and healing some of the pricks of pain in her back. She prepared her dagger, reaching the apex of her flight.

The assassin looked at her calmly. That probably wasn't good.

He brought back his hand, then threw it forwards and hurled a ball of stone at her chest. It blew her out of the sky, throwing her through the air away from him. She gasped, then lost all breath as she slammed into the ground, tumbling further and eventually sliding to a stop.

Okay. Yep.

This wasn't going to be a pushover.

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2 hours ago, ProfetessaOscura said:

I like the misunderstanding here!  Shidala seems really cool, like she's not going to let people make decisions for her or compromise on her beliefs or decisions.  What's your character like? 


Ahhh, thank you!! Also yes, she is quite independent. 


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11 minutes ago, Ookla the Hemalurgic Pinto said:

“I could try, but you would all have to leave me alone afterwards.”

The grizzled man looked like a bear. "If... IF I brought her here and it worked, I know how to get out of the holding field.  I'll be bringing more than her, though.  You hurt a good deal more than just her.  I'm not like the captain, who puts his family first.  No one deserves that, not even a grouchy old stump like me."  He took a step closer, his breath on Lloyd's face, "But if you hurt any of them any more than you already have, I'll just have to see how well you can heal from a spike left dangling through your esophagus."  

He cared, sure.  But it was a scary sort of affection.

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2 minutes ago, ProfetessaOscura said:

The grizzled man looked like a bear. "If... IF I brought her here and it worked, I know how to get out of the holding field.  I'll be bringing more than her, though.  You hurt a good deal more than just her.  I'm not like the captain, who puts his family first.  No one deserves that, not even a grouchy old stump like me."  He took a step closer, his breath on Lloyd's face, "But if you hurt any of them any more than you already have, I'll just have to see how well you can heal from a spike left dangling through your esophagus."  

He cared, sure.  But it was a scary sort of affection.

“I haven’t had much time to experiment with my aspect, I don’t know what I will be able to do for them.”

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11 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:


"What do you mean?" Cruz asked, knife in hand.

"Do you really think I didn't know those murders were yours?" asked Lena. "Sure, there was your friend. But I knew you were behind it. Killing nobles, again? Really?"

"You don't have place to lecture me, murderer!" Cruz roared. "You killed my friends in cold blood, then expect me to continue?"

Lena smirked. "You... calling me, murderer. Funny how you see the world, Cruz."

Cruz lunged, and the test of skills begun.

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4 minutes ago, Ookla the Hemalurgic Pinto said:

“I haven’t had much time to experiment with my aspect, I don’t know what I will be able to do for them.”

He snorted.  "Give it your best, boy."  He limped off.  Apparently, this old sailor had spent many, many years at sea.  He had multiple old wounds.  It was sort of like finding an ancient sea creature swimming by your ship, watching you: terrifying and unique.  

He returned shortly, holding Evalina in his arms.

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Trace tried to stand, but a cry escaped her lips almost before the pain sparked through. She lifted her head, looking down at herself, going nauseous as she saw the sheer amount of red. The ground had scraped layers of skin off her right arm, leaving it bloody and limp. Maybe she should have invested in sleeves.

The assassin walked forwards, pulling out a dagger. So now he used a weapon: after Trace was stuck on to the ground because her freaking arm refused to move!

She grunted, then sent a massive burst of force at the assassin. Her arm healed--though not completely--and he was hurled backwards into a wall. There was a sickening cruch, and his body fell to the ground, limp.

The pain in her arm and chest had dulled from blackout torture to mild agony, so she felt strong enough to get to her feet. She kind of doubted that he had been the only assassin... but she let her guard drop for just a second so she could rest.

Three more people dropped down ahead of her, pulling out weapons of their own. Perfect. A challenge.

She summoned her dagger to her hand, took to a stance, and waited.

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Shidala went up on the ship again, quite annoyed. Lloyd should be here already. “He probably didn’t make it” she said to herself. But what if he is still alive? She probably had to rescue him. Why though? The truth is that she was a little bit lonely. Lloyd was the first person to become her friend since... she was 6 years old and her parents died. Yes, she had to rescue him. 

Shidala jumped to the water. Ugh, water. She forced herself to swim. Swimming was a useful ability, so she learned it even before life started to be rough. Gap between two ships weren’t very big, so she made it without bigger issues. 

Now was the harder part. Fennec Sylven started climbing onto the pirate ship. Her sharp nails made it a lot easier, so soon she was on it. She put an illusion of darkness on herself. that should make her harder to spot. Then, silently opened the door and went under the deck. That was ridiculously easy. Too easy even. Soon Shidala was in the prison part. “Lloyd?” She whispered and took off her illusion as soon as she realized that there is no one here. 
@Ookla the Hemalurgic Pinto


Heh, random fact, but that was my first long post for what used no translator at all! :D


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43 minutes ago, ProfetessaOscura said:

He snorted.  "Give it your best, boy."  He limped off.  Apparently, this old sailor had spent many, many years at sea.  He had multiple old wounds.  It was sort of like finding an ancient sea creature swimming by your ship, watching you: terrifying and unique.  

He returned shortly, holding Evalina in his arms.

"Can I get this thing off my head?"

2 minutes ago, EmiTheNinja said:

Shidala went up on the ship again, quite annoyed. Lloyd should be here already. “He probably didn’t make it” she said to herself. But what if he is still alive? She probably had to rescue him. Why though? The truth is that she was a little bit lonely. Lloyd was the first person to become her friend since... she was 6 years old and her parents died. Yes, she had to rescue him. 

Shidala jumped to the water. Ugh, water. She forced herself to swim. Swimming was a useful ability, so she learned it even before life started to be rough. Gap between two ships weren’t very big, so she made it without bigger issues. 

Now was the harder part. Fennec Sylven started climbing onto the pirate ship. Her sharp nails made it a lot easier, so soon she was on it. She put an illusion of darkness on herself. that should make her harder to spot. Then, silently opened the door and went under the deck. That was ridiculously easy. Too easy even. Soon Shidala was in the prison part. “Lloyd?” She whispered and took off her illusion as soon as she realized that there is no one here. 
@Ookla the Hemalurgic Pinto



I think he's still on the deck.


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1 minute ago, Ookla the Hemalurgic Pinto said:

"I can't do anything with this thing on, I need to focus and it's a little bit distracting."

"Try real hard.  I'm not freeing you.  Not so's you can run off afore the damage is repaired.  I'll be facing charges for freeing you either way, and I won't face charges for no results."

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Just now, Ookla the Hemalurgic Pinto said:

I think he's still on the deck.


Oh sorry! My bad. Let’s assume that I didn’t go to the prison

Shidala was looking at Lloyd who was currently captured. He was an idiot. She walked quietly to get closer and then took out her knife. Then she made an illusion of a person standing on the other side of ship. Pirates looked that way and then she quickly cut off their heads “hi, Wetty. How could you get captured?”

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9 minutes ago, EmiTheNinja said:

Shidala was looking at Lloyd who was currently captured. He was an idiot. She walked quietly to get closer and then took out her knife. Then she made an illusion of a person standing on the other side of ship. Pirates looked that way and then she quickly cut off their heads “hi, Wetty. How could you get captured?”

“This could be bad.”

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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Hemalurgic Pinto said:

“This could be bad.”

“Well, my all life is bad. That isn’t anything new. Important thing is that you are save now and we must run.”

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6 minutes ago, Ookla the Hemalurgic Pinto said:

“This could be bad.”


2 minutes ago, EmiTheNinja said:

“Well, my all life is bad. That isn’t anything new. Important thing is that you are save now and we must run.”

The child had been cowering behind the old man.  "I don't wanna touch him!" she implored, burying her face into his shirt.  "Don't make me!"  She seemed absolutely terrified of the prospect of even being near Lloyd.

Then, she screamed.  The old man turned, and his face was a mask of horror.  Djinn fell as he turned to face the next threat, shocked at the sudden arrival of the illusion, his eyes betraying his senses.  His head fell to the deck.  The ship heaved atop a wave, and it toppled overboard.  One of Djinn's companions, a young man named Willow, fell as well, spasming in his death throes.  

The man thrust the child further behind him.  "Run belowdecks.  Get your father.  I'll be alright."  He lifted his chin into the sea air as the girl skittered backward, a face of stunned disbelief on her face.  She kept mouthing her brother's name, as if she expected him to hear her, to stand, and to follow after her.

He did not.

The old man drew a simple, plain, steel sword from his side.  "I'll not let you hurt anyone else, you wretch!" he called, his voice cracking as he tried to force bravado into it.

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3 minutes ago, EmiTheNinja said:

“Well, my all life is bad. That isn’t anything new. Important thing is that you are save now and we must run.”


4 minutes ago, ProfetessaOscura said:


The child had been cowering behind the old man.  "I don't wanna touch him!" she implored, burying her face into his shirt.  "Don't make me!"  She seemed absolutely terrified of the prospect of even being near Lloyd.

Then, she screamed.  The old man turned, and his face was a mask of horror.  Djinn fell as he turned to face the next threat, shocked at the sudden arrival of the illusion, his eyes betraying his senses.  His head fell to the deck.  The ship heaved atop a wave, and it toppled overboard.  One of Djinn's companions, a young man named Willow, fell as well, spasming in his death throes.  

The man thrust the child further behind him.  "Run belowdecks.  Get your father.  I'll be alright."  He lifted his chin into the sea air as the girl skittered backward, a face of stunned disbelief on her face.  She kept mouthing her brother's name, as if she expected him to hear her, to stand, and to follow after her.

He did not.

The old man drew a simple, plain, steel sword from his side.  "I'll not let you hurt anyone else, you wretch!" he called, his voice cracking as he tried to force bravado into it.

Lloyd was disturbed by what he saw, why did everything have to be so violent?

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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Hemalurgic Pinto said:


Lloyd was disturbed by what he saw, why did everything have to be so violent?

“Lloyd?” Shidala called him, noticing that he got distracted and pulled his hand “WE MUST GO NOW!”

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