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Siren's Call: an RP


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Just now, Ookla the Hemalurgic Pinto said:

Lloyd is pretty buff. :D


Is Lloyd a dumb version of you? 

1 minute ago, Ookla the Hemalurgic Pinto said:

“So how will we escape them?”


That’s pretty easy. We can just swim fast enough and I will try to hide our ship for some time.

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3 minutes ago, EmiTheNinja said:

That’s pretty easy. We can just swim fast enough and I will try to hide our ship for some time.

“Okay, did you know the person who was trying to help us back there?”

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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Hemalurgic Pinto said:

“That’s weird.” They reached the ship.

“Okay, I have to wash my hair, so you stay on a watch first. Call me only if something important will happen.”

Edited by EmiTheNinja
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2 hours ago, ProfetessaOscura said:

Thorn knew she was wrong. He’d seen Lloyd attack their ship, damaging it as he attempted to board it. When he was thrown away like the garbage he was, he’d damaged the ship again, boarded again, and hurt the girl and other crewmembers badly. Now his friends had slaughtered the passionate young man and his closest friend.  And now they wanted to barter. 

Thorn slashed at Millie, seeing red. “Follow your companions!  Flee like the sliming refuse of eels that you are!”  

The captain appeared, running, frantic, the composed giant of a man barreling to the top deck. “My- my son!” He cried, and his sobs were agonized, as though he’d been mauled, torn in two. 

"Technically, they aren't my companions." Millie explained calmly, dodging the blade. "I just came because I was ordered to help them out. I've never exchanged a single word with them before today." Once she finished the explanation, she walked off of the boat, making herself incorporeal as she did so, floating in the opposite direction.

59 minutes ago, Ookla the Hemalurgic Pinto said:

“They were wearing a uniform.”


Millie returned the uniform, she was wearing all black with a long blonde braid going down her back.

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7 minutes ago, DramaQueen said:

"Technically, they aren't my companions." Millie explained calmly, dodging the blade. "I just came because I was ordered to help them out. I've never exchanged a single word with them before today." Once she finished the explanation, she walked off of the boat, making herself incorporeal as she did so, floating in the opposite direction.

Thorn wheezed, panting, slashing at the apparition frantically. His eyes went wide, and his knees buckled.  He slumped against the railing and turned, watching his Captain, a great man, sob, clutching the headless body of his 17 year old son. Above, the woman who’d taken the bullet wound in the arm, watched, frozen stiff. The Admital’s daughter had flown through the ranks. She was due her own ship any month now. And this... this tragedy...

Thorn closed his eyes, pressing closed fists against his forehead. The little one.  At least the little one survived, even if her spark of sunshine hadn’t. 

He let up a silent prayer to whatever deities there were. Curse those travellers. Curse them, and damn them, even if Thorn was damned himself for begging such a thing of a god. 

(And thus ends my NPC warmup!  Let me know when Vespyr can come for Trace.)

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Trace jumped aside another explosion, launching herself into the air with a quick burst of power. Her arm still hadn't healed; maybe she couldn't heal large wounds completely? Well... limitations or no, she could win this fight.

The swordsman suddenly bent his sword, transforming it into a boomerang and hurling it into the air after her. Trace pushed herself out of the way, but the boomerang still cut a gash into her cheek. She tried to heal it, but found that she couldn't. So it was made of the same stuff that the nobleman had? Maybe she should've gone for that assassin first.

Regardless, when she hit the ground, she continued running towards the archer. The archer started running away, dropping an arrow to explode behind him. Trace easily avoided this, ducking as the swordsman threw his boomerang/sword (sworderang?). She left the swordsman to her back, running at full speed towards the archer. She was gaining on him, despite her inferior legspan; soon, he found himself blocked by a wall, unable to escape.

Trace prepared her knife, picking up speed and catching the archer. She stabbed him in the back, not killing him but enacting a terrible scream. He fell onto the ground, clutching the wound.

She grabbed his arm, spinning him over onto his back to finish him off. Trace raised her dagger above the man's chest, aiming for the heart.

He grinned, blood dripping out from his mouth, and held up a small box with a button on the end.

"NO!" Trace screamed, shying away.

The archer detonated all the arrows in his quiver, releasing a massive explosion. Trace was engulfed by the flame, thrown far away from the archer. She left a trail of smoke as the explosion hurled her back to the main courtyard. Trace didn't remember hitting the ground; she was at a point where all agony was just the same. No pain could be stacked onto what already existed.

She was dead. There was no way she wasn't dead.

Not yet, child. The Queen said. I'm not done with you yet.

Trace released an agonized scream as she tried to lift her head or even open her eyes. As far as she could tell, her entire body had been burnt away. Nothing could've saved her from that explosion, or the impact with the ground that came afterwards.

You're alive. Janice said. Oh, thank goodness.

Trace struggled to even form thoughts. What... did you...

All humans have Veils, apparently. Janice replied. Jay told me that. I never thought I had one, but... I guess you were it the entire time. You and your Queen had half-corrupted my soul.


I saved you, basically.


Janice hesitated. I don't know.

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Cruz ducked for cover before Lena shot a couple fireballs in his general direction, and all chaos broke loose. One absolutely shattered her window, and the other hit the wall opposite and dissipated.

"Coward!" Cruz yelled. "Absolute coward!"

Lena shook her head solemnly. "Says the one who brutally murdered by decoy with a pistol." She cornered Cruz by the window. "Who's the coward now, Cruz? Are you going to run, like you did all those years ago?"

Cruz froze and stared her right in the eye, so they were face-to-face again. "You betrayed me, killing the only ones I loved! Will you kill me, now, too?" 

Lena sighed. "Says the one who just brutally murdered by decoy with a pistol. Yes, if you remain a threat, I will have to kill you, too."

Lena put her hands together and summoned a massive fireball, and launched it at Cruz and sent him flying out the window...

Cruz grabbed the ledge and hoisted himself onto the brick. He began climbing, anything to get away. This entire operation had been a mistake. Where was Trace? He hoisted himself onto the third and final floor of the fortress. He could see the whole grounds from here. And beyond that, the city. Life.

He looked around, trying to find any sign of the girl--the Yevon. Darn it, what kinds of friends did he make?

Suddenly, Lena jumped up from where Cruz had just come from. Cruz had been expecting this, so he rushed her, hoping to knock her off. Apparently, this was a bad idea, as Lena had a freaking flaming sword in her hand. Lena was knocked off balance, but managed to avoid falling of the edge.

And her sword plunged into his gut.

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Trace drew upon her pain, screaming as she released a massive burst of energy. She didn't bother to look where it covered; she only needed to do that to heal herself.

Any mortal wounds became... well, not closed, but not quite as dangerous. At the very least, it'd take her a couple hours to die rather than a few minutes. She could work with that. All she had to do was find her way back to Cruz. He could heal her. Hopefully.

She got to her feet, stumbling back onto the ground about eighty times. Her dagger found its way into her hand; a comfortable weight, if impractical.

"Cruz..." Trace muttered. "Just have to get... to Cruz..."


Hadn't there been one more assassin?

Janice screamed first. As far as Trace was concerned, Janice couldn't even feel the sword run through her chest. The girl screamed nonetheless.

Trace didn't have the energy to scream. She just looked down at the point protruding just beneath her sternum, a tear of pure pain slipping down her cheek and off her chin, falling to the floor and mixing in a small puddle of blood. Her eyes shut, and more tears flowed.


Why was all this pain and suffering so inescapable?

The sword was pulled out of her chest, making her scream and collapse. Her vision went blurry and dark, and she couldn't hear anything. The last thing she saw was the assassin leaving her for dead, and a steadily growing pool of red among the cobblestones.

Dead. She was dead for sure this time.

Trace passed into unconsciousness, lying lifeless in her own blood. Her breathing shallowed and heartbeat slowed. Janice was still awake, though; unable to feel. Barely capable of thought. She knew Trace's pain, however. She knew it. She had felt it before. She knew the tears; they were like her own. They were her own.

I'm sorry that you had to understand my pain, here at the end of it all. Janice said. I'm sorry that's the last thing you had to feel.

Trace didn't reply. She was basically dead, and incapable of replying.

Janice waited to die, leaving her last thoughts for herself.

Cadenza... She whispered. Cadenza... I'm so, so sorry... I'm never going to see you again.

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2 hours ago, DramaQueen said:

"Technically, they aren't my companions." Millie explained calmly, dodging the blade. "I just came because I was ordered to help them out. I've never exchanged a single word with them before today." Once she finished the explanation, she walked off of the boat, making herself incorporeal as she did so, floating in the opposite direction.

Lloyd saw the thing floating towards the ship. “Hello?”

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Cruz dropped to his knees, and Lena pulled the sword straight out of him, standing above him. To deal the final blow.

Cruz used his Aspect, healing himself, but he wouldn't be fast enough... Lena stood above him, flaming sword in hand... was she waiting?

He gasped for breath as the pain eased. He looked Lena in the eyes, hatred on his face.

Lena let the sword drop to the ground, then kicked it away so Cruz couldn't grab it. Smart, but not necessary.

"Cruz, why do you have to be this way?"

"What do you mean?" he challenged. "You killed my friends!"

"You keep saying that, Cruz," she said, serious. "They weren't your friends. You should have disassociated with them long ago, like I told you, and it never would have been a betrayal! I killed criminals, Cruz! Criminals! Your have killed nobles who have done less than those gangsters!"

"Don't call them gangsters!" he hissed.

"They were addicts, Cruz! You came to me, in need of training, in need of belonging. You had no home, and I gave you one. But you were still connected to them. Cruz, you didn't know what they did when you weren't around. When you, the one who only wanted friends. They were leading you down a dark path, Cruz. And I've told you that."

Lies. They must be, right? His friends... Sebastian. Dant. Yugo. The others. All years older, they took him in, and he was part of them in no time.

But... he had to admit Lena had a point. Looking back, they weren't the a very good influence on him. Were they ever really his friends?

Yes, they were. It was all he had.

"This was a mistake, Lena. Sorry for bothering you."

With that, Cruz leaped off of the tower.

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14 hours ago, ProfetessaOscura said:

Is this where Vespyr steps in?



13 hours ago, Knight of Iron said:


Cruz dropped to his knees, and Lena pulled the sword straight out of him, standing above him. To deal the final blow.

Cruz used his Aspect, healing himself, but he wouldn't be fast enough... Lena stood above him, flaming sword in hand... was she waiting?

He gasped for breath as the pain eased. He looked Lena in the eyes, hatred on his face.

Lena let the sword drop to the ground, then kicked it away so Cruz couldn't grab it. Smart, but not necessary.

"Cruz, why do you have to be this way?"

"What do you mean?" he challenged. "You killed my friends!"

"You keep saying that, Cruz," she said, serious. "They weren't your friends. You should have disassociated with them long ago, like I told you, and it never would have been a betrayal! I killed criminals, Cruz! Criminals! Your have killed nobles who have done less than those gangsters!"

"Don't call them gangsters!" he hissed.

"They were addicts, Cruz! You came to me, in need of training, in need of belonging. You had no home, and I gave you one. But you were still connected to them. Cruz, you didn't know what they did when you weren't around. When you, the one who only wanted friends. They were leading you down a dark path, Cruz. And I've told you that."

Lies. They must be, right? His friends... Sebastian. Dant. Yugo. The others. All years older, they took him in, and he was part of them in no time.

But... he had to admit Lena had a point. Looking back, they weren't the a very good influence on him. Were they ever really his friends?

Yes, they were. It was all he had.

"This was a mistake, Lena. Sorry for bothering you."

With that, Cruz leaped off of the tower.


Help! Trace needs saving!


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On it!

There was sudden silence.

The trees froze, their rustling leaves in the wind suddenly still, the air stagnant.  Insects stopped their chirruping.  The world seemed as though it had taken an extra step at the top of the stairs, lurched, and then righted itself.  

Cruz was falling, likely to his demise.  Trace was bleeding out, left to die.

Like an arrow, wind, so fast, so forceful it seemed visible, slammed up into Cruz, slowing his descent, then stopping it.  He was suspended in a tunnel of wind, of air rushing and slashing upward.

Vespyr sank from the sky, feet first, and stopped midair before Lena.  The imposing figure was wreathed in gray robes, slashed, long and dangling, the linen wrappings seeming excessive.  The hooded head wore a plain white mask, tapered at the forehead into a cruel crown.  Not a single feature of the person was visible, but they stood tall, and when they spoke, the air moved again.  The air spoke for them.  It vibrated in a keening, strange cacophony, as though air were moving through ancient pillars and stones, grinding out the words for all to hear.

"The Queen has need of her charge," the air hissed, "Killing you would waste my time.  Do not get in my way."  

Cruz might have thought that the words were addressed to him, but... Vespyr was at face level with Lena, and slowly raised a draped arm, pointing a bony finger directly at the woman.  The person seemed more like a creature, and the creature sank down to the bleeding Trace.  Wordless, Vespyr stooped and pulled Trace up.  Never once did the creature's feet touch the ground.  It stared, as if it could somehow see through the mask, then pressed a hand to the wound.  It did not heal the wound, but the blood coagulated, stopping the immense blood-loss.  

@Knight of Iron @Channelknight Fadran

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