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Siren's Call: an RP


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8 hours ago, ProfetessaOscura said:

There was sudden silence.

The trees froze, their rustling leaves in the wind suddenly still, the air stagnant.  Insects stopped their chirruping.  The world seemed as though it had taken an extra step at the top of the stairs, lurched, and then righted itself.  

Cruz was falling, likely to his demise.  Trace was bleeding out, left to die.

Like an arrow, wind, so fast, so forceful it seemed visible, slammed up into Cruz, slowing his descent, then stopping it.  He was suspended in a tunnel of wind, of air rushing and slashing upward.

Vespyr sank from the sky, feet first, and stopped midair before Lena.  The imposing figure was wreathed in gray robes, slashed, long and dangling, the linen wrappings seeming excessive.  The hooded head wore a plain white mask, tapered at the forehead into a cruel crown.  Not a single feature of the person was visible, but they stood tall, and when they spoke, the air moved again.  The air spoke for them.  It vibrated in a keening, strange cacophony, as though air were moving through ancient pillars and stones, grinding out the words for all to hear.

"The Queen has need of her charge," the air hissed, "Killing you would waste my time.  Do not get in my way."  

Cruz might have thought that the words were addressed to him, but... Vespyr was at face level with Lena, and slowly raised a draped arm, pointing a bony finger directly at the woman.  The person seemed more like a creature, and the creature sank down to the bleeding Trace.  Wordless, Vespyr stooped and pulled Trace up.  Never once did the creature's feet touch the ground.  It stared, as if it could somehow see through the mask, then pressed a hand to the wound.  It did not heal the wound, but the blood coagulated, stopping the immense blood-loss.  

@Knight of Iron @Channelknight Fadran

Cruz fell, tumbling through the air. Heart beating fast and on the edge of panic, he attempted to remain calm He positioned himself to take the least amount of damage as possible. If he could just survive the fall... he could always heal himself. If he survived.

As he twisted in the air, he felt something slam into him, and his descent slowed to a stop. He hovered midair, skin pummeled by furious winds.

How... who...?

He looked around, and saw Trace on the ground below him, bleeding out. He looked above him, and yelled in surprise.

A figure hovered in the air above him, facing off with Lena... and, somehow, the very air itself carried a voice...

"The Queen has need of her charge. Killing you would waste my time. Do not get in my way."

Fear struck Cruz's heart, and he panicked. He was frozen in awe.

The figure landed gracefully on the ground, and pulled Trace off the ground, assisting with her wounds.

"Wait!" he cried, unsure if he could even be heard through the roaring wind. "I can heal! I can heal her!"

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Vespyr turned to him, and  and the figure lowered Cruz with the delicate control of expertise.  "You will assist me.  In return, I will carry you from here," Vespyr said, the wind still, yet vibrating, resonant.  Vespyr lifted Trace in their arms and brought the girl over to him.  The creature's feet still never once touched the ground, suspended in the air by billowing winds, gentle and precise.  

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1 minute ago, Condensation said:



Lloyd and Shidala committed atrocities on the high seas while thinking they were fighting pirates.

Cruz and Trace tried to assassinate Lena, but they got their butts whooped, and now a mysterious person(Zephyr, the loveable nectar-addicted murderhobo) has come to take Trace to the Queen to complete her corruption.  

Badass fights and morally complex situations all around.


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19 hours ago, Condensation said:



Perhaps I can be of assistance.

Tulcam moved to walk on before pausing again, bringing the communication device back to his ear. After a brief moment, he hurriedly stuffed the device back into a pocket. 

"We have a situation. Someone matching one of the prisoner's description has been very busy. I need to know absolutely everything that you have on the one called 'Janice.'"

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2 minutes ago, The Ward's Guard said:

Tulcam moved to walk on before pausing again, bringing the communication device back to his ear. After a brief moment, he hurriedly stuffed the device back into a pocket. 

"We have a situation. Someone matching one of the prisoner's description has been very busy. I need to know absolutely everything that you have on the one called 'Janice.'"

Cadenza gasped. "What about Janice?"

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3 minutes ago, The Ward's Guard said:

Tulcam moved to walk on before pausing again, bringing the communication device back to his ear. After a brief moment, he hurriedly stuffed the device back into a pocket. 

"We have a situation. Someone matching one of the prisoner's description has been very busy. I need to know absolutely everything that you have on the one called 'Janice.'"

"Do you mean Trace? Janice's personality won't matter when Trace has control."

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Maddy stood behind Colonel, just watching. Who was this Janice person? How could someone ‘be in control’ of them? Maybe she had bitten off a bit more than she could chew with this mission.

She didn’t see this conversation ending anytime soon, so she sat down cross-legged on the ground. Opening her satchel, Maddy took out her sketchbook and charcoal pencil, and began to draw a simple tree. She wasn’t very good, but it helped her think, along with fueling her Aspect a bit. 

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26 minutes ago, The Ward's Guard said:

Tulcam moved to walk on before pausing again, bringing the communication device back to his ear. After a brief moment, he hurriedly stuffed the device back into a pocket. 

"We have a situation. Someone matching one of the prisoner's description has been very busy. I need to know absolutely everything that you have on the one called 'Janice.'"


AHHH WARD THANK YOU SO MUCH. The plot with the main group has been lagging sooo much.


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On 1/2/2021 at 7:41 PM, ProfetessaOscura said:

Vespyr turned to him, and  and the figure lowered Cruz with the delicate control of expertise.  "You will assist me.  In return, I will carry you from here," Vespyr said, the wind still, yet vibrating, resonant.  Vespyr lifted Trace in their arms and brought the girl over to him.  The creature's feet still never once touched the ground, suspended in the air by billowing winds, gentle and precise.  

"I..." Cruz said, his gaze darting back and forth between Vespyr and Trace. "Are you Yevon? With her?"

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3 hours ago, Vapor said:

"Do you mean Trace? Janice's personality won't matter when Trace has control."


3 hours ago, Condensation said:

Cadenza gasped. "What about Janice?"

"I'm still getting in reports and information. Whatever's going on, it's not good. I'm having new orders streaming in right now, but there's chaos throughout the Confederacy."


If someone could kindly give an incredibly brief oversight of what Trace has been up to, I would be very happy. I've been following along poorly.


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4 minutes ago, The Ward's Guard said:


"I'm still getting in reports and information. Whatever's going on, it's not good. I'm having new orders streaming in right now, but there's chaos throughout the Confederacy."


Sure! Trace, along with Cruz, has left the island y'all are on ages ago. Trace and Cruz have caused mass murder of the nobility in the island you were on, first, then moved over to the next island over and caused mass murder of the nobility. Then, they went over to the next island and attempted mass murder of the nobility; but it was really because Cruz wanted to finally kill his assassin master Lena. Lena was very well prepared for an attack, especially after hearing about the other assassinations, and Trace was almost killed by assassins, and Cruz was almost killed by Lena.

Like, right now right now Vespyr is saving Trace from the situation, Cruz maybe/maybe not. But they wouldn't know about that. If you need to, Lena could have sent word immediately after being attacked (like I said, well prepared for this), so people could know already where they are at. 


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