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Siren's Call: an RP


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2 minutes ago, Knight of Iron said:

I'm an idiot, Cruz thought. My friends were criminalsI was just too blinded by their offer of kinship to see it.

And... Lena had warned me. She warned me even before she killed them.

Trace turned away, breaking from Janice's hold.

"You win." She said, tossing her hands in frustration. "YOU WIN! Okay? You happy?"

Janice watched her with concern. "I didn't... I never meant..."

"You're right." Trace growled. "I'm imperfect. In fact, I'm far from it. I'm a horrible person, if you could even call me that."

"Trace... I didn't mean to--"

"You didn't mean to what? Shame me for everything I've done and call me a fraud?" She took long, powerful strides at Janice.

Janice cowed back slightly.

"If you thought you were going to change me or something, then you were dead wrong!" Trace pushed Janice down. "I don't care what you think of me! I don't care what the world thinks of me! If I'm a horrible, terrible, evil murderer, then so be it! At least I'm stronger than you'll ever be, with your crazy childish dreams of being this perfect friend and living life by laughing and smiling all the time!"

Her face contorted into a wild glare/grin. "Well guess what, Janice? You failed! I'm not going back, and I'm not going to suddenly become some sweet little angel! I am going to KILL YOU, and I know EXACTLY HOW."

Janice whimpered. She yelped as Trace backhanded her across the face, even though she couldn't feel anything.

"Go ahead and hate me." Trace growled. "Go ahead and hurt me all you want! Throw everything you have at me, little wimp, because none of it is going to save you."

She turned around, her consciousness stirring, and an angry tear of pure hatred rolled down her cheek. "I can take it."

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3 hours ago, Knight of Iron said:

"Creature, do you have a name?" Cruz inquired, setting Trace down gently in the cave and setting up to sleep himself.


<strike>"I am known by many names: Mountain Slayer, Thunder Lion, The Chocolate Axe. But you? You may call me... Tiffany."</strike>

It stopped, then turned its head towards Cruz, as if considering slowly, or curious that its captive had actually asked.  In all honesty, it wasn't quite sure what name to give.  There were those who had called it a ocean monster, others who had called it a mindless beast.  There were titles of terror, a wide assortment and variety.  Then there was its... old name.  It felt too raw, too... too human to let anyone use that name ever again.  Vespyr finally settled on one of the more appropriate titles, one with a good deal less of panicked death-throed profanity.  "I am often called "Siren" by those I must kill.  I bear many titles from those I encounter.  It was difficult to choose from among them the name you should use."  

Fool.  Why should Vespyr expect some understanding from these creatures?  It wasn't like they wanted the elaboration.  In its own way, even thinking of itself as "Vespyr" was too self-centered.  If Vespyr's handlers learned that it still clung to its old name, even in thought... well.  Vespyr had grown accustomed to blocking out the pain, but it was a damned inconvenience working with a broken body after the fact.

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1 minute ago, ProfetessaOscura said:

Skimming the RP from page 90 and a little onward, I would initially say no because I don't know how he'd get to their location or why he would be searching for them.



27 is a human but Death is an artificial soul, it might be possible that the queen(or whatever we are calling her at this point) wanted to purify him especially since he has a very powerful aspect.


He can use the life of any living thing to heal him or anyone else.


Yes I make OP rp characters, I love having powerful people doing a balancing act with both sides.:P





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Just now, ProfetessaOscura said:

No offense, then no.  Overpowered roleplaying characters are difficult to work around because often even clever and well-thought out schemes are instantly foiled by a simple post. 



:lol: Reasonable. *Considers creating a non-OP character* :D


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1 minute ago, Ookla the Hemalurgic Pinto said:



I encourage you to give it a try.  Playing a balanced character means that you'll lose sometimes, but that you'll be able to use character and power flaws to adapt to the world and people you interact with.  I think it makes characters more engaging and easier to work with.


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Just now, ProfetessaOscura said:

I encourage you to give it a try.  Playing a balanced character means that you'll lose sometimes, but that you'll be able to use character and power flaws to adapt to the world and people you interact with.  I think it makes characters more engaging and easier to work with.



I don't think my OP characters have ever won a fight. :ph34r:

Keni had no idea why she was here, sure she had an aspect that made her seem untrustworthy, but she had never broken the law and was never planning on doing so. Of course the law had been very different inside of the Talon then it would've been everywhere else. She was locked in a cell in a place she was not familiar with. After the raid those dusters had done on Talonguard was over Keni and her squad had been captured during their escape and it wasn't looking good for her. Keni was the last one alive of all of the sylven left in her squad, the rest had been killed in interrogations. Kane had been right, the humans would never accept them for what they were and there was no point in reasoning with them. Time to take matters into my own hands Keni thought as she watched her best friend's corpse being dragged away. she grabbed the hair of one of the guards, shoved it into her mouth, and swallowed. She sat with her eyes closed as she transformed to look like him. "She escaped and locked me in here!" she shouted down the hall.


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The conversation wore on, and for the first time in her life Maddy felt like a real child. Growing up with such influential parents she had never really struggled with anything and had been taught well. Always high marks, always a leader, always superior. Now, she had no idea what these men were speaking of. Like Colonel.

But at least he was speaking up.

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12 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"You don't have to." Janice said softly. "I know I did

"Children, children, do stop fighting." A voice says, and a figure emerges inside Janice's head. She is a tall woman with bone white skin, and has glowing eyes that change color ever few seconds. Her hair is long, dark, and worn down past her shoulders, but strands of it are slowly being replaced by crystal of various colors, as are her fingernails and a few patches of her skin surrounding her dark Traces. She wears a long black gown, as if going to a ball, and jewelry made out of black and white Annihilate and Animate Qhoral crystals. She carries at her side a small side sword, of a design neither Trace or Janice have ever seen its like.

14 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

"Hm," grunted Jack. "How far gone?"

"I don't..." Jay hangs his head. "I don't know. She left, or maybe was taken. She tried to kill all of us, but I know she's still in there somewhere."

14 hours ago, The Ward's Guard said:

The colonel snapped around to face Jack. "You mean to tell me that you don't only know what he's talking about, but you've seen it before?"

"He's made this study a... point of interest in the past."

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