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Siren's Call: an RP


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Brother Sparrow belatedly walked out into the grass. He noted the various people clustered around Janice before addressing them. "Greetings. I assume you are Janice's friends. It is a pleasure to meet all of you. This house is open to you for as long as you have need of it, though I imagine you are eager to be on your way. Have you met Vespyr previously?"

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16 minutes ago, Fallapede said:

Brother Sparrow belatedly walked out into the grass. He noted the various people clustered around Janice before addressing them. "Greetings. I assume you are Janice's friends. It is a pleasure to meet all of you. This house is open to you for as long as you have need of it, though I imagine you are eager to be on your way. Have you met Vespyr previously?"

"Yeah. Vespyr's the one who kidnapped Janice." Cadenza glared.

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They would not recognize the name Vespyr, lol, but that’s okay  

Vespyr sat quietly in the house. He would leave soon. Janice had found her people. Or, rather, they had found her. And although he was sure he’d explained the situation to Brother Sparrow, he now wasn’t sure that he had, his head hazy from the withdrawal. Hearing the Brother’s shock, he knew now that he should be ashamed for that shortcoming.  It was time for him to leave Rain to people who would not fail her. 

Something about that sentence wasn’t right. He felt too numb to rethink his thoughts. 

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3 hours ago, Vapor said:

Aryanna squeezed Janice, holding her tightly. "It'll be okay, it'll be okay."

During her time as a street orphan, Janice had learned not to cry. Crying was a weakness, and weaknesses weren't allowed in the streets.

Still... it happened. Every urchin cried. Hers were more... pitiful than others. She was ridiculed for her long, dejected half-wails, half-sobs that she'd cry out with.

If those were pitiful, then what she was doing now would be bad enough for the other urchins to cover their ears and run away; abandon the street and leave her to it. The sounds were muffled by Aryanna's shirt, but they were still audible. Somewhere deep in her subconscious, Janice wondered if it was possible to wash out tearstains; she was going to leave a massive wet splotch all over Aryanna's uniform.

"I love you," Janice whimpered. "I'm so, so sorry..."

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12 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

During her time as a street orphan, Janice had learned not to cry. Crying was a weakness, and weaknesses weren't allowed in the streets.

Still... it happened. Every urchin cried. Hers were more... pitiful than others. She was ridiculed for her long, dejected half-wails, half-sobs that she'd cry out with.

If those were pitiful, then what she was doing now would be bad enough for the other urchins to cover their ears and run away; abandon the street and leave her to it. The sounds were muffled by Aryanna's shirt, but they were still audible. Somewhere deep in her subconscious, Janice wondered if it was possible to wash out tearstains; she was going to leave a massive wet splotch all over Aryanna's uniform.

"I love you," Janice whimpered. "I'm so, so sorry..."

"I love you too," Aryanna whispered back.

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Vespyr quietly stepped outside the house.  There wasn't really a back door to sneak out of, and he didn't much like the idea of trying to get away out the window.  He'd just have to face the shame and condemnation another time before he left.  He still had his pack, and he'd bundled the nectar in it.  He wasn't sure how to repay Brother Sparrow, especially since the man had apparently unknowingly let him stay.  What person in their right mind would have let him stay otherwise?  He'd been foolish.  His winds glossed over the crowd of Janice's friends, searching, as if they were as faceless as he himself was.  His winds settled on the preoccupied Janice, but he didn't dare attempt to draw any attention to himself.  

Vespyr gathered the strength within him, taking a long draft of Nectar, and prepared to ride his storm of winds into the sky.

Edited by ProfetessaOscura
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