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Siren's Call: an RP


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Just now, Negative_Null said:

As the plane sets down, Jay tries to stand up straight like he isn't in total pain. 

A door opens in the side of the cockpit and Medrano steps out, along with the girl, Sophie, if you remember them from the train at all.

Janice hops in, excited, then frowns as she looks at Jay. "Are you doing okay?"

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4 minutes ago, Negative_Null said:

As the plane sets down, Jay tries to stand up straight like he isn't in total pain. 

A door opens in the side of the cockpit and Medrano steps out, along with the girl, Sophie, if you remember them from the train at all.

27 moves with blurring speed and inspects the plane.

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21 minutes ago, Negative_Null said:

"Just as ok as I've been all day. Finally found us, Medrano?"

"You didn't make it easy for us. Get in, there's not much time"

"Jay... in case you haven't noticed, I can tell when people are in pain." Janice scooched to sit beside him. "It comes with having... issues like mine."

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43 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Jay... in case you haven't noticed, I can tell when people are in pain." Janice scooched to sit beside him. "It comes with having... issues like mine."

"I'm always in pain." says 27 "But only on the inside." adds Death.

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53 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Jay... in case you haven't noticed, I can tell when people are in pain." Janice scooched to sit beside him. "It comes with having... issues like mine."

Jay looks over at 27 and Death and decides to not react to that.

"I'm fine. I didn't get a chance to heal all the way, it still kind of hurts to walk. Medrano, what don't we have time for?"

Medrano sits down at the controls. "We're hearing whispers from Talongarde. There's been developments. Of what kind we don't know. I think we need to move in now. But if you're not well..."

"I'm fine to carry out the plan"

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2 minutes ago, Negative_Null said:

Jay looks over at 27 and Death and decides to not react to that.

"I'm fine. I didn't get a chance to heal all the way, it still kind of hurts to walk. Medrano, what don't we have time for?"

Medrano sits down at the controls. "We're hearing whispers from Talongarde. There's been developments. Of what kind we don't know. I think we need to move in now. But if you're not well..."

"I'm fine to carry out the plan"

"I think I can help with your leg." Death said.

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19 minutes ago, Negative_Null said:

Jay looks over at 27 and Death and decides to not react to that.

"I'm fine. I didn't get a chance to heal all the way, it still kind of hurts to walk. Medrano, what don't we have time for?"

Medrano sits down at the controls. "We're hearing whispers from Talongarde. There's been developments. Of what kind we don't know. I think we need to move in now. But if you're not well..."

"I'm fine to carry out the plan"

"Developments? What does that mean?"

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5 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Developments? What does that mean?"

"Troops are gathering there. Terrorist cells that have guarded their turf for years have all of a sudden disappeared and been tracked to the ocean. We don't know exactly where Talongarde is, but we've intercepted messages that might be coordinates. One of my best operatives got out a coded message that one of their top assassins has come back to Talongarde for the first time in years. They've kidnapped scientists and researchers who specialize in many different disciplines. It's obvious to anyone watching that they're planning something big, and we don't know what yet."

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21 minutes ago, Negative_Null said:

"Troops are gathering there. Terrorist cells that have guarded their turf for years have all of a sudden disappeared and been tracked to the ocean. We don't know exactly where Talongarde is, but we've intercepted messages that might be coordinates. One of my best operatives got out a coded message that one of their top assassins has come back to Talongarde for the first time in years. They've kidnapped scientists and researchers who specialize in many different disciplines. It's obvious to anyone watching that they're planning something big, and we don't know what yet."

"I... that sounds scary."

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3 hours ago, I Am A Fish said:

"Eight... You know what? This is boring."

Kane rubbed his nose, then nonchalantly shot Aryanna in the foot.


The left one? Cause she broke that leg... I'm going to say it was.

Aryanna clenches her teeth to keep from crying out, and tears puddle in the corners of her eyes. She bites her lip, but stays silent.

Edited by Vapor
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12 hours ago, Vapor said:

Aryanna clenches her teeth to keep from crying out, and tears puddle in the corners of her eyes. She bites her lip, but stays silent.

Kane raised an eyebrow. 

"Okay, we both know that I'm not gonna kill you. But... It would be a shame if you were to lose a foot, or say an eye."

He twirled his pistol around his finger, then turned to one of the guards. "See if Xenia is available, I need stimulating conversation."

The guard looked at him, cocked his head, then walked off.

Kane turned back to Aryanna. "I see two options here. In one of them you talk now and I heal your foot. In the other..." He paused, staring off into space.

"You won't need sunglasses, or contact lenses anymore. So... Talk now, or learn braille. " 


Null, I'm aware that braille probably isn't a thing on Siren, but I don't care. That line was too good to waste ^


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37 minutes ago, I Am A Fish said:

Kane raised an eyebrow. 

"Okay, we both know that I'm not gonna kill you. But... It would be a shame if you were to lose a foot, or say an eye."

He twirled his pistol around his finger, then turned to one of the guards. "See if Xenia is available, I need stimulating conversation."

The guard looked at him, cocked his head, then walked off.

Kane turned back to Aryanna. "I see two options here. In one of them you talk now and I heal your foot. In the other..." He paused, staring off into space.

"You won't need sunglasses, or contact lenses anymore. So... Talk now, or learn braille. " 

Aryanna stares at the blood pooling around her foot, fully realizing that Kane would not hesitate to do as he said. Jay, she thinks. If you guys are coming for me you better do it now. She pushes back any memories of the silent room, of the electricity, the shot in the foot, and straightens up. She stares Kane in the eye, concealing her fear and broken will, and replies as boldly as she can. "No."


If you push a little bit more she'll talk.


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5 minutes ago, Vapor said:

Aryanna stares at the blood pooling around her foot, fully realizing that Kane would not hesitate to do as he said. Jay, she thinks. If you guys are coming for me you better do it now. She pushes back any memories of the silent room, of the electricity, the shot in the foot, and straightens up. She stares Kane in the eye, concealing her fear and broken will, and replies as boldly as she can. "No."


Kane stared at her, then blinked. He then whispered something in the guards ear.

The woman nodded.

"What the heck? Why wasn't I told this sooner?"

He lowered his pistol to Aryanna's forehead. 

"Well, turns out we have another captive who's already talked. You are no longer needed!"

He patted her on the head. "If you'd prefer to extend your time living, your story would still be appreciated."

Kane paused a minute.

"You aren't needed though. Any last words?" 


He may be bluffing...


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30 minutes ago, I Am A Fish said:

Kane stared at her, then blinked. He then whispered something in the guards ear.

The woman nodded.

"What the heck? Why wasn't I told this sooner?"

He lowered his pistol to Aryanna's forehead. 

"Well, turns out we have another captive who's already talked. You are no longer needed!"

He patted her on the head. "If you'd prefer to extend your time living, your story would still be appreciated."

Kane paused a minute.

"You aren't needed though. Any last words?" 

Aryanna's eyes widened. She sat, stunned, for a moment, before clenching her fist. "You won't win. Even if you do implant the souls, there will be resisters. They will not let you conquer so easily. If the others come for me, I want them to know that they can still fight. They may not know that I said this, they may think I talked, but they can still fight. And you were doomed from the start." She shook, feeling the cold of the pistol on her skin. A tear slid down her face and she closed her eyes, waiting for the end, when Kane pulled the trigger and ended her life. One twitch of the finger, and she would die. But she welcomed the freedom.

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The moment when you are just too bad at everything and no one ever quotes you in RPs :(


Well, Fadran that’s one of the reasons I don’t do RPing. I just can’t be cool

and also keeping up is hard






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5 minutes ago, Vapor said:

Aryanna's eyes widened. She sat, stunned, for a moment, before clenching her fist. "You won't win. Even if you do implant the souls, there will be resisters. They will not let you conquer so easily. If the others come for me, I want them to know that they can still fight. They may not know that I said this, they may think I talked, but they can still fight. And you were doomed from the start." She shook, feeling the cold of the pistol on her skin. A tear slid down her face and she closed her eyes, waiting for the end, when Kane pulled the trigger and ended her life. One twitch of the finger, and she would die. But she welcomed the freedom.


Vapor, let it never be said that you can't write.


Also, if you don't want to get rid of your character for good, then there are a couple failsafes (either the thing where headshots don't instantly kill you, or another thing I would probably have to run by Null).



9 hours ago, EmiTheNinja said:

“What happened? Where are we now?”




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11 minutes ago, Vapor said:

Aryanna's eyes widened. She sat, stunned, for a moment, before clenching her fist. "You won't win. Even if you do implant the souls, there will be resisters. They will not let you conquer so easily. If the others come for me, I want them to know that they can still fight. They may not know that I said this, they may think I talked, but they can still fight. And you were doomed from the start." She shook, feeling the cold of the pistol on her skin. A tear slid down her face and she closed her eyes, waiting for the end, when Kane pulled the trigger and ended her life. One twitch of the finger, and she would die. But she welcomed the freedom.

"You should've said something witty."

Kane loaded the gun, cocked the hammer, and stopped.

"I thought Yim had asked you to keep this area clean."

A woman with long, dark red hair, wearing attire more suited for a tourist than a Talon operative, walked down the hall towards them.

Kane sighed, then tucked his pistol back in his holster.

"I was cleaning up loose ends."

The woman rolled her eyes, then strolled to where they were standing.

"From the looks of it the only thing that was going to be loose, were fragments of bone and gore. You're giving up too easily, if you really were interested in getting results you would've tried longer."

The woman looked down at Aryanna, then turned to Kane, and held out her hand.

"Sedative?" It wasn't a question so much as an order.

Kane sighed, then placed a syringe in her hand. 

"Fine Xenia, be quick about it. I've a meeting to attend.

Xenia smiled. "Dear, I'm nothing if not punctual." 

She jammed the syringe into Aryanna's neck. 

"And you're not the only one who has..."



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29 minutes ago, I Am A Fish said:

"You should've said something witty."

Kane loaded the gun, cocked the hammer, and stopped.

"I thought Yim had asked you to keep this area clean."

A woman with long, dark red hair, wearing attire more suited for a tourist than a Talon operative, walked down the hall towards them.

Kane sighed, then tucked his pistol back in his holster.

"I was cleaning up loose ends."

The woman rolled her eyes, then strolled to where they were standing.

"From the looks of it the only thing that was going to be loose, were fragments of bone and gore. You're giving up too easily, if you really were interested in getting results you would've tried longer."

The woman looked down at Aryanna, then turned to Kane, and held out her hand.

"Sedative?" It wasn't a question so much as an order.

Kane sighed, then placed a syringe in her hand. 

"Fine Xenia, be quick about it. I've a meeting to attend.

Xenia smiled. "Dear, I'm nothing if not punctual." 

She jammed the syringe into Aryanna's neck. 

"And you're not the only one who has..."


What happened exactly? Edit: Oh nevermind hehe


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4 hours ago, I Am A Fish said:

Null, I'm aware that braille probably isn't a thing on Siren, but I don't care. That line was too good to waste ^


That line's good enough that now there is braille :P 

3 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Janice takes a nap during the flight so as to stimulate a timeskip.



We'll get there when we get there!

Time skips

Medrano wakes everyone in the ship up. "We're nearing the coordinates we intercepted. Everyone who's going into Talongarde, get ready to drop in."

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