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useful things to store in Tin metalminds


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I don't know if this has been done before, but I was creating a character for the Mistborn adventure game, who is a tin ferring. I started to think about all interesting things you can store in a tin metalmind, here's my list so far.

Sense of temperature

Sense of pain

sense of direction

sense of balance

sense of hunger/thirst

Would you be able to store these senses in a Tin mind? and if so, what would some other interesting or useful senses be?

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The Sense of Pain is confirmed to a valid thing to store. 

You may or may not be able to separate Thermal Sense from the more general sense of touch, I couldnt say. 

Sense of Balance seems entirely legit to me.  Sense of Direction might work for a creature that has an actual external sensory input (like birds that have biological compasses) but for the average human a "sense" of direction is more about spacial relations and memory capabilities, which are probably more of a Zinc thing. 

Cosmere examples:



We know that Superantural things like Life Sense or the ability to Hear Rhythms can be stored. 

Im assuming the innate ability to see Spren found in some Horneaters would fit in a Tinmind.  



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Quantus covered what I was going to say pretty well, though I do think that thermoception could be stored spearately from touch, at least for someone who took the time to study up on that sort of thing; color vision too, potentially even separating each of the three types of color vision that make up human color vision.  Individual tastes too, like sweet/salty/etc.

now let me ask a question - other than the novelty of it, what use would you think to get out of storing/tapping your body's warning signal senses, like pain, hunger and thirst?

and let me add a question: as stated, you should be able to store the Listeners' sense of the rhythms into a tinmind, but if you could make that unkeyed, would a human, who normally don't have that sense at all, be able to tap it?  likewise for other non-human senses like electroreception (used by a lot fo aquatic animals to detect prey based on changes in electric fields) or snake's ability to detect heat/infrared or whatever it technically is? or, if individual types of color vision can be stored separately, then something like UV vision, which at least some insects have.  I'd assume so, but its just enough of an edge case that I'd like a confirmation.

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1 hour ago, Dunkum said:

now let me ask a question - other than the novelty of it, what use would you think to get out of storing/tapping your body's warning signal senses, like pain, hunger and thirst?

If you are a Feruchemist then storing pain overcomes gold's last hurdle, while you can theoretically recover from everything you still don't want to take the injury because of pain.

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41 minutes ago, Frustration said:

If you are a Feruchemist then storing pain overcomes gold's last hurdle, while you can theoretically recover from everything you still don't want to take the injury because of pain.

yea, that occurred to me after posting.  or more generally that there may be some situations where being able to store those warning signs away and not feel them would help with concentration on other things.  it would be dangerous, though, since you wouldn't notice things getting worse - if it went on too long you could kill yourself without noticing that things were getting bad.

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4 hours ago, Dunkum said:

now let me ask a question - other than the novelty of it, what use would you think to get out of storing/tapping your body's warning signal senses, like pain, hunger and thirst?


It seems very useful to me honestly. Say you're in a combat situation- instead of having to fight through the pain, you can just get rid of your ability to feel it then deal with it later. You could even tap your sense of pain later when you are dealing with it so that you can get a more accurate sense of where your injuries are.


Also, could I theoretically store something like color vision as opposed to my whole vision? Or night vision?

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4 hours ago, Stormtide_Leviathan said:

Also, could I theoretically store something like color vision as opposed to my whole vision? Or night vision?

Brandon's usual answer to these sorts of questions is that it depends on perception.  I personally can't come up with a reasonable system where night vision would be considered separate, but that doesn't make it impossible. on the other hand, physically color vision is handled by special cells in the eyes, and works sort of adjacent to the part of our vision that perceives the intensity of light, so it would very much make sense that someone who has learned about that could store just their color vision.  that isn't a guarantee, but I personally consider it likely, and I think it is plausible that someone who had studied the science of how vision works might be able to store not just the entire color vision, but the individual components of it - basically the cells responsible for color vision mostly come in 3 different types (some people actually have 4, but that's rare), and each of them is sort of responsive to a different wavelength of light, and then the brain puts all those responses together to form the actual color, so a well-educated ferruchemist might be able to single each of those out separately.

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7 hours ago, Dunkum said:

Brandon's usual answer to these sorts of questions is that it depends on perception.  I personally can't come up with a reasonable system where night vision would be considered separate, but that doesn't make it impossible. on the other hand, physically color vision is handled by special cells in the eyes, and works sort of adjacent to the part of our vision that perceives the intensity of light, so it would very much make sense that someone who has learned about that could store just their color vision.  that isn't a guarantee, but I personally consider it likely, and I think it is plausible that someone who had studied the science of how vision works might be able to store not just the entire color vision, but the individual components of it - basically the cells responsible for color vision mostly come in 3 different types (some people actually have 4, but that's rare), and each of them is sort of responsive to a different wavelength of light, and then the brain puts all those responses together to form the actual color, so a well-educated ferruchemist might be able to single each of those out separately.

Wouldn't that mean that someone who has done the research and was a Tineye would have their color vision automatically heightened? Similar to having the third heightening.  

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5 hours ago, Dancer said:

Wouldn't that mean that someone who has done the research and was a Tineye would have their color vision automatically heightened? Similar to having the third heightening.  

Maybe, but with allomancy, it heightens all senses to begin with, so it might already be doing that.  with tin ferruchemy, you have to pick and choose which sense to tap/store, so I think it is going to make more of a difference there.

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3 hours ago, SwordNimiForPresident said:

If you store you sense of touch, and then later tap it while you are engaging in sexual activity, I expect there would be some pretty interesting results.

Also you would be tapping it while you were tapping it, just sayin.

very mature of you. 

There’s actually a WoB on this, so, canonically, yes.


Would tin make sex better?

Brandon Sanderson


Yes it would.

General Reddit 2019 (Oct. 28, 2019)
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15 hours ago, SwordNimiForPresident said:

If you store you sense of touch, and then later tap it while you are engaging in sexual activity, I expect there would be some pretty interesting results.


I'm pretty sure this is at least part of the reason why Straff was a sex addict, and in general probably had an addictive personality

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  • 1 year later...

Perhaps, might not be possible, the increased reaction time you get when burning a-atium could be stored, or just the natural sense of danger or awareness. Another unlikely one could be the ability to feel emotions, or the strength of the emotion, as I would classify those as senses that the brain creates and picks up.

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4 hours ago, SirWatermelon said:

Another unlikely one could be the ability to feel emotions, or the strength of the emotion, as I would classify those as senses that the brain creates and picks up.

That definitely strikes me as more of a mental effect.

...Pft, maybe that's what an atium-tin alloy stores.

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56 minutes ago, Halyo_Alex said:

That definitely strikes me as more of a mental effect.

...Pft, maybe that's what an atium-tin alloy stores.

that would be really interesting actually, though i'd guess brass or zinc, not tin. would basically give someone the ability to soothe/riot themself.  and I imagine if you were being actively rioted you could store the excess emotion, as it were. I dunno if Brandon has decided yet what all those alloys would do, but that would be a good choice for one of them if he hasn't

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4 hours ago, Dunkum said:

that would be really interesting actually, though i'd guess brass or zinc, not tin. would basically give someone the ability to soothe/riot themself.  and I imagine if you were being actively rioted you could store the excess emotion, as it were. I dunno if Brandon has decided yet what all those alloys would do, but that would be a good choice for one of them if he hasn't

Well, the allomantic chart at least says that ALL Atium alloys have mental/temporal effects. So "storing your sense of emotion" would fit for feruchemical tin-atium.

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