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1 hour ago, revelryintheart said:

Edit: also how do I help someone who's going through a breakup lol

Good question. I'd say be there for them. Listen to them. It helps to just have someone to talk to. 

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On 10/9/2020 at 8:01 PM, revelryintheart said:

Edit: also how do I help someone who's going through a breakup lol

Chocolate. It's the best. And this may sound like craziness, but dark chocolate is the best type of chocolate for going through a breakup. Be there for your friend, but don't try to control the situation, or their feelings. 


I'm a single pringle definitely not ready to mingle. I went through a really bad breakup back in March (like giving away your dignity for a smile, losing 2 of your best friends, and getting a bunch of your secrets told to a bunch of people without you knowing until 4 weeks after the fact, and just a whole lot of problematic stuff that my post is already too long to get into), then just when I try out the dating thing again in the summer I find out that the guy has a bunch of issues, and so I break up with him, only for him to turn around and start dating my bestest best friend, after he sulks for a week threatening to kill himself and/or do something harmful to other people.

And even though he's dating her now, he still doesn't like me and doesn't like the fact that my best friend is still best friends with me (even though we've been best friends WAY longer than he has even know about her), and its just an all around crazy show. His issues are getting worse, but my friend is too worried about him and too "in love" (which in my opinion is just her worried that she won't have a chance at a boyfreind ever again if she stops this one, which is not true) to see the issues and break up with him before something goes wrong. She's trying to "fix" him, which is a bad idea in my opinion, and now I'm walking a fine line between loving her, letting her know I don't really approve and just want what's best for her, and not getting beat up by him (because I have been warned that if I push his buttons and make him upset he will hit me. And not gently. I have made it clear that if that happens I am getting authority involved and he won't get the better of me) So that is a lovely situation I've got myself into. Relationships are way too complicated. 

And since I don't want repeats of either of those happening ever again (and they are my only experiences in romantic relationships), I have decided that I am going to be the slightly crazy rich lady everyone calls Aunty, who spoils her friend's children with thing's she bought on her many travels. And then when I'm older I will be like Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle, or Mrs. De-Vine, but without the dead husband. :P Single pringle and proud of it. All the single ladies, put your hands up!

Anyways, this nice, crazy, long-winded rant just to introduce myself to this thread. And to rant to complete strangers about the troubles in my life, because hey, isn't that what the internet is good for?  

Edited by Cosmical Existence
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1 hour ago, Shard of Reading said:

@DramaQueen it has recently come to my attention that your RP character is in a relationship. What do you have to say for yourself?

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I thought you were a single pringle! You have betrayed us!


I am. My RP character is not. We are not one and the same, believe it or not.

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On 10/19/2020 at 2:22 PM, Cosmical Existence said:

Chocolate. It's the best. And this may sound like craziness, but dark chocolate is the best type of chocolate for going through a breakup. Be there for your friend, but don't try to control the situation, or their feelings. 


I'm a single pringle definitely not ready to mingle. I went through a really bad breakup back in March (like giving away your dignity for a smile, losing 2 of your best friends, and getting a bunch of your secrets told to a bunch of people without you knowing until 4 weeks after the fact, and just a whole lot of problematic stuff that my post is already too long to get into), then just when I try out the dating thing again in the summer I find out that the guy has a bunch of issues, and so I break up with him, only for him to turn around and start dating my bestest best friend, after he sulks for a week threatening to kill himself and/or do something harmful to other people.

And even though he's dating her now, he still doesn't like me and doesn't like the fact that my best friend is still best friends with me (even though we've been best friends WAY longer than he has even know about her), and its just an all around crazy show. His issues are getting worse, but my friend is too worried about him and too "in love" (which in my opinion is just her worried that she won't have a chance at a boyfreind ever again if she stops this one, which is not true) to see the issues and break up with him before something goes wrong. She's trying to "fix" him, which is a bad idea in my opinion, and now I'm walking a fine line between loving her, letting her know I don't really approve and just want what's best for her, and not getting beat up by him (because I have been warned that if I push his buttons and make him upset he will hit me. And not gently. I have made it clear that if that happens I am getting authority involved and he won't get the better of me) So that is a lovely situation I've got myself into. Relationships are way too complicated. 

And since I don't want repeats of either of those happening ever again (and they are my only experiences in romantic relationships), I have decided that I am going to be the slightly crazy rich lady everyone calls Aunty, who spoils her friend's children with thing's she bought on her many travels. And then when I'm older I will be like Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle, or Mrs. De-Vine, but without the dead husband. :P Single pringle and proud of it. All the single ladies, put your hands up!

Anyways, this nice, crazy, long-winded rant just to introduce myself to this thread. And to rant to complete strangers about the troubles in my life, because hey, isn't that what the internet is good for?  

Oof, that’s pretty bad. If I were you, I’d tell your friend to get out of that relationship ASAP. It’s almost cliche how many ‘red flags’ there are, just from what you’ve told.

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1 hour ago, Danex said:

Oof, that’s pretty bad. If I were you, I’d tell your friend to get out of that relationship ASAP. It’s almost cliche how many ‘red flags’ there are, just from what you’ve told.

I've told her. Like I said, I've been trying to let her know what I fell about it, and not putting a wedge between us (and possibly getting in trouble myself in the process). It's hard, and I almost wish I didn't love her so much so I could just leave and be free and clear of this mess. 

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16 hours ago, Bearer of all agonies said:

Thats a really hard position you are in. Have you thought of asking for advice from someone proffesional? Like an adult in your life? 

I am the adult in my life. Well, I have other adults around me, but it's hard to ask for help and advice. The people I have talked to are saying that I'm doing pretty good, and that there isn't much more I can do. I can't control my friend, and since the guy hasn't done anything yet I can't involve the authorities yet. (Notice the key word, "yet". It will probably come to that) 

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On 10/22/2020 at 6:36 AM, Cosmical Existence said:

I am the adult in my life. Well, I have other adults around me, but it's hard to ask for help and advice. The people I have talked to are saying that I'm doing pretty good, and that there isn't much more I can do. I can't control my friend, and since the guy hasn't done anything yet I can't involve the authorities yet. (Notice the key word, "yet". It will probably come to that) 

Support her.  You've told her how you feel and why so all you can really do is support her.  Let her know that you are there if she ever needs someone.

While you may want to feel like taking her by the shoulders and shake her until she listens, you can't and it will only drive her deeper into his control.  Instead be her best friend, let her know she can tell you anything.  If she does show up with bruises and the like, take photos, covertly if necessary, as they can be a big help should the authorities get involved.

Or alternatively, if you have some intimidating friends, let them know what's going on and suggest they might want to have a little 'chat' with the boyfriend.  This might get him to back off or it could backfire and he will snap and take it out on her or she finds out and it drives a wedge between the two of you.

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10 hours ago, revelryintheart said:

emi you're young you shouldn't have a boyfriend anyways

My friend is younger than me and she has a boyfriend and it’s a very serious relationship. Like they are together for more than a half of the year now and they are doing very good.

Other thing is that I don’t want a boyfriend now, because I don’t like any boys from my class this way. 

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