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41 minutes ago, Tani said:

@Thaidakar the Ghostblood are you not allowed to PM with only one other person there or are you not allowed to PM? Am I allowed to know?

it's not that im not allowed to pm. im not allowed to share personal info... I was saying that stuff because if I went further with what I was saying to doomie it would reveal my age, something I would rather not have out in the open.

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1 hour ago, Doomslug The Destroyer said:

...oh right it's bad to reveal your age. it's been open on my profile and ive openly said it for a few months now. i also did a face reveal.


have i revealed too much ab myself...?

Nah. I'm not a stalker or anything. Lol. Aside from the face reveal, my profile has all the same info as yours

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ok people.

i've come to an impasse with myself.

remember that rant ab me having a huge crush on this one girl I know?

I set a deadline for myself that I'd tell her in June, which is when my bday is, which is the age I can start dating (parental and religious rules)

I am unsure if I can/want to wait that long to tell her.

How do I put this...

I've technically dated 2 other girls, one for 2 years, the other for a few months. These 2 relationships were insanely different from each other. Mostly because the girls' personalities were different as well.

But to hold feelings like this in for 2 months, without a vent...

Ok I've had some vents. Both here, and to another friend, but that's beside the point!!

What i'm trying to say is, 

I like her a lot. Like, a lot a lot.

And I've been holding these emotions inside for a while. And I don't know how much longer I can let them simmer before they bubble up and over the rim of the pot.

And I'm worried.

What if the words just burst out, then keep going? And it's awkward? I don't want that to happen. i want it to happen sort of like that, but I control when it happens, and I have at least some control over what I say.

I don't know what to doooooo

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp meeeeeeeeeeee pleaaaaaaaaaseeeee.

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On 4/16/2022 at 6:27 PM, Doomslug The Destroyer said:

ok people.

i've come to an impasse with myself.

remember that rant ab me having a huge crush on this one girl I know?

I set a deadline for myself that I'd tell her in June, which is when my bday is, which is the age I can start dating (parental and religious rules)

I am unsure if I can/want to wait that long to tell her.

How do I put this...

I've technically dated 2 other girls, one for 2 years, the other for a few months. These 2 relationships were insanely different from each other. Mostly because the girls' personalities were different as well.

But to hold feelings like this in for 2 months, without a vent...

Ok I've had some vents. Both here, and to another friend, but that's beside the point!!

What i'm trying to say is, 

I like her a lot. Like, a lot a lot.

And I've been holding these emotions inside for a while. And I don't know how much longer I can let them simmer before they bubble up and over the rim of the pot.

And I'm worried.

What if the words just burst out, then keep going? And it's awkward? I don't want that to happen. i want it to happen sort of like that, but I control when it happens, and I have at least some control over what I say.

I don't know what to doooooo

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp meeeeeeeeeeee pleaaaaaaaaaseeeee.

I've been there.  I told someone I liked him, and yes, it was a little awkward.  Stuff like this tends to be awkward, I think.  But that's part of the journey, in a way.  Overcoming that awkwardness to share your feelings takes bravery.  My advice would be to think about what you want to say, and then, whether you wait until June or earlier, just say it.

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1 minute ago, Spren of Kindness said:

I've been there.  I told someone I liked him, and yes, it was a little awkward.  Stuff like this tends to be awkward, I think.  But that's part of the journey, in a way.  Overcoming that awkwardness to share your feelings takes bravery.  My advice would be to think about what you want to say, and then, whether you wait until June or earlier, just say it.

I know it's all part of the journey, and that awkwardness is unavoidable. And thanks for the advice, I'm honestly never not thinking about how that interaction is gonna go.

But another point, is that what if it scares her away? What then?

I know I keep just talking about this, and I should probably stop, I'm sorry.

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1 minute ago, Doomslug The Destroyer said:

I know it's all part of the journey, and that awkwardness is unavoidable. And thanks for the advice, I'm honestly never not thinking about how that interaction is gonna go.

But another point, is that what if it scares her away? What then?

I know I keep just talking about this, and I should probably stop, I'm sorry.

Hey, that's fine, I did the same thing to my sister once.  Talking is really helpful!

Honestly?  I don't have much advice for that.  I was very lucky, in that the guy in question was a very kind, mature person, and so that was never really a worry for me that I had to deal with.  Just... trust that it's going to work out.  Depending on the person, that might mean giving some time and space to think before gently revisiting the topic.

I'm not sure if that helps, but that's sort of what my thoughts are.

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That's... actually a really good idea. Thank you. The option to tell her, and then give her some space before either bringing it up myself again, or waiting for her to bring it up, is absolutely a lifesaver. I can't believe I hadn't thought of that.

Thank you :D

Also I completely relate to your rank title lmao.

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Sorry for the double post, but I would like to share a traumatizing event I just went through. Also it's been like 5 days.

So, I was telling me and my crushes mutual friend ab how I get to spend like all day with her tmrw.

and she said "yeah you're making gay cinnamon rolls with your crush who does not like you back at all"

i knew this

but the convo kinda went downhill from there

bc church is hosting a little prom tmrw night, and K (crush) will be there, so I am excited.

Now, apparently, mutual friend (T) was talking to K ab that. And how we're going to it.

K made it clear to T that it was just as friends, and T texted me as such, but in such a way that I then became super super anxious, and had a mini freak out while I waited for T to explain how she knew that "she doesn't like you back at all." which I knew, but it was worded horribly, so I was anxious and sad.

now, everything was cleared up, but it was traumatizing bc i got scared. I also may have yelled at T, which is bad because it's rly mean (and other reasons i wont disclose), so i've been profusely apologizing for like 5 minutes.

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On 4/16/2022 at 6:27 PM, Doomslug The Destroyer said:

ok people.

i've come to an impasse with myself.

remember that rant ab me having a huge crush on this one girl I know?

I set a deadline for myself that I'd tell her in June, which is when my bday is, which is the age I can start dating (parental and religious rules)

I am unsure if I can/want to wait that long to tell her.

How do I put this...

I've technically dated 2 other girls, one for 2 years, the other for a few months. These 2 relationships were insanely different from each other. Mostly because the girls' personalities were different as well.

But to hold feelings like this in for 2 months, without a vent...

Ok I've had some vents. Both here, and to another friend, but that's beside the point!!

What i'm trying to say is, 

I like her a lot. Like, a lot a lot.

And I've been holding these emotions inside for a while. And I don't know how much longer I can let them simmer before they bubble up and over the rim of the pot.

And I'm worried.

What if the words just burst out, then keep going? And it's awkward? I don't want that to happen. i want it to happen sort of like that, but I control when it happens, and I have at least some control over what I say.

I don't know what to doooooo

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp meeeeeeeeeeee pleaaaaaaaaaseeeee.

On 4/22/2022 at 6:19 PM, Doomslug The Destroyer said:

Sorry for the double post, but I would like to share a traumatizing event I just went through. Also it's been like 5 days.

So, I was telling me and my crushes mutual friend ab how I get to spend like all day with her tmrw.

and she said "yeah you're making gay cinnamon rolls with your crush who does not like you back at all"

i knew this

but the convo kinda went downhill from there

bc church is hosting a little prom tmrw night, and K (crush) will be there, so I am excited.

Now, apparently, mutual friend (T) was talking to K ab that. And how we're going to it.

K made it clear to T that it was just as friends, and T texted me as such, but in such a way that I then became super super anxious, and had a mini freak out while I waited for T to explain how she knew that "she doesn't like you back at all." which I knew, but it was worded horribly, so I was anxious and sad.

now, everything was cleared up, but it was traumatizing bc i got scared. I also may have yelled at T, which is bad because it's rly mean (and other reasons i wont disclose), so i've been profusely apologizing for like 5 minutes.

*tries not to say it* alright I'll say it.

the drama has begun (I mean it already has.)

um, I want to say something encouraging and inspirational, but nothing's coming to me. sooo, good luck?

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right so update: i posted an update in the Good News Thread in General Discussion forum, but I've recieved some revelation since then.

so another update:

I hung out with K yesterday, we're gonna write something together, and yesterday was the brainstorming session (well, one of them) and during that, at some point during our convo, she said she's really good at 'reading people.' Now, knowing her long as I have, I truly believe that. She followed up by saying that she doesn't read people in the moment, she reads them and unconsciously files away said 'reading' of the person. Once someone brings up that person, or something specific about that person, K remembers the 'reading' and realizes things ab the person.

This made me worried, because what if she's realized I have a crush on her?? I'm decent at reading people as well, so I don't think she has, and instead, we're just absolutely best friends, and nothing's gonna stop that >:D

I was sent a meme, called the ADHD iceberg. And for below the iceberg, it listed a bunch of weird criterion. One of them was "Being a good kisser," and I was going through the 6-7 criteria with K, and we reached "Being a good kisser." She said something along the lines of questioningly guessing. I responded "Why, do you wanna know if I am?"

She laughed and said, "No, never."

Doomslug-from-2-months-ago would have internally started crying.

But funnily enough, I think the crush is weakening. Not going away, I don't think it'll ever do that, but it is mellowing. 

Doomslug-from-today can live with that, because I'm already in an awesome relationship with this amazing girl who is absolutely my best friend in the whole world.

So, until further notice, I'm happily in this topic.

Thanks for reading.

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1 minute ago, Doomslug The Destroyer said:


right so update: i posted an update in the Good News Thread in General Discussion forum, but I've recieved some revelation since then.

so another update:

I hung out with K yesterday, we're gonna write something together, and yesterday was the brainstorming session (well, one of them) and during that, at some point during our convo, she said she's really good at 'reading people.' Now, knowing her long as I have, I truly believe that. She followed up by saying that she doesn't read people in the moment, she reads them and unconsciously files away said 'reading' of the person. Once someone brings up that person, or something specific about that person, K remembers the 'reading' and realizes things ab the person.

This made me worried, because what if she's realized I have a crush on her?? I'm decent at reading people as well, so I don't think she has, and instead, we're just absolutely best friends, and nothing's gonna stop that >:D

I was sent a meme, called the ADHD iceberg. And for below the iceberg, it listed a bunch of weird criterion. One of them was "Being a good kisser," and I was going through the 6-7 criteria with K, and we reached "Being a good kisser." She said something along the lines of questioningly guessing. I responded "Why, do you wanna know if I am?"

She laughed and said, "No, never."

Doomslug-from-2-months-ago would have internally started crying.

But funnily enough, I think the crush is weakening. Not going away, I don't think it'll ever do that, but it is mellowing. 

Doomslug-from-today can live with that, because I'm already in an awesome relationship with this amazing girl who is absolutely my best friend in the whole world.

So, until further notice, I'm happily in this topic.

Thanks for reading.

nice. it would be hilarious if said girl became a sander fan and started scrolling this thread.

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Just now, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

nice. it would be hilarious if said girl became a sander fan and started scrolling this thread.

she'd be lucky to know that the account Doomslug The Destroyer is her best friend

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