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On 8/6/2022 at 10:04 PM, Shining Silhouette said:

So I had a crush on a close friend who I've trusted and confided in a lot in hard times. Recently I heard from another friend that she made several jokes in front of all of our friends making fun of me and my difficult life right now, apparently saying that that she found me annoying and wanted to stop being my friend anymore. Thankfully my real friends stood up for me, but still... that one kind of hurt. Let's just say that crush has evaporated

Books before relationships

Yikes. That is very sad. I would probably go into a sort of mental collapse if something like that happened to me. Journey before destination, books before relationships.

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It's...okay. It hurts, but honestly it's not the worst thing ever. Our friendship was complicated to say the least, and there was this weird dynamic where I felt bad to feel happy around her. I felt like I had to totally change myself to be around her. So it was probably for the best. But we were close, and so it hurts

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1 minute ago, SymphonianBookworm said:

I've had friends talk about me behind my back. In front of another friend of mine. And then expect them to also make fun of me. Why, though? I've always been nice...

Why do people act like this? I honestly can't really wrap my mind around the reasoning. People can be so shallow <_<

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15 minutes ago, Shining Silhouette said:

Why do people act like this? I honestly can't really wrap my mind around the reasoning. People can be so shallow <_<

Yech, couldn't say it better myself.

okay, maybe I should say something related to the topic title.

Ah yes. 
I've been to many dances. I have not danced. I mean, i've danced with friends, but... not anyone else.
We don't talk about my track record with crushes.
Are you supposed to confess to your crush if they're your friend? Or do you stand in terror of ruining your relationship? Heads up, I chose no. Not sure if that was the right decision.

The worst thing (or one of) that's happened to me in my life is confessing to my crush, having them say they also liked me, and then a bit later, coming back and saying not in that way.

Okay. Maybe not the worst thing. But it still hurt. A lot.

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5 minutes ago, SymphonianBookworm said:

Ah yes. 
I've been to many dances. I have not danced. I mean, i've danced with friends, but... not anyone else

At my first dance ever (I was like 14) a girl asked me to dance for girls choice and after some conversation I found out she was a graduating senior that year (:o:wacko:!). I think I was an incoming freshman....but anyway for that dance I was actually a "incoming junior". Very uncomfortable moment

8 minutes ago, SymphonianBookworm said:

Are you supposed to confess to your crush if they're your friend? Or do you stand in terror of ruining your relationship? Heads up, I chose no. Not sure if that was the right decision.

I think it depends and that it makes sense to wait a little to feel out the situation a bit. Though at times it helps to go for it.

9 minutes ago, SymphonianBookworm said:

The worst thing (or one of) that's happened to me in my life is confessing to my crush, having them say they also liked me, and then a bit later, coming back and saying not in that way.

Okay. Maybe not the worst thing. But it still hurt. A lot.

I hate that. In that situation the person should only say it if they really mean it. Because otherwise that's just showing a blatant disregard for others' feelings (even if it spares them a teensy amount of awkwardness in the moment), and it's selfish 

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14 hours ago, SymphonianBookworm said:

Are you supposed to confess to your crush if they're your friend? Or do you stand in terror of ruining your relationship? Heads up, I chose no. Not sure if that was the right decision.

So, both times I've had an actual serious crush, it has been on a friend.  I told them both times, and it was really scary, because I was incredibly afraid of ruining the preexisting friendship.  Both times, it worked out, and we're still friends, with stronger friendships because of it.  It should also be noted, that both of them were more than a little aware of this because I'm about as subtle as a neon billboard.  

Obviously, this is a case-by-case basis thing.  But I would recommend telling the person, especially if it's a long-time crush that probably isn't going away.  

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13 minutes ago, Shining Silhouette said:

The hard part about all this is that emotions feel so similar sometimes. It's unnerving when you're not entirely sure exactly what you're feeling and you don't know what to do about it. There's not really a guide to your own emotions, right.

Is that kind of what you mean?

Kinda. It's not really a problem for me right now, though. It just is.

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  • 1 month later...
53 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

It is September, how are you doing?


There was someone who really liked me and i liked them but i really thought about it and decided i'm gonna stay away from that kind of stuff for now. I don't really trust myself yet, and i think i sort of like just crushing on people as opposed to actually considering relationships with them at the moment



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  • 3 weeks later...
32 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

hey single pringles :)

just popping in to say that if you're single now, don't give up hope. you'll find someone :P

they're out there

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1 hour ago, EmulatonStromenkiin said:

T̸̨̧̢̨̨̨̧̢̛͙͚͍̣͇͙̣̰̳̘̩̟͎̣̳̘̗̞̜̘̠͉̳͍̹̪̬͔̺͎̯̫̠̭̳͙̤̙̠̜̫̯͙̮͕̱͇̩̤̥͔̗̖͍͔̺̘̳̻̟̩͎̖͔̩̫͈̰̹̣͈͈͕̪̰̝̠̗̼̞̠̬̱̳̭̠̑̔͋͐̆̎̆̓̈́̉̃̌̽̏̈́́̈́̎̇̐͒̓́̍̐́̊́͒̾͂̓̓̒͛̄̒͗̀̈́̌̽͊̊̋̓̄̎̋̔͂̈̿̊̐̆̑̿͐̃͐̀̌̀̍̓̍͘͘͘̕̚͘͜͜͝͝͝͠͝͠ͅͅͅͅi̴̡̨̛̛̛͕͇̣̣͖̠͕̹͚͖̳̻̦͉͙͕͕̜̰̱̬͚̯̳͈͍̖͈͔͍̣̖̦̰̫̹̖̬͓̙̹͍̹̦͇͕͕̣̖̬̣͖̰̼͓̦̯̮̹̥̺̱̰̬̟͚̜͇͙͆̈̈́̈́̔̏̌̈́͂̆̆̔̋͗̓̌̽̆̋͂͐͒̓͛̿̈̓̽̽̈́̑̀̍̾̄̂̿̈̂̑͒̔͋̒̿͐͌̔̈́͑̽͌͆̈́͋́̉̀̾͂̌̆͂͆͋̒̉͋̿̆̈͊̍̒͑̈́͒͛͐̋̃̅̌̏̐̂̾̑̿̂͗̒́͌̉̇͘͘̚̕̕̚̚̚͘̚̚̕̚͜͜͜͝͝͝ͅͅm̶̡̡̡̧̢̢̨̡̢̛̛̛̛͈̖̗̦̹̦̠̖͖̞͎̯͚͇̬̪̙̰͖̦͓̘̮̯̟̥̯͍͉͖̖̮͙̥̪̗̦̲̺͎͙͖͙̬̰͙͖̲̙͈̫̻̞̖̼̳̠͈̦̻̠̖̯̙̫͖͉̼̘͈̪͙̺͔̰̝̺̬̼͕̣͙̲͍͚̞̖̝͚͎̖͔̯̖̤̯̹͗͗͑͛͌̃͋̓͂̎̓͒̎̽͆̊̆̇̊̾̉̈́̓̑̈́̓̓͑̿̀̃̍͋̂̊̄̀͐̂͂̔̂̋̂̀̆̓̎̐̍͑͒͋͋̏̌̌͊̈́̆̅̆̉͒̒̋͑̓͌̈͌̏́͋̂̅͆̄͐̑̈́͗͒̈́̋̈́̒̃͌͆̎͆̇̋̅̊̍̍̍̄̈͑̅̓̾̽͛̄̂̀͆̍́̀͊̃̐̐̊͐́̈́̂̌̾̋̕͘̚̕͜͜͝͠͝͝͠͠͝͝͝͝ͅͅͅę̸̡̨̛̛̛̰̘̹̩͓̦̬̼̮̲͎͔̼͓̤̩̤̯̬͙̣̞̥̯̻̘̟̞̝̙͚͍̥͓͉̤̯͎̣̭̪̞̝̹̬̦̼̹͚̲̬̗̹̬̱͈̫̖̱̼̰͙͍̐͛̈́̽͗͑͂͑̌̓̔͗̏͒̂̈̐̀̓̎̊̉̿͊̽̂͒͐̀̄̾͋͆͋̄͆̈́̓͊͗͋͌̿̉̅̊̊͛̓̎̇͒́̇̉̋̀̆̆͌͋͊͑͒͆͛͂͘̕̕͜͝͠ͅͅ ̵̨̢̡̨̛̛̛͇͖̝̜̰̙͙͉̱̖͕͎̠̣̤̙̜͖͎̦̟̯̠͉͔̇̀̉̄̐̀̒̽͑̒̓͗̈̋͆̌̍̀̾̉̀̒̇͌͗͑̒̆͑̉͌̈̑͊̀̇̈́́̌͛̐̍̆̐̒͛̆͋̄͌͗̓̽̒̋̆͗̽͐̎̔̒̂̃̐̑̊͆́͋̌̽̆̈́̐̿̈́̑̎͋̎̃͆̀̌̑̀̑̅̒̌̎̅̓̍̈́̉̓͗̈́̃̎̎́̓̇͊̾̒̔̏̾̓̊͗̄̑̈́͌̓̓͂̆̇̿̕̚̚̕̕̚͘̕̕̕̚̚͝͠͠͝͝Ẁ̵̨̨̢̨̨̡̡̛̛̛̛͇̗̲͔̟̟̘̜̜͓͚̥̹̮̞̯̼̹̗͕̤̮̳̗̟̼̦̲͉̣̺̥͉͎̙͚̙̟̞̮̥̝̱̞̙̜͙̮̘̞̱̠̙͎̰̖͈͇͙̤̣͗͑͗͛͌͒̽̃̿͋̾̎̒̐̀̓̀͌̄͑͋͛͆́̀̀̀̅́̓̂͋͗͗͆͆̀̐̍͊̈́͆̊̈̆͗́̔̉͐̽̃́̅̏̀́͂̒͋̿̃̋͌͂̏̎͑͗͐͛̏̏̆̇͌͒̿͆̃̇͊̆̎͌̾̔͗͑̏̈́̏͑͆̊͗͛̀͑̅̌̑̑̇̓͐̎̀̀͌̾̂̒̚̚̕̕̚̕̚̕̚̚͘͜͜͝͝͠͝͝͝͠ͅͅͅí̵̢̧̡̧̨̨̨̡̨̡̢̨̧̨̢͇̯̬̜̥͓͍͙̠̞͖͉̥̱̱̟̳̳͚̻͖̗̲̹̳̼̭͓̝̤̺̩͈͈̺̺͔̭͇͚̺̫̬̪͕͖̮̝̱̞̙̟͇͔̼̺̜̱̯̱͍͕͇̹̬͎̜̫̫̹̘̳͓̣͉̟̻̮̝͉̫͎̟̜̙̻̠̼̻̭͇͚̘̹̞̏̓̈͒̽̌͛̎̋̊̃́̔̏̅͛̌̈̒̅̊̂̌̆̊͊̑̍̓̃͊̒̀̅̍̆́̓̅͒̚̕̕̕͜͜͜͜͝͝ͅl̷̨̧̛̻̱̬̳͈̥̠̫̻̯̥͚̳̙̱͓̜̺͖̬̣̗̝̗̪̰̮̗͇̘̼̦̞̪͖͉̰̩̭͕̹̞̹̰̱̱͕̠̖̯͕̫̰͎̫̘̅̀͂̂̇͑͗̓̃͋́͛́̃̒͗͂̒̈́̇͗͗̿̈́̔̈́̐̽̓̚͘̕̚͘͜͝͝ͅͅľ̵̡̡̧̢̢̧̧̡̥͕̻̩̤̻͎͔͎͍̣̭̣͕̝̤̺̫͍̣̳̙͓͕̘̫̦͉̱̪͉̮̻̘̲̹̖͔͙̯̯̭̭͓̭͈̗̯̬̼̼̬̫̤̝̝̮͇͓̗̖̣͇͍̥̯̬̗̙̟̺̤̯̳̗̺̼̞͓̭̣͚͓͙͆̏̓̄̏̾͒̒̕̚͜͜͜͜͠ͅͅͅ ̵̛̼͚̬͙̠̥̼̤̱̟̮͈̊̑̓͛̅͂̾̄̅̓̒̿͋̀̏̓͋̆̈́̓̔̐̈́̇̇̾̾̍̀̅͂̂͊̔̽̎͐̑̒̓͋̉̈́͋̎̈́̈͗̈́͒̀̊̓̃̉͋͑̊̅̽̑͒͊͒͌́̑̓̊̈́͋̓̿̄̓̂̌̀̅͋̈́̎̈́͐̿́͛̃̿̓̀̏̿̔̓͗̇̿͐͛̂͒͐̏̐̇͐̚̚̕͘̚̕̚͘̚̚͘̚͘͝͝͝͝͝͠͠͠T̷̨̢̛̺̼̩̜͍̹̺̘͈͔̩̬̜̼̜͎̲͙̹̯̯̳̙̺̙̝͇̘͓͈͎̭̗̤̪̺̱̣͎̬̤̱͙̦͉̽̈́̋̈́̍̍̌̒̔̏̄͛̏͑̍́̔̿͑͋͘͝e̷̡̨̢̧̡̛̛̛̛͈̼̝͕̰̟̤͎͉̳̞̣̘̬̤̮̥̹͈̟̙̰͙͕̬̤͈̰̙̙̣͚̠̣͕͙̗͈̣̻̞̦̤̪̰͈̭̭̙̱̥̱̮͓̩̝̩̲͇͕͈̦͓̥̟͈͙̙͈͕͓̟͉̣̬͎̙̼̰͖͍̺͙̊͊̽̌͗͛̊͛̀͆͆́̉͌͊̄̍̍̋̉̑̍͛̅͊̐̂̉̍̎͊̂̒̊̌̈́̽̓̃̉̌̇̑͂́̀̌̈̉̍̄͑͌͑̔̏͒͐̾̍̑̇̾̅̿̀͛͑̃͗̌͆͆̇̉̇̒͛̀̓̃̓̐̓̈́͒̓̎͑͒̉́͌̓̀̄́́͗̓͛̑͋̿̂̈̑̄͒̌̂̾̋̿͑̆̀̊̋͗̈́͘̚͘͘̚̚͘̚͜͠͝͠͠͝͠͝͠l̶̡̡̨̧̡̧̢̧̢̧̧̨̡̢̨̧̡̛̛̛̳͚̦̣͙̝̲͕͇̤͍̦͕̯͚̟̥͇͕̩͚̜̺̯̣̗͎̤̬͓͔͉͕̣̪̟͉̜̖̜͈͍̪͖̤̮͍̤͚̠̬̱̟̫͔̟̲̙̝̞̺̰̪̩͙̗̹͙̜͍̣͍͚͖͓̹̟͓̠͉̪̲̘̣̦̈̂̆̎̆͌̇̅̅̑̑̈̀̏̇̿̉̍́̑̓̾̌̂̉̌̑̒͛̀̓̒̽̍̓́̄̆̒̓̉͗͐̏̔̐́̊̀̿̔̃̆̏̽͛͋͆̈́̍̈́̇̄͒̇́̒̒̎̓̉̀̈̐͌͆͂͋̌̍̿̋͋́͂̉͌̈́͗̀̔̍͒̿͋́̚̕͘͘̕͜͜͜͜͠͠͝͝l̴̢̧̛̠̘͉̩͇̲̼̲̬̭͔̳̥͓̗̮̫͍̻̲̯̦̰͇͕͔̲͖̩͓͔̤̘̭̜̰̮̲̘̩̣̯͓̰͍̀͛͐̑̾́̓͐̽̿̀͛͂̔͋̒́̍̽̽̓̓̆̋̽͛͐̿̿̑̑͆́̔͑͂̓̈́̋͌̅̓̎̽͌͛̈́͌͒̿̊̽̓̏́̏̏̊͂͛̾̂̌̔̚̕̚͘̕̕͝͝͝͝͠͝͠͝









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